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Battle System (LAST UPDATE 07/08/2007)

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:11 am
Character Submittal Form

  • Screen Name:
  • Character Name:
  • Description:
    -Eye Color:
    -Hair Color:
  • Equipment:
    Clothing -- Description
    Accessory -- Description
    Weapon -- Description
  • History:

Current Level:
Experience Points:
Next Level:

Mushroom Points: 25 + (Mushroom modifier)
Flower Points: 10 + (Flower modifier)

Strength: 12 (+1)
Agility: 8 (-1)
Mushroom: 10 (0)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Flower: 8 (-1)
Awareness: 8 (-1)

Mushroom Points: 20 + (Mushroom modifier)
Flower Points: 15 + (Flower modifier)

Strength: 8 (-1)
Agility: 12 (+1)
Mushroom: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Flower: 8 (-1)
Awareness: 10 (0)

Mushroom Points: 15 + (Mushroom modifier)
Flower Points: 20 + (Flower modifier)

Strength: 8 (-1)
Agility: 8 (-1)
Mushroom: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Flower: 8 (-1)
Awareness: 8 (-1)

Mushroom Points: 10 + (Mushroom modifier)
Flower Points: 25 + (Flower modifier)

Strength: 8 (-1)
Agility: 8 (-1)
Mushroom: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Flower: 10 (+0)
Awareness: 8 (-1)

Single-Hand Damage: (weapon damage) + (Strength modifier) + (weapon-related skill)
Two-Hand Damage: (weapon damage) + 2(Strength modifier) + (weapon-related skill)
Dual-Wield Damage: (Main Hand Damage) + (Off Hand Damage)
    Main Hand Damage: (weapon damage) + (Strength modifier) + (weapon-related skill)
    Off Hand Damage: (weapon damage) + (Strength modifier)/2 + (weapon-related skill)

Attack Bonus Single Hand: (Strength modifier) + (weapon-related skill) + accuracy
Attack Bonus Main Hand: (Strength modifier) + (weapon-related skill) + accuracy
Attack Bonus Off Hand: (Strength modifier) + (weapon-related skill) + accuracy - 2
Attack Bonus Two-Hand: 1.5(Strength modifier) + (weapon-related skill) + accuracy
Attack Bonus Ranged: (Agility modifier) + (weapon-related skill) + accuracy
Attack Bonus Unarmed: (Strength modifier) + (related skill) + accuracy
Attack Bonus Magic: (Awareness modifier) + (related skill) + accuracy

Dodge Bonus Normal: 10 + (Agility modifier) + (Awareness modifier) + (related skill)
Dodge Bonus Resist: 15 + (Agility modifier) + (Awareness modifier) + (related skill)
Dodge Bonus Weak: 5 + (Agility modifier) + (Awareness modifier) + (related skill)
Dodge Bonus Flat Footed: 10 + (related skill)


One Handed: every 10 points spent here increases the chance to hit with a one-handed weapon by +2 and increases damage by +2 minimum to +4 maximum

Two Handed: every 10 points spent here increases the chance to hit with a two-handed weapon by + 2 and increases damage by +2 minimum to +4 maximum

Dual Weild: every 10 points spent here increases the chance to hit with dual weapons by +3/+1 and increases damage by +2/+1 minimum to +4/+3 maximum

Shield: every 10 points spend here increase the chance to block an attack with a shield equiped by +4

Markman: every 10 points spent here increases the chance to hit with a ranged weapon by +4 and increase damage by +1 minimum to +2 maximum

Pivotal: every 10 points spent here increase the chance to dodge by +4

Break: every 10 points spent here increase additional effect checks by +2 and duractions by +4 minutes

Explosion: every 10 points spent here increases splash range by +1/4 and damage by +1/4 minimum and +1/2 maximum

Healing: every 10 points spent here increases healing by +4 minimum to +10 maximum

Pray: every 10 points spent here increases the effectiveness of enhancement spells

Fright: every 10 points spent here decreases enemy motivation

Mark: every 10 points spent here increases the ability to target only allies with aid spells avoid allies with damage spells

Magic: every 10 points spent here increases chance to hit with magic by +2 and damage by +2 minimum to +4 maximum

Resist: every 10 points spent here decreases elemental damage by -1/2

War: every 10 points spent here increases physical chance to hit by +1 and damage by +1 minimum to +3 maximum.

