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The Rogue [Finally Updated! X_X]

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:18 pm
Yes, this is a fanfic of Starfox. However, none of the established Starfox characters make an appearance, and are mentioned in name only.

But yeah...This is an art/writing section after all, and I still have yet to see very many authors post their work, so, I figured, what the hell, why not?

Erm...Like I mentioned in the topic, this story contains some pretty strong language. Keep that in mind. However, if requested, I will censor it, but hopefully, it won't be to much of a problem.

Anyway, This story takes place just after the assault on Cornaria in Starfox 64. As it is a work in progress, I'll post more when I have it, but feel free to leave comments between segments! I appreciate any feed back I recieve, be it good or bad ^_^ Ok, enough rambling from me...Here's the story!

“Avril! Pull up! Damn it, pull up!”

“I'm trying! I...” A scream, then static, then nothing...she was gone.

“AVRIL!!!!” I screamed into my helmet's mike. Flashes erupted all around me, shaking my ship, a modified Maverick aerospace fighter. My head smacked against the console, and I felt my helmet cut into the flesh just above my left eye. Blood trickled down my cheek, fortunately not going into my eye. I also tasted blood in my mouth, and knew that I had probably bit my lip, too. But I didn't even think about it. My left paw tightened its grip on the throttle, my right on the flight stick.

“You bastards...” I muttered. “You sons of bitches are going to pay for this!” I shoved the throttle forward to full, the engines of my fighter roaring with new life as more power was fed to them. I was thrown back slightly into my seat until the inertial dampers caught up with the sudden acceleration.

“Van, what the hell do you think you're doing?” a voice called over my headset. A scowl crossed my muzzle.

“None of your damned business, Micah!” I growled, then cut off the audio feed. I knew that Micah would be pissed, but I didn't care. Those monkey bastards had taken my love from me, and I was going to make them pay with their lives.

My finger rested lightly on the flight stick’s trigger as I maneuvered my fighter behind one of the enemies heavies, a slow, but powerful Altair. The cockpit sat dead center, with three massive engines and long, swept forward wings, each mounted with four lasers and, running alongside the nose of the fighter, were two torpedo tubes, with a third along the belly of the fighter. Perfect for taking out capital ships. I knew that if I let that thing get a bead on me, I was as good as dead...that's what happened to Avril. Mine, was considerably smaller, with two lasers and a single torpedo tube, but what I lacked in firepower, I made up with in shear speed and maneuverability.

I swung in behind the Altair, knowing full well that once I was on that bastards tail, he was done. There was no way that thing could outmaneuver my Maverick, configured for greater maneuverability and speed than the standard model. After a few moments, I had moved behind him, and my jaw dropped. There, on the wing of the Altair, was a skull with a dagger through it. I recognized that symbol. This was the guy that killed Avril.

A growl rose in my throat as I moved in closer. A warning siren replaced the lock on tone, but I ignored it, becoming completely single minded in my goal. Kill this pilot. I had to...for her.

The Altair must have noticed that I was on him, because he juked to the left, spinning. I laughed, my finger tightening on the trigger.

“You're not getting away from me, you b*****d!” I muttered darkly. Bright spears of raw energy lanced from my cannons, piercing the Altair’s center engine housing. The engine flared for a moment, then died completely. I knew that with one engine down, he wouldn't be going anywhere fast. I lined up another shot and fired, this one slamming into the left wing, sending the fighter into an out of control spin. I barked out a laugh and flicked my comm on, directed at the Altair.

“You like that, you ********? How does it feel to be slowly rendered helpless?” I said, a sense of satisfaction welling in my chest. That sense was shattered as I heard laughter over the comm. Pained, yes, but still laugher.

“I wouldn't count on that, Cornarian...Check your radar,” the monkey coughed, then I heard him spit. I glanced down at the radar, and my heart jumped into my throat. By following him, I had brought myself within firing range of a Degani class cruiser, Andross' most powerful capital ship. But, oddly enough, even after the initial shock, I wanted to take this b*****d down. Then, if I could, the Degani. I didn't think that would happen, but then, I would be able to be with Avril again.

