Once their was a Half Vampyre/Angel/Demon Girl named Kira she was born in a quiet village her parents loved her and so did the towns folk one day when she was 18 she had woken to utter chaos her village was burned down and her parents were kidnapped she ran around franticly looking for survivors they were all dead she stood there and cried she picked up her swords and quiver and long bow and left now on a mission to find her parents alive or dead she ventured into the forest weary of the many creatures that inhabit it Kira walked deeper into the forest and came across a bear she backed away in fear she shook a little and backed into a tree the bear roared and reared up showing his teeth and sniffed her and calmed down and Kira blinked and petted the bear and sighed and she continued to walk and the bear followed her she smiled slightly and continued to walk and as she was going to stop for a rest there were demons in her path and she took out her swords and got into a fighting position.

She faught with the demons for a few hours the bear was injured and so was Kira she laid down and sighed as her wounds started to heal fast and she smiled and closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep not knowing what will happen next Weeks that have past as she stayed there taking care of the animals and again she left on search for her villagers killers she was still angry and mournful fro what had happened she continued to walk silently with a wolf she had befriended she took the scenery in as she walked she wondered if there were others that have suffered like she has.

a while later two Devil/Demon boys walk past her and stop they monitor her as Kira slept Jack sat down while Salem stood they were not evil they sat there in silence talking telepathically to each other Salem sat down his long black hair blanketed the floor like a blanket his green eyes glowed softly in the light he watched the sun set and he looked at his brother Jack and smiled Jack smiled Back as his red eyes started to glow and their eyes went back on Kira and the bear and Jack Sighed and closed his eyes as he fell asleep while still alert and Salem followed soon after him but his senses were still on alert.