Recovery: every 10 points spent here increases FP regeneration by +3/round
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:13 am
Improving Statistics

All characters have 40 points to distribute upon creation. The modifiers (in parenthesis) are determined by dividing the statistic in two, rounding down, and subtracting five. As an example, 9 divided by two is 4.5 rounded down is 4 minus 5 is -1 so the modifier is a negative one. All characters also get 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) to their skill pool.

When a character levels up, his or her class type determines what bonuses are earned. A level up occurs every 1000 experience points.

Combat Type
  • 4 ability points
  • +1 accuracy
  • 8 + (1 per Mushroom modifier) to Mushroom Points
  • 2 + (1 per Flower modifier) to Flower Points
  • +1 Main Hand attack per 4 Levels
  • +1 Off Hand attack per 6 Levels
  • 2 + (1 per Intelligence modifier) to skill point pool
  • new spells, abilities, and techniques

Distance Type
  • 4 ability points
  • +1 accuracy
  • 6 + (1 per Mushroom modifier) to Mushroom Points
  • 4 + (1 per Flower modifier) to Flower Points
  • +1 Main Hand attack per 5 Levels
  • +1 Off Hand attack per 7 Levels
  • 2 + (1 per Intelligence modifier) to skill point pool
  • new spells, abilities, and techniques

Healing Type
  • 4 ability points
  • +1 accuracy
  • 4 + (1 per Mushroom modifier) to Mushroom Points
  • 6 + (1 per Flower modifier) to Flower Points
  • +1 Main Hand attack per 6 Levels
  • +1 Off Hand attack per 8 Levels
  • 2 + (1 per Intelligence modifier) to skill point pool
  • new spells, abilities, and techniques

Magic Type
  • 4 ability points
  • +1 accuracy
  • 2 + (1 per Mushroom modifier) to Mushroom Points
  • 8 + (1 per Flower modifier) to Flower Points
  • +1 Main Hand attack per 7 Levels
  • +1 Off Hand attack per 9 Levels
  • 2 + (1 per Intelligence modifier) to skill point pool
  • new spells, abilities, and techniques

Elemental Prowess

Holy: Resistant to Elements; Weak to Evil
Evil: Resistant to Void; Weak to Holy
Void: Resistant to Elements; Weak to Other
Physical: Resistant to Other; Weak to Elements

Fire: Resistant to Ice; Weak to Water
Ice: Resistant to Water, Weak to Fire
Water: Resistant to Wind; Weak to Electric
Electric: Resistant to Fire; Weak to Earth
Earth: Resistant to Electric; Weak to Wind
Wind: Resistant to Earth; Weak to Ice
*Dragon: Resistant to Elements; Weak to Void

*note: these cannot be selected

Player Classes

Combat Type

Fighter: The basic combat type. The fighter excels at hand-to-hand combat and has the skills to prove it. While lacking in the magic department, the fighter can get the job done with massive damage and the most attacks per round of combat.
  • Level 1
  • abilities and skills are in character submittal form

Warrior: When a fighter comes to know battle, it is said the class evolves into a mighty warrior. The warrior knows all about weapons and can easily adapt to any situation or armament. Learning from allies, a warrior is even harder to hit and tougher to take down.
  • Level 25 Fighter
  • loses One Handed, Two Handed, and Dual Weild
  • dumps points from above into Weapon Mastery
  • gains Pivotal, Resist, and a flavor skill with 10 points preloaded
  • +4 strength, +4 mushroom, +2 agility
  • +14 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

  • Level 50 Warrior
  • gains War Cry with 10 points preloaded
  • Weapon Mastery and Pivotal +10 points
  • +6 strength, +4 agility, +2 awareness
  • +20 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

