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Blue Berry Gum

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:51 pm
'Ello. I made a story that I've been working on for like 2 days now. It's part of my journal entrys if you wanna read them there for whatever reason. Feel free to tell me what you think of it heart


Tabari - - - - - - - - - - - Sham
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Story: The Guardian - The Rise Of Tabari

Tabari, the guardian of lovers. She wasn't always a guardian though. She was once just a normal 14 year old girl trying to make her way through life. Tabari was always the shy type as well. Tabari never really fit in with any group, so she spared her self and others the pain of being with her and just hid in the back. One day though she met someone. His name was Sham and he was everything Tabari would ever want...

As Tabari and Sham walked along the streets of their village, Sham suddenly stopped. "What's wrong Sham?" Tabari said as she looked back at him. "Wait here..I gotta buy something.." Sham said as he ran in to the shop he stopped by. Tabari looked up the shop's sign. JEWELRY STORE it said. Tabari sighed and just sat down on the street, waiting for Sham to come out. "This isn't what I had in mind when he said we'd be spending our day together.." Tabari scoffed. Then she heard behind the shop's door opening and someone coming out. Before she had time to look back, someone playfully covered her eyes and whispered in to her ears "Keep your eyes closed..No peeping..". Tabari giggled as the person carefully wrapped some sort of necklace around her neck. They stepped out in front of Tabari and told her to open her eyes. When Tabari slowly opened her eyes, she saw Sham standing in front of her, holding a mirror. When she looked in to it she saw a beautiful gold necklace with a ruby heart attached on her neck. Tabari gasped and glomped Sham. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Tabari yelled out. Sham laughed and held Tabari close to him self. "It's the only thing the shop had the came close to your beauty." He said while smiling at Tabari. Tabari then got up and ran across the street, leaving Sham in the road. A few seconds later she ran out holding a scythe in her hands, smiling widely. Sham got up from the ground and rubbed his head from confusion. "Oh don't mind the scythe. It's just something to use to protect you incase your ever in any danger." Tabari explained, still smiling. Sham just laughed and hugged Tabari, while carefully avoiding the scythe. As the couple aimlessly walked, they soon found themselves deep within the forst just outside of town. As they sat under a tree together, a small twig broke in the distance. Tabari freaked out, jumped up and weilded her scythe, ready to fight. But Sham just pushed her scythe down and told her to wait there. Tabari slowly slide down to her knees and leaned back on the tree as Sham walked away towards the noise. Everything was silent, when a someone, or something, screamed out. Tabari freaked out, and ran towards the scream, praying it wasn't Sham. When Tabari ran in the area of the noise, she saw someone laying in a pool of blood. Tabari took a closer look and almost screamed when she saw it was Sham. She dropped her scythe and ran up to Sham. She saw that he had a dagger buried deep within his back, and he was just barely breathing. As Tabari carefully rolled Sham on his back and held him in her arms, Sham could just barely make out her sad face. Tabari had tears rolling down her face, as her dying love laid in her arms. Sham, trying to comfort Tabari just smiled and wiped her tears away. "Tabari don't cry..It's going to be ok..I'll be fine.." Sham said, as he tried to keep him self from coughing up some blood. But it was pointless. He finally caved and coughed up a littel blood on him self. With hot sad tears in her eyes, Tabari yelled out "Sham! Sham who did this to you!? They'll pay for everything they've done!" Sham just smiled at Tabari. "I don't know..I was attacked from behind..All I know is that it was a cloaked figure.." He whispered to her as he placed his hand on Tabari's cheek, trying to bring comfort. Sham then took a deep breath, and stopped moving. His hand dropped from Tabari's face and went limp. Tabari tried to hold her tears back, but she couldn't. She soon caved in and cried on Sham's limp body. As she cried, one of the gods of her people silently made her way down next to the couple. "Rise my daughter...I can sense that you want to avenge your love...I shall help you by giving you the powers of the gods..." She called out. Tabari slowly wiped her tears away and stood up, facing the god. The god the walked up to Tabari and placed her finger on Tabari's forehead. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Tabari then felt a large rush over come here, and a small burn on her forehead where the god touched her. When the rush and burning pain stopped, the god removed her finger and looked at Tabari. "Your strength, power, aligity, enegry as been increased. You also have imortality to help you along the way." The god said. Tabari looked down at Sham one last time before she picked up her scythe and left. As she walked away, she made Sham two promises. The first was the avenge his death and kill his murderer. The second, was to help anyone along the way she met so they wouldn't have to face misery like her self...

Tabari - - - - - - - - - Thorn (Just an picture to give you an idea. Not my real vision.)
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Story: The Guardian - Tabari's New Friend

It's been a week since Sham's death. Tabari almost went to jail for his murder, but everyone knew that not even in Tabari's worst nightmares did she ever think of killing Sham. When she told her town she was leaving to avenge him no one really seemed shock, not even her parents. They all told her they would miss her, even though it seemed like they never would in the past. Not much was given to her, but the town's people gave her what they could spare. Money, food, cloths, weapons, anything to help Tabari along her travels. Tabari left with a final goodbye without looking back, because she was afraid everyone would see the tears she was sheding as she walked away from her home, her life, and her love...


