babywearing is great! .....unless you're fairly small and the baby's pretty big and your back starts hurting from carrying her around all the time.....and then you get pregnant again and.... baby's almost a year now, and her sister is coming in about 3 months....anyway, for the first few months i liked using a baby carrier, unless walking to the store--then i had to take a stroller...and now she's so big that there's no way i can carry her more than 10 minutes at a time, my arms and back get tired. Plus i'm almost 6 months pregnant, so that puts an even bigger strain on my back....anyway, i'm done ranting (true motherhood woes wink )

but those are all wonderful! I got really crafty when i was pregnant with my almost-1-yr-old, and it hasn't slacked off yet biggrin It's nice to have homemade things--usually cheaper, too.