  • Level 75 Barbarian
  • gains Tough Skin with 10 points preloaded
  • Weapon Mastery and War Cry +10 points
  • +6 strength, +4 agility, +2 awareness
  • +20 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

Distance Type

Archer: The basic distance type. The archer excels at striking foes from a distance and doing it well. They have skills to get even further away from the enemy and leverage that for added damage. It's best to avoid their added effects.
  • Level 1
  • abilities and skills are in character submittal form

Sniper: Where the archer strives to hit a mark, the sniper aims to kill. Everything about the sniper speaks to an undying search for perfection. It is on this search that hitting targets in vital places becomes possible. The sniper is rarely seen and always feared.
  • Level 25 Archer
  • gains a flavor skill with 10 points preloaded
  • Marksman and Break +10 points
  • +4 agility, +4 awareness, +2 strength
  • +14 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

  • Level 50 Sniper
  • gains Buff with 10 points preloaded
  • Marksman and Break +10 points
  • +6 agility, +4 awareness, +2 strength
  • +14 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

  • Level 75 Bowman
  • gains Restraint with 10 points preloaded
  • Marksman and Buff +10 points
  • +6 agility, +4 awareness, +2 strength
  • +14 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

Healing Type

Cleric: The basic healing type. While the cleric lacks many attack boosting skills, there is plenty to offer in the ability to heal. There are vital skills available that make it impossible to complete a mission without one, and there are some interesting skills available.
  • Level 1
  • abilities and skills are in character submittal form

Priest: If a cleric is vital, the priest is a necessity. With the ability to heal multiple allies, fully revive, and many other effects, the priest becomes a nuisance the enemy must reckon with. It is in constant prayer that the priest finds the faith to aid allies and bring demise to enemies.
  • Level 25 Cleric
  • gains a flavor skill with 10 points preloaded
  • Healing and Pray +10 points
  • +4 flower, +4 mushroom, +2 intelligence
  • +14 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

  • Level 25 Priest with 0 Fright
  • loses Fright
  • gains Regenerate and Target All with 10 points preloaded
  • Healing +10 points
  • +6 flower, +4 mushroom, +2 intelligence
  • +20 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

High Priest:
  • Level 75 Faith
  • gains Recovery with 10 points preloaded
  • Healing and Mark +10 points
  • +6 flower, +4 mushroom, +2 intelligence
  • +20 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

Magic Type

Mage: The basic magic type. The mage severely lacks any ability to deal physical damage, but that won't stop a huge spill over of mushroom point draining attacks. The skills and added effects make facing off against a party with one of these a dangerous proposition.
  • Level 1
  • abilities and skills are in character submittal form

  • Level 25 Mage
  • gains a flavor skill with 10 points preloaded
  • Magic and Recovery +10 points
  • +4 flower, +4 awareness, +2 intelligence
  • +14 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

  • Level 50 Sage
  • gains Mirror with 10 points preloaded
  • Magic and Recovery +10 points
  • +6 flower, +4 awareness, +2 intelligence
  • +20 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points

  • Level 75 Archmage
  • gains Quick Cast with 10 points preloaded
  • Magic and Recovery +10 points
  • +6 flower, +4 awareness, +2 intelligence
  • +20 ability points
  • +(mushroom modifier) mushroom points
  • +(flower modifier) flower points
  • 4(4 + (intelligence modifier)) skill points



PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:32 am
Spells, Abilities, and Techniques

Charge: +1 to minimum damage and +2 to maximum damage per level
FP Cost: 1 + (1/4 per level)
Duration: 2 + (1/2 per level) rounds
  • Level 1
  • any weapon skill 15 points
  • 18 strength

First Aid: heals 1 - 4 + (flower modifier) to self
FP Cost: 2
Duration: instant
  • Level 2
  • Shield 8 points
  • 12 awareness

Tackle: 1 - 6 + (strength modifier) damage at +4 accuracy to flat foot target for 1 + (strength modifier)/2
FP Cost: 4
Duration: instant
  • Level 4
  • Shield 10 points
  • 20 strength