It's been 3 months now since Tabari left her life. She's barely gotten a lead on Sham's murderers. Most of the towns she's passed through have no leads on the murders or even a clue what's she talking about. With a sense of doubt, Tabari keeps traveling, hoping she'll stumble apon a town they may have a lead for her. As her third month reachs an end, Tabari notices something. Something odd, something different...Something out of place. As she stands up on a hill she sees a small village. But the village is empty. Normally she sees a few people running around shopping or doing some chore, but this village was empty. Not one soul to be seen. As Tabari slowly walks down the hill and in to the village, she can't help but get the feeling she's being watch by unseen eyes. Suddenly an old man shouts out to Tabari "Get inside quick! Before he sees you!" and grabs Tabari's arm and drags her in to his house and throws her in to the back of the room. Tabari turns around, and glares at the man with anger. "What is this the meaning of this!? You better explain your self right now before I cut our head off with my scythe!" Tabari yelled at the man, while pulling out her scythe. "Hush will you!" The old man hissed at her as he rushs up and covers her mouth. "Don't hurt me. Let me explain why I brought you in here and once the coast is clear you may go." As Tabari continues to glare at the old man, she slowly puts her scythe behind her back again. "You see why the village is dead and empty... *the old man shifts around and checks for listeners* There's a dragon on the lose... Every mid day, he comes out from the mountians to the north and attacks our village. No one knows why he's suddenly attacking. He and his mate used to live in the mountians in peace, and rumor has it they even protected us from any danger that came our way! But for the past couple of weeks now, the dragon has been raiding our village and stealing our food. Anyone caught outside during the attack is a goner. I couldn't let you die without a warning so that's why I brought you in here. You go to your death if you like, or you can stay here until the raid is over. It's your choice little girl..." Just then, a large gust of wind comes out of no where, as though something just flew above the house. Something large. "He's here! Quickly get down!" the old man shouted as he grabbed Tabari's arm and pulled her to ground. As they laid there, Tabari could hear a large beast landing not to far away, and begin to sniff the air like it was looking for something. She slowly crawls to the hut's window and peers outside. Tabari is stunned, amazed, and breathless. A large green dragon sits outside of the hut, sniffing the ground as he looks for food. His scales are green and as large as Tabari's hands put together! From the tip of his nose, to the end of his tail, he's covered in long, thick, sharp spikes. The first spike on his nose is huge, then they start off small, growing larger and larger, then barely size down as they reach the end of the tail. Except for a spot in between his neck and wings. A few spikes are missing from the pattern. Enough room to fit a person there, maybe two it needed. His wings are as large as his body, with two large spikes sticking out of the small joints within his wings. Two large horns stick right out of his head, right next to his long pointy ears. His eyes are bright yellow, and his pupils are like long black slashs through his eyes. His mouth is large, and filled with countless number of razor sharp teeth, that are as big as his smaller spikes on his nose. He had a tounge that just rolled out of his mouth, forked at the end like a snake's. Underneth his scale armour, his skin was tuff but still soft, and had a slight sand color to it. His legs were large and well muscled for taking off and landing. His feet were almost as large as Tabari's entire body! And his claws..They were like the spikes on his back only much thicker, and most likely more deadly. As Tabari stares at this rare and beautiful creature, he snorts and looks towards her. But she quickly pulls back before she's seen. Large thundering booms come towards the hut. Tabari guesses that they are the dragon's footsteps, seeing how it's the only reasonable explaintion. Suddenly a large gust of wind blows through the window, along with a very deep low growl. The old man, still hiding in the corner, covers his head and begins to shake. Tabari begins to shake as well, knowing that the dragon is outside the window, checking for life. Once again, the dragon's loud thundering steps are heard, this time going towards the center of the town. All of a sudden, Tabari hears some crashing as though something was knocked down. Some more rustling happens, then another large gust of wind comes through, and the village is silent. Noises of doors slowly opening and people coming out alert Tabari and the man, and let them know the coast is clear. When they step outside, the marget's meat stall as been completely emptied. Not once piece of meat was left from the dragon's raid. They begin to sigh and morn for the loss of the hard worked meat, when they notice Tabari. They notice how different she is from them. She's clean, her cloths aren't rags, and she's starving a little, but not as much as these people. As the people glare at her, a man walks up to her shouting and yelling. "Get out! Get out, get out, get out, get out, get out!! Your not welcomed in this village! We don't need little pesks like you running through our village! We have enough trouble as it with the damn dragon raiding our supplys! You might as well find another town to trade in because we have nothing to offer! We can barely keep our selves alive! Now leave my village, or be killed!" Tabari looks down and shakes her head slowly "I gotta few things to say to you, jerk. 1 - No one talks to me like that. Do you hear me, no one. 2 - It's not my fault that dragon is hurting you and your people and 3 - I can help you, if you agree to help me in the end and say your sorry for yelling.." Tabari warned the idiotic man. "Bah! Like I'll ever agree to that! Get the hell out of my village, and don't ever come back!" he shouted more. Tabari glared at the man, pulled her scythe out, jumped behind him and held the scythe's blade to his neck. "I wasn't asking you fool...Now do as I say and I won't spill your blood.." Tabari threatened in a low voice. "I..I'm sorry! I'll do anything you want! Just let me live!" the man begged. Tabari snorts and realised the man. "Was that so hard? Funny what a man will say when his life is on the line.." She grinned. "I-I'll help you. We'll all help you. We'll do anything you want..Just get rid of that dragon to prove your worthyness." the man commanded. "No don't do it! That dragon is dangerous! He'll murder you before you even have a chance!" the old man warned. Tabari smiled a little at the man "Don't worry. I think I know what his problem is according to his actions and what you told me. He should be able to handle." Without another word, Tabari made her way north towards the mountian..Towards the dragon's lair...


