Antique Mannequins - MAIN FORUM - this is the general announcement forum. Any really important announcements will go here. As well as anything effecting the entire forum, such as suggestions, games, contests, whatever, that aren't restricted to one of the sub forums.

The Asylum - CHATTERBOX - this is where you can have general chats about... everything. Our own private chatterbox, guaranteed to be free of porn, beggers, and just about everything else that the real one has, aside from what it's supposed to have.

Cthulhu's Dark Corner of the Earth - ALL THINGS LOVECRAFT - in the honor of Lovecraft being an amazing writer, he has earned his own spot in my guild. In case you're interested in Lovecraft and his universe more than this sub forum offers, there is a link inside to an entire guild dedicated to all that is Lovecraft.

Graveyard of the Living - ROLEPLAY - this is the sub forum that is dedicated to any kind of roleplaying, within the limits of the Gaia ToS. There is an extensive set of rules/common sense that should be read before posting in this forum.

Puppeteer's Rack
- DISCUSSIONS - any kind of discussion, general or extended, can go here. This is a place for serious discussions, however, and members would be advised to read the rules before posting in this forum

Through the Looking Glass - ART - this is where all kinds of art is posted. It can be things you drew, things someone else drew, discussions about artists... just all things to do with art.