Sharpen: causes bleeding, 1 + (1/4 per level) damage to afflicted per round
FP Cost: 2 + (1/4 per level)
Duration: next strike, 3 + (1/2 per level) rounds
  • Level 5
  • any two weapon skills 10 points
  • 15 awareness

Bash: 1 - 8 + (strength modifier) damage at +4 accuracy and paralyzes target
FP Cost: 6
Duration: instant
  • Level 8
  • Shield 15 points
  • 18 awareness

Sweep: 1 - 4 + (strength modifier) damage at +2 accuracy to knock down and blind target for 1 + (strength modifier)/3 rounds
FP Cost: 5
Duration: instant
  • Level 8
  • 18 agility
  • 14 awareness

Elemental Sting: adds 1 - 4 damage through element + (flower modifier)
FP Cost: 6
Duration: 4 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 10
  • any weapon skill 25 points
  • 14 flower

Cut: lines wound with element to deal 1 + (flower modifier) damage per round
FP Cost: 8
Duration: next strike, 2 + (flower modifier) rounds to target
  • Level 15
  • any weapon skill 30 points
  • 30 strength
  • 18 flower

Harsh Blow: 3 - 15 + (strength modifier) damage at -1 accuracy to break bones
FP Cost: 11
Duration: instant
  • Level 18
  • any weapon skill 40 points
  • 34 strength

Harsh Strike: +1/4 minimum to +1/2 maximum damage per level, +2 accuracy, flat foots target
FP Cost: 12
Duration: next strike
  • Level 20
  • any two weapon skills 25 points
  • 36 strength


Coil: -4 minimum damage, -10 maximum damage, +4 dodge, ignore 10 points of damage
FP Cost: 24
Duration: 1 + (intelligence modifier) rounds
  • Level 25
  • Weapon Mastery 50 points
  • Resist 25 points
  • 26 intelligence

Field Treatment: heal 30 - 80 + (flower modifier) mushroom points to self and 1 + (awareness modifier) allies
FP Cost: 22
Duration: instant
  • Level 27
  • Shield 30 points
  • 24 awareness

Attune: change target's element
FP Cost: 30
Duration: 1 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 30
  • 30 intelligence
  • 26 awareness

Rolling Strike: dodge target's attack, 3x two-handed damage calculation to target's back
FP Cost: 22
Duration: instant
  • Level 33
  • Weapon Mastery 70 points
  • Pivotal 35 points
  • 40 strength

Pummel: 1 - 6 + (strength modifier) damage, +8 attack bonus, paralyze or flat foot target
FP Cost: 18
Duration: instant, effect lasts 1 + 1.5(strength modifier) rounds
  • Level 34
  • Weapon Mastery 75 points
  • 42 strength

Blast: ranged calculation, 2 - 6 additional elemental damage, +1/7 target per level
FP Cost: 28
Duration: instant
  • Level 35
  • Weapon Mastery 100 points
  • 34 intelligence

Open Stance: dodge next strike, 4x two-handed damage calculaton
FP Cost: 40
Duration: next strike
  • Level 38
  • Pivotal 45 points
  • 36 awareness

Aura: flat foot all targeted who receive damage
FP Cost: 60
Duration: 1 + (intelligence modifier) + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 40
  • Weapon Mastery 150 points
  • 40 intelligence
  • 24 flower

Stricken: halves dodge or target
FP Cost: 60
Duration: 3 + (strength modifier) rounds
  • Level 42
  • Weapon Mastery 180 points
  • 50 strength

Spill: 25MP; this master Warrior magic causes any elemental strike to spill over to anybody nearby a target.
FP Cost: 65
Duration: 1 + (flower modifier)/3
  • Level 45
  • Weapon Mastery 200 points
  • 30 flower
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:21 pm
Spells, Abilities, and Techniques

Strike: +1 accuracy per level
FP Cost: 1 + (1/4 per level)
Duration: 2 + (1/2 per level) rounds
  • Level 1
  • Marksman 15 points
  • 18 agility