That night Tabari reached the top of the mountian, where the dragon was suppose to hide. The higher and higher she got, the more bones and bodies she saw. When she finally reached the top she saw the dragon, laying alone in what appeared to be his nest. The dragon saw her as she reached the top and growled. He roared at her loudly, causing her to almost lose balance, and then went back to his low, threating growl. With a hard lump going down her throat, Tabari slowly walked up to the dragon. "Easy now..I'm not here to hurt you.." Tabari begins to slowly pull out her scythe. The dragon's eyes grow wider and he roars again, growling louder. To gain his trust, Tabari lays the scythe down instead of attacking him, hoping to show she means no harm. "I know why your attacking that village..Why your afraid..It's your mate..She's gone.." Tabari said as she slowly walked up to the dragon. The dragon's growl stops and he looks at Tabari shocked, but then he returned to his growling. "Your upset because someone from the village came up here and murderer your mate.." Tabari as reached the edge of the dragon's nest. His growl is still on and still loud and powerful, but he makes no movement. Tabari slowly sits down and looks at the dragon. "I know how you feel..I lost my love too..I'm on a mission to avenge his death. But along the way, I promised I'd help others with problems. Problems like your's." Tabari smiles at the dragon. The dragon stops his growling and stares at her. He reachs his head out to her and stares at her with his eyes. In the village, his eyes seemed cold and unforgiving, but here his eyes seemed deep, complex, and sad. Tabari slowly reached out and laid her hand on the dragon's nose. Suddenly, she felt a large rush over come her. A memory was being played in her head. She saw the dragon and what appeared to be his mate sitting together in the nest, who was also green. They snuggle each other and purr a little, as animals do. Then the male, the dragon sharing this memory, leaves to go hunting for both of them to eat. When he gets up he reveals that the two dragons had something together: a hatchling. A tiny green baby dragon snuzzled by it's mother. the father comes back from his hunt, with two large bucks in his claws. When he comes back the nest, his family is dead. The new born hatching...It's head bashed up with blood everywhere. His cause of death was not from the bleeding, but his small, gentle, soft skull and brain being crushed and flatened. The mother...Her death was even worse, and more painful. She had every weapon known to Tabari and many others unknown stabbed deep within her scales and belly. She body was so badly beaten, cutted, and stabbed, almost no flesh was left. It was either cut off or covered by blood. Judging by her body, Tabari guessed she fought trying to protect her self and her child, but fell in the end. The baby's death was not as horrible as it's mother's because it didn't know how to fight back, so it's death was quick. The dragon roars in pain and loss of his family. Out of no where Tabari hears a large thundering voice within the memory. "You were right little one..I did have a lover..I had a family..But the foolish villager leader refused to listen to his people..We've been living on this mountian side for ages, and protected the village from harm's way. But the leader didn't believe his people and ordered some dragon slayers to kill us. They didn't realize I was lived here as well, so they only killed my mate and child..The leader has been trying to slay me as well, but he can't afford my death..I attack his village every day as revenge, and to keep him from affording my death.." The memory stops and Tabari returns to the real world and sees the dragon eye's once more. His eyes speak for them self. Their heavy with sadness and morn, and almost seem to beg for forgiveness. Tabari gets up, walks up to the dragon, and wraps her arm around his neck. Hugging him, hoping it will bring comfort. "I know how you feel..My love..Sham was his name..His was taken from me too..There isn't a day that goes by without me thinking about him.." Tabari whispered in to the dragon's ears. She lets go of the dragon and wipes a tear away. "Dragon..I don't know your name..But we need to go down to the village and tell them what happened. The people aren't as cruel as their leader." Tabari begged the dragon. "I was never given a name..I have no purpose here so..Er..Little one..Would you mind if I..Joined you along your mission to avenge your loved? I too also wish to avenge mine..And help you avenge your's.." the dragon asked. Tabari smile widely "Of course! I would love having someone to travel with. As for a name.." She looked at the dragon closely. She wanted his name to be specail. Something to make him feel proud about, when she noticed his spikes. They reminded her of thorns on a rose. "How's Thorn?" The dragon smiled, showing his sharp teeth. "I love the name! Thorn!" He boomed inside her mind. "Well we better get climbing if we're gonna make it to town in time.." Tabari sighed as she went to pick up her scythe and stash it away. "Climbing? Bah! you saw my back! My spikes are missing for a reason. They're missing so a rider may sit there." Thorn smiled. Thorn laid down flat on his belly "Climb aboard little one. By the way, your name is..?" Tabari smiled as she climbed on "Tabari.." "Right then. Tabari, hold on tightly to my spike in front of you, your about to go on the wildest ride of your life!" With his warning said and Tabari doing as she was told, Thorn pushed him self off the ground and flew down to the village. The wind whistled in Tabari's ears and made her hair fly wildly. Tabari smiled widely and shouted in joy as she rode on Thorn's back. Within minutes they landed in the village's center again. The people gasped and stared at her, mumering things about her riding Thorn. Once again, the village leader came running up to her shouting "No no no!! I didn't say ride the dragon and bring him back here! I wanted you to kill him! You hear! Kill him -!" Suddenly, Tabari held her scythe to his neck again. "You shut up already! You murdered Thorn's family! He has a right to attack your village everyday!" Tabari shouted at the crazy man. The people mumbled and glared at their leader. "That's right, you heard me right! He hired dragon slayers to murder this dragon's family. To murder your village's protecters!" the people began shouting and shaking their fists at the leader. Many began to shout out to Tabari to cut his neck and spill his blood, and avenge Thorn's family. Tabari almost considered doing so, but then she dropped her scythe and stashed it again, letting him fall to the ground. Tabari walks up to the man and picks him up by his shirt. "I'll let you live if you swear to leave this village, never come back, and say your sorry to Thorn, the dragon.." Tabari commanded the leader. She dropped the man and let him crawl over to Thorn. "Uh..Thorn is it huh? Er..I..Sir Lee, leader of this village, offer my dearest sorry for killing your family.." Lee staggered, and then bowed down to Thorn. "You are forgiven..Now leave.." Thorn said. Without having to be told twice, Lee ran for his life out of the village. the villagers cheered and leap for joy. They all began to beg for Tabari to stay and be their leader, but she told them of her mission. Suddenly the old man appeared from the crowd. "Wait! Wait! I know of this man you speak of! Your love's murderer! He was hired by Lee to murder Thorn's family! He needed some extra cash and decided to do Lee's bidding!" The old man shouted. Tabari stared at the man shocked. "What's his name! Was he coming or going from my village, Selah. Please tell me!" she shouted. "He said he was coming from Selah. He didn't give his name. He just told Lee to call him by..The Shadow." The old man whispered. "W-Which way did he go!?" Tabari asked. "He said he was going back to his master. The city of Carvahall." The old man said. Tabari looked back at Thorn and he said to her "What are we standing here for? Lets get them!" With a final goodbye, and restock on supplys, Tabari climbed on Thorn's back, with now had a cozy leather saddle to keep her legs from being ripped to shreads by his scales, the two travelers left the village, flying East to the city of Carvahall to avenge their loved ones...

