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Tags: soquili services, soquili, horse, fantasy breedables, native america 

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Custom Information Thread (Prices, Forms, and Rules)

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:26 pm


Please see the Custom Information Thread for current up to date information!

User Image

=Schedule of next openings=
click here

12/06/09 ~ Free Premade Tags added! Custom tags are now 1k to cut down on time spent tagging.
02/27/09 ~ Prices for Cerynei and Seathi have been added. Welcome the new kinds!!
1/9/08 ~New Customs Rule added #17 concerning multiple versions of the same soquili.
exclaim Post all custom forms if you get a slot here
exclaim Soquili customs can now be gotten by irl payment click here. (Sirenz only)

1. You may only order one soquili and one familiar slot every two months to prevent someone from taking all the slots. If a slot isn't sold after a day then they will open for anyone. If co-owning this still applies. You can't co-own one with someone and then get another slot where you co-own with someone else.
2. Up to two people can co-own a soquili from customs.
3. Custom completion can take from a day - 3/4 weeks depending on difficulty and colorist time schedule.
4. All colorists have a life so please respect their time and abilities.
5. Payment is due 24 hours or slot will be reopened for someone else to purchase.
6. If you want a pet that is colored very difficult (like complicated patterns, etc.) then a charge of 50k is added. Do not argue on what the colorist feels is complicated for them.
7. No refunds!
8. Do not guilt trip anyone out of buying a custom slot.
9. Fill out the entire form when ordering to make things easy for colorist.
10. No change will be given out.
11. Non-lineart edited cosplays of characters are allowed.
12. No lineart edits like lineart edited cosplays, the uni, flutter, kalona, or wind. Only regular soquili may be commissioned.
13. All coloring types will be allowed such as animals, tribal, horsebreed, and spirited! Please refer to the first page for details on these coloring types.
15 No changing/editing your custom form once posted. When you send in a form, that is what the colorist is going to do. No last minute name changes either, unless it breaks the double naming rule. The payment is due in 24 hours but NOT the form. THINK BEFORE YOU SEND! The only instance in which you can edit a form is if you PM the colorist about it beforehand, and they do not have to accept the change(s).
16. In order to qualify for a newbie slot, the newbies in question must have at LEAST 1000 posts. Not to be unfair to newer-to-Gaia newbies, but this is just to make sure that no mules are applying. (updated 8/10/0 cool
16. Pure Skinwalkers are no longer available through customs, only through shop-held rp events
17. 1/9/08 ~ exclaim New Rule concerning multiple versions of the same Soquili
It isn't allowed to get the same soquili commissioned in different versions unless that pet is a skinwalker, but then only the standard transformation of that kind. Clothed and unclothed versions are alright but will be up to the colorist. It is not allowed to get the same soquili commissioned in different outfits, expressions, poses, accessories, hairstyles, etc. If someone must have their soquili in different expressions then by all means, take a visit to the R/Q forum and get a set of soquili emoticons.
18. exclaim It isn't allowed to reference other soquili in quest threads NOR custom forms without any permission from the owner. exclaim

=Other Points of Interest=
exclaim If you have a paint program then you you can color this lineart of a horse how you want your custom soquili to look like. DO NOT USE THE OFFICIAL LINEART!

exclaim On unedited soquili you may request previously done hairstyles (long, medium, short, curly, and braided). You may also request previously done items (those sold in the Trading Post that were done by Cihiru).

Colorist Limitations
(colorists, edit if the below is incorrect)
Sirenz-No limitations
Lilwerewolfgirl-No limitations
Chibizoo-No limitations
Ameh-No limitations

=Custom Edits Guidelines=
1. Basic custom jewelery only counts as minimal
2. Basic custom hair with jewelery counts as moderate
3. Difficult hairstyles and/or overly detailed jewerly may count for difficult.
4. Full body clothing counts as difficult editing.
5. Extremely detailed clothing, hairstyles, and jewelry counts for extremely detailed.
6. Not every colorist will accept a difficult or extremely difficult order. Pay attention to the limitations section before ordering.
7. If you need light clothing like a scarf, vest, upper body only etc then it counts as moderate. Lower body only such as skirt, pants, shorts, etc count as moderate too.
8. A hairstyle that is really detailed to do counts a difficult and a hairstyle that is easy to do is moderate.
9. Ask Soquili if you have any questions before submitting custom form and payment!

1. You have to confirm with the colorist that they do unpelted versions before asking for it. Not all colorists make unpelted forms.
2. You must pay the additional fee for the unpelted form if you want it, price is down below.
3. Peltless forms are for sig purposes ONLY. A skinwalker will not ever remove there pelt when/if your RPing them.