Quick: +1 dodge per level
FP Cost: 3 + (1/2 per level)
Duration: 1 + (1/4 per level) rounds
  • Level 2
  • Pivotal 8 points
  • 14 awareness

Sharp: +1/4 minimum, +1/2 maximum damage per level
FP Cost: 1 + (1/4 per level)
Duration: 2 + (1/4 per level)
  • Level 4
  • Marksman 25 points
  • 14 strength

Elemental Arrow: add 2 - 6 damage through element + (flower modifier)
FP Cost: 6
Duration: 4 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 5
  • Explosion 15 points
  • 14 flower

Explosive Arrow: 1 - 4 splash element damage + (flower modifier) to adjacent to target
FP Cost: 6
Duration: 1 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 10
  • Explosion 20 points
  • 16 flower

Pulverize: (One Hand calculation) + 8 - 20 + (strength modifier) damage at -8 accuracy
FP Cost: 10
Duration: instant
  • Level 12
  • Marskman 30 points
  • 18 strength

Break Equip: 1 - 10 + (strength modifier) damage, -1 accuracy to break a piece of target's equipment
FP Cost: 8
Duration: instant
  • Level 15
  • Break 15 points
  • 16 awareness

Sprint: -1 attack, rush to a high ground for additional 1 - 10 damage and +2 accuracy
FP Cost: 12
Duration: instant
  • Level 18
  • Marskman 35 points
  • 22 agility

Ailment: 2 - 8 + (strength modifier) damage, -2 accuracy to (based on element) burn, freeze, confuse, paralyze, weaken, or slow target
FP Cost: 12
Duration: instant
  • Level 20
  • Break 25 points
  • 24 agility

Marksmanship: 100% hit
FP Cost: 15 + (1/6 per level)
Duration: 1 + (agility modifier)
  • Level 22
  • Marskman 45 points
  • 26 agility




PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:22 pm
Spells, Abilities, and Techniques

Aid: heals 2 - 6 + (flower modifier) mushroom points
FP Cost: 4
Duration: instant
  • Level 1
  • Healing 15 points
  • 18 intelligence

Prayer: +1/2 accuracy, +1/2 dodge, +1/3 minimum damage, +1/2 maximum damage to allies per level
FP Cost: 3 + (1/2 per level)
Duration: 5 + (intelligence modifier)
Special Notes: must remain still for full duration or spell ends
  • Level 3
  • Pray 15 points
  • 16 flower

Blessed: heals self and allies (1/2 ally per level) 3 - 8 + (flower modifier) every round
FP Cost: 5
Duration: 3 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 4
  • Healing 20 points
  • Pray 15 points

Free: removes buffs or debuffs (one ally or enemy per 10 points Pray)
FP Cost: 6
Duration: instant
  • Level 5
  • Pray 15 points
  • 18 awareness

Cure: removes status ailments (one ailment per 10 points Pray)
FP Cost: 8
Duration: instant
  • Level 10
  • Pray 20 points
  • 20 awareness

Miracle: -2 accuracy to revive and heal 10 - 20 + (flower modifier) mushroom points
FP Cost: 12
Duration: instant
  • Level 12
  • Healing 20 points
  • 20 awareness

Heal: heals 8 - 30 + (flower modifier) mushroom points
FP Cost: 12
Duration: instant
  • Level 15
  • Healing 25 points
  • 24 flower

Grave: 1 - 6 + (flower modifier) elemental damager, -4 accuracy to kill
FP Cost: 15
Duration: instant
  • Level 18
  • Fright 20 points
  • 26 flower

Divine: 1 - 10 + (flower modifier) elemental damage per bolt per round (1/6 bolts per level per round)
FP Cost: 15
Duration: 3 + (1/4 per level) rounds)
  • Level 20
  • Mark 15 points
  • 28 flower

Revive: revive and heal 30 - 60 + (flower modifier) mushroom points
FP Cost: 20
Duration: instant
    Level 22
  • Fright 0 points
  • Healing 30 points

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:25 pm
Spells, Abilities, and Techniques