The Shadow
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King Roran
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Story: The Guardian - Tabari's Sacrifice

It's been 6 months now since Sham's death. Tabari spent 3 months alone, and 3 with her newly found friend Thorn. Normally they would have been in the town of Carvahall within weeks, but both Tabari and Thorn didn't know where Carvahall was. They only knew that it was somewhere East. When they finally reached the city limits, they agreed to camp outside of city, and then Tabari enters alone. If she found The Shadow and his master, then she'd call Thorn, who would be flying up above, high in the sky where no one can see him. While Thorn was more than excited to avenge his family and Sham, Tabari couldn't help but feel a sense of doubt. Along her and Thorn's travels, more and more people heard of this so called Shadow, said he was dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Tabari couldn't help but feel that no matter how hard she tried, The Shadow would some how over power her and kill her as well. While she was lost in her doubt, Thorn noticed how unresponsive she was to everything. "I sense your doubt little one...Don't worry...The Shadow may be tuff, and he may be even stronger than you, but you have me by your side to help you fight. And when were together and combined, nothing can stop us." Thorn whispered to her, while slowly wrapping his long neck around her. When Thorn looked at Tabari's face, he noticed tears rolling down her face. Out of no where, Tabari wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him as she cried. Thorn was startled at first by her sudden movement, but relaxed again, knowing she was still just a child, and was afraid to die and fail Sham's vow. Soon, Tabari fell asleep while she still clunged to Thorn's neck. So the dragon gently lifted her off with his claws, and laid her next to his warm belly. Then Thorn moved his wing around Tabari, so it was like she was in a cave. One wall being the dragon's belly, the other being his thick warm wing...


