A poem I wrote a while ago. Not sure what inspired it, but reviews are cool. What do you think?

Never try
Never try to have a staring contest with Fate
Because once you begin
You can’t blink

If you do
You were dead yesterday
Because Fate won’t forgive

She knows how to fight
She knows how to frighten
And she knows you

Don’t even think
Don’t even think about trying to have a face off with Destiny
Because once you start
You have no hope

If you hope
Fate will step in and start staring
And you can’t blink

Because Destiny will charge
And her sword is long
And pain is her sister’s life
And so she knows

And you were dead yesterday

And Death looked at you
And she smiled
And you knew you were dead all along
You were just breathing

Stop now
Stop fighting Chaos
Because he needs to feed
And his life pains Fate
And it’s payback

For all the times
She set you up
To knock you down
And laughed

As yesterdays tears ran down your face

And you were dead