User Image
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:28 pm

=Common Base Prices=
(common soquili are -450k)

Seathi Unedited
-no edits available on usdia for the time being except hair/jewelery-
100k for just adult stage
200k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Usdia Unedited
-no edits available on usdia for the time being except hair/jewelery-
150k for just adult stage
250k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

=Uncommon Base Prices=
(uncommon soquili are -1m but 450k+)

Regular Unedited Soquili
450k for just adult stage
650k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Cerynei Unedited
650k for just adult stage
850k for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

=Rare Base Prices=
(rare soquili are 1m+)

Unedited Wind Soquili Prices:
1 mill for just adult stage
1.2 for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Unedited Uni Soquili Prices:
1.5 mill for just adult stage
1.7 mill for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Unedited Kelpi Soquili Prices:
2 mill for just adult stage
2.2 mill for 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Unedited Mer Soquili Prices:
2 mill for just adult stage
2.2 mill for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Unedited Kirin Soquili Prices:
2 mill for just adult stage
2.2 mill for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Unedited Flutter Soquili Prices:
2.5 mill for just adult stage
2.7 mill for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

Unedited Kalona Soquili Prices:
2.7 mill for just adult stage
2.9 mill for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.

=Super Rare Base Prices=
(super rare soquili are 4m+)

Unedited Skinwalker Prices:
New Cursed: 4 mill for adult (no 3 stages; does not require existing pet)
Cursed Corpse Powder: 3.5 mill (no 3 stages and the pet has to exist already)
Unpelted form: Add half the price of a edited soquili onto the price above. Some rules apply to this so please read up in the rules section.

Unedited Angeni Prices:
4 mill for just adult stage
4.2 mill for all 3 stages (basket, foal, and adult)
exclaim add 50k for complicated coloring.


exclaim =Editing Prices=
(For All breed of Edited Soquili Add the Following to the Unedited Base Price)
+25k for minimal edits such as basic jewelery only
+50k for moderate editing such as basic jewelery and hair
+100k for difficult edits such as detailed jewelery and hair
+150k for difficult edits such as basic clothing, detailed/basic jewelry, and detailed/basic hair
+200k for extremely detailed edits such as detailed clothing, detailed/basic jewelry, and detailed/basic hair
*Not every colorist accepts all editing. Pay attention to the Limitations section. For questions, check the guidelines above or PM Soquili before ordering if you have more questions.


=Familiar Prices=
25k for a common (fox, lion, raccoon)
50k for a rare (hawk, bear, and wolf, sea otter, dolphin)
100k for a super rare (bunny, ferret, or buffalo)
(if your soquili's stats are 30% or more in your teepee, then 10k is removed from its familiar's price. If its stats are 50% or more, then 15k is removed from its familiar's price.)
exclaim add 10k for complicated coloring.
exclaim please no lineart editing on familiars!

=Custom Tag Prices=
1k for basic custom tag with photo or art supplied
+ more for custom bg (depends on colorist)
Click Here for FREE Premade tags in The Tag Gallery!



PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:28 pm

arrow =Payment=
Pure gold and items accepted at that day's low tektek.org price.

=Ordering Info=
Use the forms below and post it here. Also post in the thread that you are getting a slot. Send trade to the colorist whose slot you got within 24 hrs of ordering. The pet will be created depending on the colorist's own time schedule so please be patient. When the pet is done and tagged it will be PMed to you and/or posted in the shop.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:39 pm

=Order Forms=
Click Here for styles of FREE premade tags in the Tag Gallery!! Custom Tags start at 1k.
Common Soquili Forms

.:Seathi (no difficult edits please):.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):

.:Usdia (no difficult edits please):.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):

Uncommon Soquili Forms

.:Regular Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):

.:Edited Regular Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits:

.:Cerynei Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):

Familiar Forms

Temper (one word for familiar's personality):
Reference image?:
Accessory color?:
Tag colors?:
Owners only: Tagged or placed on pet's cert?:

Rare Soquili Forms

.:Wind Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style/wings etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any):

.:Uni Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (horn/tail colors/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference Image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any):

.:Flutter Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description(wing/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any):

.:Kalona Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (wing/horn/tail colors/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any):

.:Kelpi Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (fin/membrane/fin spine/tail colors/eye color etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(clamshell,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any)

.:Mer Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (fin colors/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(clamshell,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any):

Super Rare Soquili Forms

.:Pure Skinwalker Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (pelt colors/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any):

.:Cursed Skinwalker Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name and existing link of horse:
Description (pelt colors):
Reference image(s):

.:Angeni Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Theme (one word/theme where power/ability comes from):
Description (wings/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Reference image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Premade Tag Number:
Tag frame color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag feather color (if ordering custom tag):
Tag BG (if ordering custom tag):
Hair/clothing edits (if any):

Any questions? PM Soquili!


Blessed Kin

11,825 Points
  • Striking Knight 150
  • Dragon Uprising 75
  • Energy Harvester 150

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