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Jedi Civil War

Prior to the Jedi Civil War, Telos IV was a prosperous planet. It served as an important military base for the Old Republic and Jedi forces during the Mandalorian Wars, as well as housing a meditation retreat and farming enclave for those serving the world via the Republic Agricultural Corps. During this time it was governed by the Telosian Council and safeguarded by the Telosian Security Force. After the treachery of former Jedi Knights Revan and Malak was revealed in 3,959 BBY, the now-Darth Malak ordered Admiral Saul Karath to bombard Telos's surface as a final test of his loyalty to the new Sith. The Sith fleet specifically targeted the Jedi and Republic control centers, with nearly every single Jedi believed lost, and no survivors known to exist up through the end of the war.

During and after the main bombardment, some refugees were able to escape the conflagration via what few in-system shuttles were available for evacuation. These shuttles floated in space for weeks before they were picked up by Republic capital ships sent in response to the planetary holocaust. It was later discovered that the Sith in fact allowed the refugee shuttles to survive, desiring witnesses of the attack to spread word far and wide concerning Telos's fate. Many more of these survivors ended up drifting from planet to planet, with several being forced to settle down in the refugee slums of Nar Shaddaa, and not permitted to leave afterward.

Telos was the home planet of Carth Onasi, the Republic hero lost nearly all his friends and family in the attack. His son, Dustil Onasi, was able to survive the assault, and would later serve the Sith. Adding further insult to Carth's injury was the fact that the perpetrator of the attack, Saul Karath, was an ex-Republic hero and former mentor to Carth.

Telos once possessed an enormous planet-wide polar irrigation system, one that rivaled Coruscant's own. However, after the Second Sith War, the system was almost completely annihilated, and the planetary population abandoned it. Yet, the primary northern facility in the polar ice cap went almost entirely untouched by the Sith bombardment, and became a Jedi training academy prior to Malak's final defeat.