“You know what? ******** you and your emperor,” I growled, and squeezed the trigger. Energy lanced from my ship, slamming directly into the Altair's cockpit. I heard a scream, then static as the ship was engulfed with flames, then exploded, sending debris hurling into space. Satisfaction washed over me, and a grim smile came to my muzzle.

The alarm shrilled louder, drawing me out of my satisfaction. A light flashed on my console and an alarm shrilled, telling me that the cruiser had a lock on me. They knew I was there, and it was to late to use my cloak to get away. A cruiser’s scanners were far superior to anything else, and would have easily picked me up.

I shifted slightly in my seat and took a deep breath. What I was about to do was suicide, and I knew it. Still though, some wild part of me had taken hold, and I wanted to take as many of them with me as I could.

I thumbed a switch on my stick, and the reticule on my HUD changed to a box with cross hairs. A few seconds later, another alarm sounded, this one softer than the enemy lock on. My eyes narrowed as my finger twitched on the trigger. My ears lay back against my helmet, and a soft growl escaped my throat. After a moment, I brought down the storm. I fired.

A single torpedo sped forth from the launcher, streaking blue through the empty space between me and the cruiser. My fighter rumbled from the launch, which wasn’t much of a surprise. Technically, the original launcher on a Maverick was a lot smaller that the one that I had.

My eyes tracked my torpedo as it flew towards the cruiser. Silently, I counted down the seconds until it hit. After what seemed like an eternity, the torpedo hit, blossoming into a flower of fire for the briefest second before the vacuum of space extinguished it. A chuckle bubbled from my lips, breaking out into full blown laughter. The shields. I had forgotten about the damned shields.

I looked up, and my eyes widened as a sudden realization hit me. They hadn’t seen me until the torpedo hit. I could have gotten away. It was to late now, though. Lances of energy painted the space before me. My heart jumped into my throat as I slammed the stick back, pulling my ship into a sharp climb. Fire chased me, almost like it was hunting me. The ship shook violently as one of the laser blasts tore into the underbelly. A third alarm shrieked out, and I glanced down at my damage display. Most of the underside armor was gone, and my launcher had been reduced to slag, a twisted and molten blob. It was only by shear luck that it hadn’t hit the torpedo magazine.

I gritted my teeth as I pulled into a loop and a tight cork screw, my crippled fighter somehow managing to hold together. More liquid fire rushed towards me, hungry for my blood. A second, then third shot slammed into my left engine. An explosion ripped though the fuselage, knocking me completely out of control. I could fly on one engine, but I was screwed at this point.
Thinking quickly, I opened the comm to Micah. Even if I didn’t make it back, which I didn’t think I would, I could tell him about the Degani, give him a warning. I knew that they hadn’t seen it yet, with their eyes or radars.

“Micah! Micah, can you hear me?!” I shouted, jerking the flight stick to regain control.

“Van! What the ******** are you doing?”

“Shut the hell up and listen to me! There’s a ******** Degani class out here! Either get everyone out of here or take the damned thing out!”

“What are you saying? I’m not picking up any cruisers!”

“Trust me, it’s there! It’s hot on my…s**t!!!” I screamed as another blast slammed into me, this one much harder than before. The bastards had hit me with a missile! I looked over my left shoulder just in time to see the plume of fire and most of my left wing disintegrate. The Maverick jerked towards the left, and yet another alarm sounded, as well as a light. I knew what it was without even looking. Eject, but I had no intention of doing that.

“Van, what’s going on?” I barely managed to pick out through static.

“Don’t worry about me, Micah, you just take care of everyone!” Just as I finished talking, my comm went dead. Communications were down.

Growling softly, I pulled into as tight of a corner as I could manage with the damage that I had taken. There was only one thing on my mind, and nothing I could do would change that.

“Fine, you ******** I can’t get away from you, I’ll fly straight up your asses!” I screamed, my finger hammering down on the trigger, a single laser vomiting its destructive energy. The other had went the same way as my launcher.