When Tabari and Thorn rose and greeted the and final day, the discussed their plan once more. Thorn flys up in sky, high to be mistaken as a hawk if anyone saw him, while Tabari goes inside and finds the murderers. As Tabari made her way to the city gates, two spears crossed and blocked her path. "Halt! State your business!" a gate guard yelled. "My name is Tabari. I ran away from home, hoping to start a new life. I only wish to get supplys in your fine city..Sir." Tabari lied. The guards nodded and shouted something up to the gate keeper. The gates slowly opened up, the guard's spears moved, and Tabari made her way back in. When Tabari walked in to the city of Carvahall, she couldn't help but shake an old feeling. The feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. "Tabari! Look out!" Thorn yelled in her mind. Suddenly Tabari felt someone grab her from behind and press down on her neck. Tabari would have fought back, but her attacker was pressing down on her pressure point. She quickly fell to the ground as her world darkened. She saw Thorn come crashing down, roaring down at her and her attacker. She tried to call out to him but her voice was lost. the last thing she saw was someone dressed in all black standing in front of her, and mumble something to Thorn...


When Tabari woke up, she found her self in what appeared to be a jail cell. Everything was cold and wet, and barely any sun light came in to the place. She slowly got up from the floor and when she heard what sounded like chains rustling. She walked up to her door to see Thorn in the cell across from her's. He was struggling with something, but Tabari couldn't tell what. She also saw someone next to him, doing something to his wings. Tabari looked harder at Thorn and realized he was chained up. Chains held his ankles to the ground, his wings to his body, and kept his mouth shut like a muzzle. She also saw that the person chaining Thorn was the man she saw just before she blacked out. "Tabari! Your awake! Thank god your ok!" Thorn shouted. "Thorn...Thorn is that you? Who's in there with you?" Tabari asked. Just then, Tabari saw the man inside Thorn's cell laughing. "Ahh such a pity..So much concern over a little dragon.." He laughed. Tabari blew out in anger and began to yell. "Who are you and what have you done!? Where are we!? Explain your self or I'll -!" "Or you'll what? Take out your scythe. I'm not an idiot. I grabbed it before I locked you up in the little cell of your's." The man said and he stepped out of Thorn's cell, weilding her scythe. "By the way..Tabari..Incase you didn't figure it out..I'm The Shadow..But you can just call me Shadow for short..And one more thing..Your not alone in that little cell of your's either.." Shadow laughed as he left the dungeon. When the door slammed, to bright eyes from Tabari's cell glowed like fire. Tabari slowly turned around, facing her cell mate. Thorn tried to roar and scare the creature, but his chain muzzle kept him from doing so. As Tabari was op against the wall in fear, the creature slowly walked up to her. It's footsteps getting louder and louder the closer it got. Tabari went to punch the thing, but it grabbed both of her hands just before she hit it. Then out of no where the thing began to kiss her. At first Tabari fought back, but then slowly submitted and kissed it back. She's felt these lips before. Finally the thing pulled back and whispered to her "It's been so long Tabari...". "W-Who are you...How do you know my name..." Tabari asked. Suddenly the person let go of Tabari's hands and stepped out in to the light. Tabari and Thorn couldn't believe their eyes when they saw it was none other than Sham, standing in the light. "It's me, Sham. How could you no remember the touch of my lips on your's Tabari?" He smiled. Tabari didn't know what to think. She was happy and scared at the time. "Your lying! Sham is dead! He died in my own arms! You can't be him!" Tabari yelled. "But it is...You see I didn't die...I guess I just sort of passed out...After you got your powers and you left, Shadow came down from the tree tops and healed me. I was still out cold though so I couldn't run away. When I woke up I was here. I've been here for 6 months now. I tried to warn you not to come but there was no way I could. You see the Shadow's master, King Roran him self, wants to steal your power. He wants to have your unbelieveable powers so he may forever rule the kingdom. Bringing Thorn with you is just an added bonus. That's why he's here too." Sham explained. Tabari didn't know what to think. She was so confused about all that was happening. Sham had been alive the whole time, and her anger brought her here and only indangered all their lives. She feel down to her knees and began to cry. Sham slowly walked up to Tabari, picked her up and held her close. He whispered in to her ear "Don't cry my love...It's not your fault...You did what any other person would have done...You didn't realize it was a trap...Just please...Don't cry..." As Tabari softly cried in to his shoulder, she knew she had to get him out. She didn't quite know how or when. but she had to get him out. She didn't want him to suffer any longer. Even if it meant sacrificing her own life...