Special Notes
  • cannot be elementally opposed
  • deals +2 minimum to +6 maximum to elementally opposed
  • deals +2 minimum to +4 maximum for elementally attuned
  • deals -1 minimum to -2 maximum to elementally resistant

Flicker: 1 - 4 fire damage + (flower modifier)
Frost: 1 - 4 ice damage + (flower modifier)
Splash: 1 - 4 water damage + (flower modifier)
Shock: 1 - 4 electric damage + (flower modifier)
Rubble: 1 - 4 earth damage + (flower modifier)
Breeze: 1 - 4 wind damage + (flower modifier)
FP Cost: 4
Duration: instant
  • Level 1
  • Magic 15 points (+3 for each additional spell)
  • 18 intelligence

Concentrate: +1/3 to minimum damage and +1/2 to maximum spell damage per level
FP Cost: 5 + (1/2 per level)
Duration: 2 + (1/2 per level) rounds
  • Level 3
  • Magic 20 points
  • 20 flower

Skill UP: +1 to modifiers + (1/3 per level) to target
FP Cost: 6 + (1/4 per level)
Duration: 2 + (flower modifier)
  • Level 4
  • Resist 8 points
  • 16 awareness

Flame: 1 - 8 fire damage + (flower modifier)
Sliver: 1 - 8 ice damage + (flower modifier)
Bubble: 1 - 8 water damage + (flower modifier)
Jolt: 1 - 8 electric damage + (flower modifier)
Pebble: 1 - 8 earth damage + (flower modifier)
Gust: 1 - 8 wind damage + (flower modifier)
FP Cost: 8
Duration: instant
  • Level 5
  • Magic 25 points (+3 for each additional spell)
  • 20 flower

Skill DOWN: -1 to modifiers - (1/3 per level) to target
FP Cost: 8 + (1/4 per level)
Duration: 2 + flower modifier
  • Level 8
  • Resist 15 points
  • 18 awareness

Flamethrower: 4 - 20 fire damage + (flower modifier), -4 accuracy to burn
Icicle: 4 - 20 ice damage + (flower modifier), -4 accuracy to freeze
Burst: 4 - 20 water damage + (flower modifier), -4 accuracy to confuse
Thunder: 4 - 20 electric damage + (flower modifier), -4 accuracy to paralyze
Stone: 4 - 20 earth damage + (flower modifier), -4 accuracy to weaken
Windy: 4 - 20 wind damage + (flower modifier), -4 accuracy to slow
FP Cost: 16
Duration: instant, effect 2 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 10
  • Magic 30 points (+4 for each additional spell)
  • 24 flower

Silence: mutes target
FP Cost: 18
Duration: 3 + (flower modifier)
  • Level 14
  • Magic 35 points
  • 20 intelligence

Fireball: 10 - 30 fire damage + (flower modifier), -2 accuracy to burn and flat foot
Icebeam: 10 - 30 ice damage + (flower modifier), -2 accuracy to freeze and flat foot
Aqua Jet: 10 - 30 water damage + (flower modifier), -2 accuracy to confuse and flat foot
Thunderbolt: 10 - 30 electric damage + (flower modifier), -2 accuracy to paralyze and flat foot
Rock: 10 - 30 earth damage + (flower modifier), -2 accuracy to weaken and flat foot
Aerial: 10 - 30 wind damage + (flower modifier), -2 accuracy to slow and flat foot
FP Cost: 25
Duration: instant, effect 3 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 15
  • Magic 40 points (+4 for each additional spell)
  • 28 flower

Flame Blast: 30 - 50 fire damage + (flower modifier), -1 accuracy to burn and flat foot, -6 accuracy to char
Hail: 30 - 50 ice damage + (flower modifier), -1 accuracy to freeze and flat foot, -6 accuracy to hypothermia
Deluge: 30 - 50 water damage + (flower modifier), -1 accuracy to confuse and flat foot, -6 accuracy to inundate
Lightning: 30 - 50 electric damage + (flower modifier), -1 accuracy to paralyze and flat foot, -6 accuracy to electrocute
Boulder: 30 - 50 earth damage + (flower modifier), -1 accuracy to weaken and flat foot, -6 accuracy to bury
Jet: 30 - 50 wind damage + (flower modifier), -1 accuracy to slow and flat foot, -6 accuracy to blow away
FP Cost: 36
Duration: instant, effect 4 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 20
  • Magic 50 points (+5 for each additional spell)
  • 32 flower

