Ok. So we know that Harry's not going back to school, Hermione and Ron are following him wherever he goes, Bill and Fleur are getting married, and eventually Harry and Voldemort are going to have the ultimate showdown.

Well, what about other people?

Personally, I think Bellatrix Lestrange is screwed royally no matter how you look at it. Harry really doesn't like her 'cause she basically killed off Sirius. But I think it's Neville who's going to give her absolute hell. We saw what he could do in the 5th and 6th books.

Expect to see Lockhart again, but I'm not sure what he's going to be doing. Rowling said that Lockhart's getting his memory back, but I don't know what's going to happen there...

I think we have NOT seen the last of Draco Malfoy. It said in the 6th book that Harry dislikes him, but he pities him too. Harry might have to battle with that mix when--not if--he sees Malfoy again.

Speeking of battling perplexing mixes, what about Snape? Friend or foe? I think the memory of him killing Dumbledore is going to stick around for a while, and Harry's pretty bitter. Let's see what the 7th slaps us with for that...

I think Lupin and Tonks both will survive.

I think Narcissa is in for it. Maybe.

We will see more of Rufus (who is being played by BILL NIGHY, who is freakin' awesome and I can't wait).

Maybe Umbridge's intolerant streak will lead to her demise.

Maybe Fleur will redeem herself in the eyes of the readers by doing something brave and noble.

I hope nothing happens to Charlie.

Also, Something's going to happen to Ginny. Good or bad, I don't know.

I think that, after reading a Rowling interview where she said basically to expect Harry to pay the price by losing one of his friends, that it's going to be Hermione. Maybe that'll drive Ron to lose it.

And finally, with that big faceoff between Voldemort and Harry, we knew there were 3 outcomes:
1. Harry dies and Voldemort wins.
2. Voldemort dies and Harry wins.
3. They both die.

I think it's the 2nd one and here's why:
Harry Potter is, first and foremost, a story of good versus evil. In all the good stories (Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Riddick, and Narnia, for example) good eventually triumphs. The One Ring is destroyed, the White Witch is defeated, you get it. But not without a price. The same holds true for the Harry Potter series.

Voldemort said it best in the HP 5 preview: "You will lose everything."

I don't think Voldy realizes that there are very few things in this world scarier than an enemy who has nothing left to lose.

I think Harry will win, but he will suffer along the way and lose a lot of the things he holds most dear. There's the build up, the climax, and then the aftermath. I think the aftermath won't be so pretty.

So tell me what you guys think!