The next day, Shadow walked in to Tabari and Sham's cell. They held each other close, afraid of what he'd do to them. Out of no where Shadow tosses Sham his jail keys. "Release the dragon from his shackles peasent..." He commanded. Sham played with the keys and glared at Shadow. "And if I don't..?" "And if you don't..." Shadow whipsered. He suddenly grabs Tabari and pulls a small dagger and holds it against her throat. "If you don't...Your little girlfriend here gets it! Now move!" He commanded again. Afraid for Tabari's life, Sham went inside Thorn's cell and unlocked his shackles. "There, your bidding is done. Now let go of Tabari!" Sham yelled out. Shadow just laughed at him. He pulled his dagger away but he still kept a tight hold on Tabari. "If I let her go, then how will I make you listen to me?" He laughed. Using Tabari as a human sheild, Shadow lead Sham and Thorn out of the dungeon and in to the throne room. He threw Tabari down, as though she was nothing out in to the center of the room. Sham and Thorn raced up to Tabari, checking to see if she was alright. Shadow just laughed as Tabari got up slowly in pain. Suddenly he turned in to mist and disappeared before everyone's eyes. Then he reappeared behind Tabari and kicked her sides, sending her flying back a few feet. Thorn roared and went to bite him, but Shadow had already turned in to mist and appeared behind Tabari again. Out of no where a sword grew out from Shadow's arm and he stabbed it in to the ground, inches from Tabari's head. "One more move like that dragon, and I won't miss..." Shadow warned as he slowly pulled out his sword from the ground. "W-What are you!? Your no man!" Sham yelled out. Shadow just laughed as Sham wondered what he was. He turned in to mist again and appeared in the front of the room, where the king's throne was. "Very good little idiot. I'm a demon!" Shadow yelled out. He ripped off his large coat, revealing his large demonic wings. He tossed his hair out of his eyes, revealing that they were as red as blood. As Sham and Thorn kneeled by Tabari, they stared at Shadow in wonder. Then a man, dressed in dark robes walked in to the room from a side entrance. "That's enough Shadow.." the man said. Judging by his clothing, Tabari figured out that the man was none other than King Roran him self. "So..Your the sick man who caused us so much pain!?" Tabari yelled out to Roran. "Watch your mouth you little freak!" Shadow yelled out. He turned in to mist, popped up by Tabari and grabbed her by her throat, choking her slowly. Sham and Thorn yelled out, but it only made Shadow choke her harder. "Shadow let her go and sit down!" Roran commanded. Rolling his eyes, Shadow dropped Tabari to the ground and appeared in a demonic looking chair by Roran's. "What the hell do you want from us?" Sham asked Roran as he glared at him. "You..I want nothing from you my dear boy..It's that dragon and girl I'm after..You see..I'm going to perform a ritual..One that will suck all their powers and give them to me..So I may forever rule my country with an iron fist.." Roran laughed. "Your sick you know that..." Tabari whispered, as began to slowly stand up. "Tabari no! Shadow is only going to beat you down again!" Thorn warned. As she slowly stood up, Tabari ignored Thorn, and kept insulting Roran. As she spoke she hid her face, by looking at the ground and letting her hair drop "You took away my love and my life...You murdered Thorn's family and made him feel worthless...I'm going to make you pay for what you two have done..." As she finished she looked up at both of them. Her eyes were filled with hate and rage. Her fists shaked and she glared at the evil men. "Oh I've had enough of this." Shadow said. He jumped out of his chair and pulled out Tabari's own scythe and lounged at her. Tabari swiftly douged his attack and grabbed her scythe back from him as he flew by her. Missing his target, Shadow flew in to the wall hard enough to leave a full body imprint on the wall. But he just pried him self off of the wall, as though it was nothing. Scared for her love's life, Tabari paniced jumped in front of Thorn and Sham. "Sham listen to me and listen to me good. Get on Thorn's back and hold on tight. Thorn, I want you to fly out of here. I don't care where just go. I'll hold off Shadow while you guys get out of here." Tabari commanded. "But Tabari! Ahh!" Sham yelled. Thorn was already picking him up and placing him on his back. "Be careful little one..." Thorn warned, as he lounged him self off the ground. He flew away from the place, as Tabari told him. Crashing through the castle's ceiling. "Oh no you don't!" Shadow yelled, flying after them. Luckily a large brick from the ceiling fell on top of Shadow, and sent him crashing in to the ground. "With Shadow out of the way..Your all mine, your highness.." Tabari said as she grinned at Roran. As she slowly made her way towards him, Roran just laughed. Out of no where he pulled out a sword. "You think I'm just another helpless king? I know how to fight, unlike you little girl." He laughed. From behind her, Tabari could hear some shuffling of the fallen pieces of the castle's ceiling. Out of no where, the piece that smashed Shadow is sent flying in to the wall, and scattered in to pieces. From the dust, Shadow rises, looking more angry than ever. His sword grows out from his hand again and he slowly makes his way towards Tabari. She turns around ready to face him, forgeting the king. Suddenly, Tabari feels something heavy whacking her in the back of the head. Once more, everything goes black, and all she can see is Shadow walking towards her body...

