I read a post related to the Extended Discussion forum here, and I still find it hard to believe actual debating can take place there. Unless it's a.) The Iraq War b.) Stupid politicians c.) Erotic sex or stuff unrelated to most people's lives, or d.) Highly worthy of flaming, I don't get it. One topic I brought up in ED involving (it's not the most educated topic here, so don't follow suit of false mind-reading that I'm an idiot like most of these responders do) is one of those in the "d.)" category. While it's not really any better or worse than other hotly debated topics, I still get the shaft; not the CB shaft, but the shaft of those mind-readers who apparently keep records of your personal life in FBI-style documents (not literally, but you get my point).

I really hate it when I ramble, yet I do often. So here's the link.