This is an RP set back in the times of early Japan. Still very traditional beliefs but not feudal era. Please join and follow the normal RP rules(No Godmoding, No killing characters without consent, yaddah yaddah)
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The sun was setting and everyone in the village was preparing for sleep. A few lanterns stayed on after the sun started to set but many were blown out. In the center square of the village, a staircase sat between two buildings. If one were to follow the stairs to where they led, they would find a small temple. There were a few statues that adorned the pathway that led to the temple and trees grew all the way from the staircase to the courtyard at the back of the temple. The front of the temple had lanterns hanging along the edge of the roof, welcoming anyone to come and pray. The temple was run by a priest and his daughter, a young woman by the name of Miyami.

At this hour of the night, the priest was in the back of the temple, performing a prayer of safety for the village. Miyami was sitting in the main room of the temple, a small table in front of her, a scroll unrolled on it. She was dressed in her simple temple priestess uniform with her jet black down for once, waiting for her father to finish the prayer. It was her duty to wait up for anyone who might come to the temple while her father did the ritual prayers.