Ability Proof: doesn't allow status ailments on target
FP Cost: 30
Duration: 4 + (flower modifier)
  • Level 22
  • Resist 25 points
  • 24 intelligence




PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:40 pm
Spells, Abilities, and Techniques

Special Notes
  • cannot be elementally opposed
  • deals +2 minimum to +6 maximum to elementally opposed
  • deals +2 minimum to +4 maximum for elementally attuned
  • deals -1 minimum to -2 maximum to elementally resistant

Center: 1 - 6 holy damage + (flower modifier)
Pain: 1 - 6 evil damage + (flower modifier)
Non: 1 - 6 void damage + (flower modifier)
Chop: 1 - 6 physical damage + (flower modifier)
Scale: ignore 4 + (flower modifier) points of damage for 5 rounds
FP Cost: 4
Duration: instant, unless otherwise stated
  • Level 1
  • 16 intelligence (+2 for each additional spell)

Call: 1 - 8 holy damage + (flower modifier)
Hurt: 1 - 8 evil damage + (flower modifier)
None: 1 - 8 void damage + (flower modifier)
Chomp: 1 - 8 physical damage + (flower modifier)
Claw: 2 - 10 dragon damage + (flower modifier)
FP Cost: 6
Duration: instant
  • Level 5
  • 20 intelligence (+2 for each additional spell)

Justice: reflects 1/4 damage done as holy + (flower modifier) to attacker for 5 + (flower modifier) rounds
Harm: 2 - 8 evil damage + (flower modifier) and may poison target for 1 + (flower modifier) damage per round for 3 + (flower modifier) rounds
Nonentity: 2 - 8 void damage + (flower modifier) and may blind target for 4 + (flower modifier) rounds
Boot: 4 - 15 physical damage
Rage: 2 - 8 dragon damage + (flower modifier) and may paralyze or flat foot the target for 4 + (flower modifier) rounds
FP Cost: 8
Duration: instant, unless otherwise stated
  • Level 10
  • 24 intelligence (+2 for each additional spell)

Transcend: 10 - 30 holy damage + (flower modifier) and adds regenerate to user for 4 - 10 + (flower modifier) healing per round
Revenge: 10 - 30 evil damage + (flower modifier) and poisons target for 2 - 8 + (flower modifier) damager per round
Zero: 10 - 30 void damage + (flower modifier) and blinds the target, may also stop target
Smash: 10 - 30 physical damage + (flower modifier) and flat foots the target
Tail Whip: 10 - 30 dragon damage + (flower modifier) and paralyzes or flat foots the target and may weaken the target
FP Cost: 14
Duration: instant, effect lasts 2 + (flower modifier) rounds
  • Level 20
  • 26 intelligence (+2 for each additional spell)

Divine Wrath: calls down bolts of holy lightning (1/4 per character level) to deal 20 - 100 damage + (flower modifier) to enemies or heal 40 - 150 to allies for 5 + (flower modifier) rounds
Evil Hand: 60 - 200 evil damage + (flower modifier) and poisons and flat foots target for 4 + (flower modifier) rounds
Singular: 60 - 200 void damage + (flower modifier) and blind the target for 8 + (flower modifier) rounds and stops the target for 2 + (flower modifier) rounds
Cruel Laughter: 70 - 250 physical damage + (flower modifier) and flat foots target for 4 + (flower modifier) rounds
Dragon Fire: 60 - 200 dragon damage or incinerates the target
FP Cost: 25
Duration: instant, unless otherwise stated
  • Level 40
  • 36 intelligence (+2 for each additional spell)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:43 pm


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