Story: The Guardian - The End Of Tabari

Tossing and turning her head, Tabari began to slowly awaken at the sound of heavy footsteps circling her. She tried to move around, but she was tied to something. The footsteps stop in front of Tabari and there's a small chuckle. Her world still slightly black, Tabari just barely makes out it's Shadow standing in front of her laughing. She looks around and sees that she's been chained to a cross, which is in the middle of the throne room. The floor below her has been writen and drawed on. "Heh..The ritual markings to steal your power Tabari..In case your wondering.." Shadow whispered as she stared at the tired girl. Unable to keep her head up, Tabari drops her head and slowly closes her eyes again. Out of no where, Shadow grabs her chin and picks up her head and holds it up. "We can't have you falling asleep now can we. The ritual requires you to be awake..Otherwise you might just die when the King steals your powers. Though I wouldn't mind that much.." Shadow chuckled. Tabari then heard more heavy footsteps coming her way. She looked over to see it was none other than Roran, making his way towards her and Shadow. "Your both sick you know that...But I don't care...At least Sham and Thorn got out alive..." Tabari whispered. Roran kept walking up to her, ignoring her comment. When he finally was standing in front of Tabari, he slapped her across the face hard. "You little fool! If you would have left them here then you would have some of your power left! But no! You had to be the hero and set them free! To bad..It's your life I'm draining. If you would have kept them here, then the drain would have equal and left you some enegry. But you had to go play hero and set them free. It's your life..." Roran explained. Roran then turned away and began to walk outside of the ring. Shadow just grinned evilly at Tabari and left the ring as well. Shadow's wings came out from his back, and he flew around the room, closing all the windows, and blocked out every light in the room. The room was now pitch black and Tabari could barely see in front of her. Suddenly, little candles lit up in every corner of the drawings below Tabari. There was just enough light for Tabari to make out the marking was a large star, within a circle. In every space between the circle and the star was filled in with even more marking. Inside the star was blank, except it's center. Where Tabari stood, the center had lines that lead to her. Roran began to chant something outside of the star in front of Tabari. The marking began to slowly light up as he chanted. The louder he got, the bright the marking got. Suddenly, Roran screamed something from the chanting, and the marking's lines glew brighter, and lit in to a blue flame. Tabari screamed at first, afraid of being burned when she realized the fire didn't hurt. It was everywhere, yet no heat came from it. she was safe, for now. Roran went back to his chanting, and the fire stayed lit. Tabari looked down and saw the lines that lead to her began to lit up. Roran chanted louder and louder, and the lines grew brighter and brighter. Tabari noticed as the lines grew brighter, they more they began to move up her leg. Faster and faster, the lines soon moved all the way up on her body. The lines moved out and covered her entire body. Roran kept chanting his words, and once again he shouted something loud. When he did, the lines on Tabari's body began to suck everything out of her. Tabari screamed out in pain, as her very life and power was being sucked out of her entire body. Tabari screamed at the top of her lungs as her life was being drained away, and she could just barely make out what was happening. The lines on her body turned red and moved back towards Roran and Shadow. The lines formed a circle around Roran, connected to his body, and poured her life in to him. Just then, Thorn comes crashing in to the room through window. The room lit up with the sun light coming from outside, and ritual stopped. The flames disappeared and markings were no longer lit. Tabari stopped screaming and looked over to Thorn. She could see him, with Sham on his back. Only this time Sham had a sword in his hand. "Sham...Thorn...No...Get out of here quick...Before it's to late..." Tabari just barely whispered out to them. "Not without you Tabari!" Sham yelled out, jumping down from Thorn's back and weilding his sword tight. Thorn roared loudly, shattering all the other windows in the room. When he finished his roar and growled louder than ever at Shadow and Roran. Roran and Shadow both pulled out swords of their own. Tabari could just barely make out her scythe was also on Shadow's back. She knew as long as he had that, Sham and Thorn were in grave danger. She began to struggle with the chains, but it was no use. She couldn't break them with what little strength she had left, but she kept fighting anyway. Shadow looked back and laughed at her "You couldn't even break those chains..Even with full power. Don't worry though. The ritual will be back on once we kill your little pests." He grinned. Suddenly, Sham was running at Shadow wildly and screaming like a mad man, ready to swing his sword at him. But Shadow nimbly jumped back and Sham missed. Shadow jump at Sham's blow and swung at him. Sham backed up and Shadow followed after him. Thorn then roared and went to bite Roran. But he also jumped back with his new speed and took a swing at Thorn's head. Thorn was to fast and jerked his head back before he could hit him. Still fighting, Tabari stared in to Thorn's eyes. She noticed something different about them. There seemed to be flames inside of his own eyes. Suddenly, Thorn opens his mouth wide open and a ball of flame shoots out towards Roran. Roran just barely jumped back in time to miss the blow. His robe had caught on fire, so he tore it off revealing his dark armour. Thorn growled again, leaped up in to the air and flew above Roran. He breathed fire down apon Roran again. The entire area Roran was standing was covered in flames. When Thorn stopped his fire, the entire floor was black, but Roran remained untouch from hiding