I pushed my crippled fighter as hard as I could, never letting up on the trigger as I sped closer and closer to the Degani. Laser fire ripped the ship apart around me, but I was to the point that I didn’t care. Suddenly, I got thrown forward, the straps that held me in the seat cutting into my arms, my head bashing the console in front of me. No alarm sounded, as my damage control systems had been destroyed, but I knew what they had hit without even looking at the display. Only one thing could make a fighter jerk that hard, besides a missile or torpedo. Ammo being hit or cooking off from an internal fire, and I knew that it was the former. Another violent explosion shook my ship, and it started to fall apart around me. I was thrown forward again, only to meet the console as it exploded. Searing pain shot through me, and I suddenly couldn’t see at all, but I could feel blood pouring down my cheeks and down my muzzle. I could taste it in my mouth, and feel it tricking down my chest. My left arm and paw was completely numb, and fiery pain shot through my chest. A third explosion, then a fourth.

Avril…I’m coming…

Then I felt nothing.

Ok, sense I didn't mention it yet in the story, Van's a husky.

Please keep in mind that this is my first sci-fi type story in quite some time, and only the second one that I've done from the cockpit of anything.

I'll try to get more up as soon as I can, but my schedule's really screwy, so I'm not sure how long it will be.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it so far! ^_^  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:58 pm
People have the option to set filters if they do not wish to see those words as well none of what I see goes against the Gaia ToS. Definatly I wouldn't call that graphicly voilent, so there should be no reason for censorship.  

Selene Aries


PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:40 pm
Ok *whew*

It will be later, though...I plan on having several hand to hand fights, and Van's pretty good with a combat knife, so it will get fairly bloody later on.

Honestly, though, it was more the language I was worried about, but thanks!  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:11 pm
O.< I NEED MORE!!!  


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:57 pm
>.< I hope this isn't it, please continue. ^ ^

You should put this on Deviantart.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:54 am
Of course not! I've been busy, and haven't had much time to write V_V That, and I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my writing. But don't worry. I should have the next part up before to long ^_^ And I probably will put it on DeviantArt ^_^  


Sonya Khatsworth

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:13 pm
That's pretty dang neat! o.o
A follow up is a must! ^.^

Just one complaint / suggestion though...

Did you mean Red or Rogue?
Because Rouge means Red in french and doesn't hold an english meaning, unless in attribution to red-related terms such as communism or some canadian football team... ~

Just pointing it out, because in ten years I've seen this same mistaken litteraly EVERYWHERE I've looked, even in some professionally published games. DX (and it looks a tad stupid IMO because it translates to The Red.)

That aside, you're much better of a writer than I'll ever be. XP
Keep it up. You do good stuff. :B

I see you feex'd it now. :B
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:26 pm
Ok, yeah...bout time I update this sweatdrop I've been working on it off and on, though a rather annoying case of writers block, but here's the next couple of pages of "The Rogue" I know there's mistakes (It is still pretty much a draft, after all xd ) but, as usual, comments and critique are always welcome! biggrin

Pain. That was the first thing I remember. Intense pain, my whole body on fire, as though I had been thrown into an inferno. A soft moan escaped my muzzle. I tried to open my eyes, but even then, I didn’t see anything. I slowly reached up with my right paw and ran my fingers over my eyes. I felt something soft beneath my fingers, though it felt sticky as I ran them over the left side of my face.

“Doctor, he’s awake!” I heard a female voice say.

“Finally…I didn’t think he would wake up, not this soon, at any rate,” another voice said, this one male and older sounding. I opened my muzzle to say something, but I felt a gentle touch on my forehead.

“Shh…Relax,” the female voice said. “Don’t try to move or talk. Your ship was destroyed in the battle, but we were able to get to you before it exploded, though you’ve suffered severe injuries. You’ll be fine, though.”

I groaned softly and rest my head back on the pillow. It was then that I felt what seemed like a strap going across my neck. I reached up again and tried to touch my muzzle, but my fingers touched plastic instead. An oxygen mask…They had put me in an oxygen mask. Made sense, though. After a few moments, my mind started to grow fuzzy, and I smelled something different in the air within the mask. A sweet, almost tangy scent that I could feel on the back of my tongue. Slowly, I felt the pain receded from my body, and it seemed like I was floating, a warm blanked surrounding me.

“What are you doing?” I slurred, my tongue not wanting to work right.

