Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 11:11 am
The other nite one of my daughters had a problem with someone stalking her on gaia. The scary thing was that she put information about another site she likes on her gaia act. So naturally the stalker went out to that site as well. Fortunately she didnt put any personal information (like our address or the town we live in!) on that other site. She did have to close and cancell the two sites because of that individual.
Please if you do nothing else..never put any kind of personal information on any site at all on the internet. There are just too many weirdos out there. Watch out for hackers because you dont know how much info they might get about you.
Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:31 pm
This is exactly the reason I want a separate laptop for internet access and a PC for my personal info and games, etc so I'm not loosing anything major from possible viruses/trojans/worms and also nothing really personal would be on their for a hacker to find. Also then if they used an IP tracer it might go to a cafe (since some cafes do internet access).