behind his sheild. There was a clang behind Tabari and looked back to see Sham and Shadow still fighting. Shadow was over powering Sham, and was reaching for her scythe to make the final move. Tabari screamed and fought even harder to break free. She rocked the cross back and forth until it finally flew over. Tabari and the cross fell on top of Shadow just before he swung her scythe at Sham. Sham ran up to her and broke the chains with his sword. He picked up Tabari and asked she was alright. She tried to stand on her own but she nearly fell over just leaning on Sham. Sham had caught her though and laid her down and went to help Thorn. All Tabari could hear was Thorn and Sham fighting Roran. Then she heard next to her some rustling under the cross. She whispered under her breath as she rolled over."No...Please no...." Shadow had threw off the cross, which barely missed Tabari. Her scythe was now on the ground and inchs from her, but Shadow ignored it and went after Sham. Tabari slowly crawled over to her scythe and grabbed it. She held it up and leaned on it. She could see that the battle may have been equally numbered, but Thorn and Sham were easily outskilled. Without thinking, Tabari began to run out in to the battle. Roran saw her coming and just punched her down, a feet inchs away. Tabari was not going to give up that easily though. She grabbed her scythe and hooked Roran's legs with it. She jerked on her scythe and caused Roran to fall over. Sham took the moment and stabbed his sword through Roran's head. All of Tabari's powers flew out of his head and all around the room. Then they formed in a bright cyan ball and disappeared. With Roran out of the way, Thorn and Sham made their way towards Shadow. "I know when I'm beaten...I'll leave you fools alone..." He said just before taking off. Tabari laid on the floor, almost ready to pass out as she watch Shadow disappear in to the shadows. Sham ran over to her and held Tabari in his arms. "Tabari! Tabari are you still alive? Please answer me!" Sham pledded with tears in his eyes. Tabari slowly blinked at him and smiled. She put his hand on his cheek, like he did to her when he was dying. "I'm fine...Thanks to you guys..." she whispered to Sham and Thorn. "Little one, are you hurt? What's wrong with you? How long did the ritual last before we came?" Thorn asked. "It lasted for 5 minutes maybe...I can't even stand they drained so much power..." Tabari whispered. As Sham held Tabari close to her, the gods came down in to the room. Everyone was stunned to see that all of the gods had came down here. The god of love walked up to Tabari and smiled. "Dear child, even though it's not the way you wanted it to go, you lover's death, or attack is finally avenged. And Thorn's family may now rest in peace." She smiled. Sham stared at her, with angry tears in his eyes. "Yea but now Tabari is going to die! All because of me!" He yelled out. "Not quite dear Sham..Not quite.." She said. The god gestered Sham, Thorn to gather around Tabari. When everyone was together in a group, the god held out her hand and a bright blue light shot out from it, and hit the group. A deep sudden rush ran through everyone. When the light disappeared, everyone felt different. "I gave you all the prevous powers Tabari had. Super strength, enegry, aliglity, speed, and immortaliy." She explained. Tabari looked at the god puzzled. "Why though. Our mission is done, we no longer need your powers..." She said. The god just smiled at Tabari. "There's still plenty of people who could use your help dear Tabari, Guardian Of Lovers." She smiled. Without another word, all the gods left the room, leaving Sham, Thorn, and Tabari alone. "Well what are we waiting here for? Lets go help some people!" Thorn thundered. Sham and Tabari looked at each other smiled. They kissed each other a little. Then Sham grabbed Tabari's scythe and handed it to her. Without another moment's loss, the two climbed on top of Thorn's back. Thorn thrusted him self off to ground and out of the room. Tabari, sitting behind Sham, wrapped her arms around him and whispered in to his ear "I missed you so much..." and slowly drifted off to sleep on his shoulder, as Thorn flew off in to the sunset...  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:30 pm
long but cool! biggrin  


Blue Berry Gum

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:23 pm
long but cool! biggrin

Lol thanks. When I wrote it in my journal entrys it took 3 of them X3 That's why it's so long. I'm glad you enjoyed it though. My friend got a REALLY big kick out of it. XD  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:46 am
pretty long lol but it was like a good short book! 10/10 !  



PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:18 pm
longest post ive ever seen =o  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:51 pm
I'm glad you all liked it so much! XD! I'm sorry for whatever grammer errors there are DX I fixed them a little in my journals incase you wanna read or whatever. I also edited the begining a little but yea! XD Glad everyone is enjoying it so far! XD heart  

Blue Berry Gum


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:56 am
wow thats interesting... how long did it take?  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 3:12 pm
wow thats interesting... how long did it take?

Uh..About 2 days. I wrote 2 chapters a day so my friend wouldn't kill me >.<  

Blue Berry Gum


PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:08 pm
Wow! It's one of the best stories i've read on gaia so far! I love it! heart xd  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:37 am
wow, too long and too much to even want to read. twisted  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:47 am
WOW! but long  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:18 am
way too long, sorry!  


Kyuuketsuki Kiss

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:39 pm
i dont feel like reading .__.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:15 pm
Long. But I like long books and stories. 3nodding  



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