“Van, we’re going to put you back to sleep. There’s a lot that we need to do to…arm….fine…” I heard a male voice say, probably the doctor, but his voice seemed to die away as my eyelids became heavier. Soon, darkness enveloped me again, but this time, it was warm, peaceful, calm…


A groan crept from my throat as I slowly came to, my mind still fuzzy from the drugs they had used to put me to sleep. The pain that I had felt earlier had receded from a raging inferno to a dull throb. Slowly, I opened my eyes, but something felt a little odd. Light seared my right, but it was like my left never opened. I started to lift my left arm to touch the left side of my face, but nothing happened. Fearing the worst, I brought my right paw up to my left cheek, fingers slowly creeping upwards. Just beneath the eye socket, I felt it…cool metal. I slid my paw higher, tracing around the edge, and, sure enough, there was more metal.

“I wouldn’t feel anymore, if I were you…I don’t think the doc would be to happy if you messed up the circuitry inside the socket,” a voice said, one that I recognized. Micah.

“Wha…What are you talking about?” I asked, turning my head to face him. He was leaning against the wall near the door, his arms across his chest. Standing, the dust colored ferret was shorter than me, and his build was quite wiry, but that by no means meant he was weak. In our spars, he could match me in strength, and beat me in agility. His black hair was cut into a standard military high-n-tight, and he regarded me coolly with those jade eyes of his.

“Better question is, why did you disobey a direct order to return to formation and attack a battle cruiser on your own? You could have been killed!” he growled.

“Tch…You would never understand, Micah…Not someone like you,” I said softly, calmly.

“What the ******** that supposed to mean? Are you saying that I’m heartless? That I don’t know the pain of loosing someone?” He stood straight up, his shoulders tensing, his voice quivering.

“No, I’m saying you don’t have the balls to try to avenge what’s been taken from you. You may not be heartless, but you’re gutless.” My words hit him like a slap to the face. He scowled, jaw line tightening, and I could tell it was all he could do to keep from throwing himself at me, laying there on the bed. Instead, he turned on his heal and headed towards the door, which hissed open as he approached.

“That may be, but we’ll see who’s still flying after everything is said and done,” he spat, looking back at me over his shoulder before leaving. The door hissed shut, and all I could hear was the steady beeping of several nearby machines that I was hooked up to.

I pushed myself to sitting, grimacing as I did so. The sharp, fiery pain from earlier had died down to a dull throb, especially around my now empty and mechanical eye socket and my left shoulder. That same throbbing pain turned my attention to that shoulder once more. I though for a moment about just touching it, feeling to see if my arm was still there or not, but decided against it. I looked down, half my vision obscured by my lack of a left eye, but I could still clearly see. Half of my shoulder had been replaced with metal and circuitry, going as far up as the midway point of my collar bone, but there was no arm. I had no left arm anymore. It was just like my eye. Had the explosion really tore me up that much?

Thinking back, I remembered. It was though it happened in slow motion, the console buckling beneath my paws, then erupting into a fiery blossom, looking oddly beautiful. Shards of the panel flew towards me, and I remember throwing my left arm in front of me to protect my face, but there was one shard…I remembered it well. Moving, almost in slow motion, towards my face, a jagged and razor piece of steel, gleaming from the light of the explosions, white hot, looking like it was coated in fox-fire. It felt like it skimmed my cheek, but I blacked out afterwards. I didn’t remember anything hitting my arm, but then, I was to busy watching that bit of metal heading towards my face.

“What was that all about?” a female voice said. I turned my head and saw
the nurse come around the corner, a young vixen, couldn’t be older than 24.

“Nothing…” I lied, shaking my head slightly.

“It was more than nothing…He seemed pretty angry when he left.” I chuckled lightly under my breath.

“You’re new on Katina, aren’t you?” She tilted her head slightly and gave me a puzzled look.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

I know it wasn't much of an update, but I am still working on it ^_^  



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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:28 pm
>.< Why do you tempt me so! More! >.<  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:17 am
What can I say? I like cliffhangers XD  



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:06 pm
What can I say? I like cliffhangers XD

So do I, but...DAMN! *Shakes violently* MORE! O.< *Twitches*  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:46 am
Bumping because people need to read this and Davin needs to finish. >.<  


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