I suppose it's a valuable thing to learn in a world where an increasing number of people use it.

Yeah, pretty much, if you get past the clunky writing. It took me two or three scans, maybe even more, just to understand it. confused

Hmm... I suppose it's kind of like solving riddles so maybe it can. It's a good practice for problem solving! :XP:

And a hard riddle at that! :XP:

'Txt-tlk' (also known as n00bspeak, ch@t-sp33k, etc. ) isn't a foreign language. It's a diversion of English. We don't see German people saying 'G|_|73|| 7@G' do we? It's not a language. Also, deciphering it is a good challenge (I've mastered it, think MR and UAQ forums), but it has no values because nothing anyone who uses it is worth listening to.

xd It kills brain cells.

Repeated exposure, as with any other "language," can result in you speaking it constantly, and eventually, dumb you down to the point where you completely disregard the fine rules of the Writing Process! evil