
Taris is a planet in the fictional Star Wars universe. It appeared in the videogame Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Empire at War.

Like Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, the landmass of Taris was completely covered by a planet-wide urban sprawl known as an ecumenopolis. However, some of the planet's surface is covered with water so, from space, Taris looks quite different from Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa.

Taris was once a galactic hub, being situated on the intersection of important hyperspace trade routes. However, prior to the Jedi Civil War several new, shorter routes were discovered, rendering Taris unnecessary. The planet began to decay, but still remained quite important in galactic life.

It is believed the swoop bikes first originated on Taris, where swoop racing captured the imagination of the galaxy circa 4,000 BBY. Using an intricate system of hyperspace beacons, Taris race organizers would broadcast the results of the swoop races throughout the galaxy which eventually gave rise to a huge and profitable gambling operation. Taris remained a hub for swoop racing for decades, despite opposition from the Hutts and other criminal organizations.