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Sandbox Style Wolf roleplaying. 

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- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:50 pm
"You're in pain? Oh, you're welcome."

"Because this forest is sacred."


"Shut up and ******** class="postcontent-align-center" style="text-align: center">A N A F I E L
"All knowledge is worth having."

"Yes, my lord."

"Your future for a coin, miss?"
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:51 pm

Gaia Name:
(Appears to be in his twenties in human form.)
True Form
User Image
User Image
Except he tends to have a lot more jewelrey than that... more girly silver bangles and rings and stuffs.
And he really looks like a woman.
The dude wears makeup, guys.
I mean. Come on.
The guy's an off-the-wall nympho... He doesn't care what you are. XD
I cannot recall my early childhood. Nor can I recall my birthparents, which brings me to question if I was even born at all. I can only remember a dark abyss in which I resided with two others. We all looked the same, but in aura we were quite different. We called eachother brothers, as it seemed rightfully so. We each called eachother by names as well. The brute with the dark red aura was called Rhaspu, and the other with a bright white aura was Tzorr. We lived in the dark endless tunnel day after day, questioning our existence among other things... or, at least, Rhaspu and I did. Tzorr never questioned, never searched. Whilst Rhaspu and I whispered amongst ourselves, Tzorr merely sat, bathing in his personal light. Over time, our own darkness grew maddening. We began to yearn for the inner peace that Tzorr so enjoyed. Our bodies ached, our senses heightened. Envy wracked at our minds and tore apart our souls...
...and thus, we plotted. Perhaps somehow, some way, we could obtain that light, that peace, for ourselves. But how? Simple. We combine our power, unleash every ounce of our darkness into Tzorr... Then, with his dying breath, we take that light for ourselves. Oh yes, we were selfish... But temptation, envy, longing, and hatered... such loathing... It got the best of us.
So we gathered our energy and fed off the darkness like the power-hungry parasites we were. We sat in silence, as Tzorr did, contemplating the essence of our being. With every passing day, we grew even stronger... but we were fools, believing we could ever understand the darkness in its entirety. Confident in ourselves, we circled our target like starving vultures. Tzorr sat, seemingly oblivious to us. In his eyes reflected the light within his soul. It was almost... intoxicating. But that admiration quickly darkened to envy. I wanted that light... and so did Rhaspu. We attacked, lunging all the darkness within our entire beings at Tzorr's idle body. It was the first time I saw him move, the first time I saw that light shift in the darkness. His aura flickered in shock, in pain. A distressed yelp echoed throughout the darkness around us. When I stopped to pity him, it was too late. He lay enveloped in shadow. Something had gone amiss. Somehow, we'd failed. The darkness didn't force the light out of him... it seeped into his fur and leaked passed his bones, collecting in and corrupting his soul. The heart of his aura was black and vacant. Nigh nonexistant.
Tzorr... was no longer. He was gone, and he took with him our only chance at peace. He took the only light we ever knew, the light we had so longed for all those years. Our hope faded. Our hatered grew stronger. And, inevitably, the darkness in our hearts and souls began to manifest itself on the surface. We were granted tangible form, but at a price. We slowly, painfully mutated. I don't know about Rhaspu, but... First it was just a headache for me. Then the pain grew stronger. Within a matter of days, silvery horns had torn the skin on my crown. They grew longer. My limbs, my bones, my very spine, all elongated. Discs shifted, marrow cracked, tissues split. My very framework was being altered. I spent every waking moment in agony. My left leg rotted and bled constantly, like a burn that would not heal.
Now... look at who I am. What I am. This is what darkness does to you. Hate, anger, envy... I embraced all sin for the sake of finding light. Now that I think of it now, it hardly makes sense. What were we thinking...? What could that have possibly accomplished? Foolish beings, we were. Selfish...
...but somehow, I can always find a way to blame it on him.
He deceived us. Tricked us. Tempted us on purpose. He knew, somehow, he knew what would happen.
But enough of this emo bullshit. Let's face it, there's a bright side to every situation. I mean, hideous or not, the abyss had opened up, spat us out...
...and we were released.
Like swollen infants slithering forth from our mother Darkness' womb, we were free. Free to roam. Free to live... Free to hunt. And I have no singular doubt in my mind that Rhaspu and I both had the same motive the instant we became mobile: to find Tzorr, and tear him the ******** apart.
Key word there, "find". For whatever reason, we'd been seperated. Having no knowledge of the physical realm, naturally, I wandered, driven by my hatered. My determination. My hunger. I learned to harness my powers, finding I was able to shapeshift at will with the help of the shadows... which I could command. But the more I practiced, oddly, the harder things got. As time went by, I'd inferred, the energy I'd drawn from the darkness was fading from me. I would soon become powerless.
That's when I came across Darsanga.
They were an odd bunch of humans. They lived in darkness, thriving nocturnally, worshipping their god Angra Mainyu. As you can imagine, for these group of cultists, I was quite a sight to see. The moment I stumbled upon them they threw themselves at my feet, certain I was the physical manifestation of their god of darkness.
Who wouldn't have taken advantage of such an opportunity?
I let them take me in. I let them believe what they wanted. I let them lavish me with gifts, blood offerings, servitude... and women. The femmes of Darsanga were, naturally, eager to please their beloved Angra Mainyu. They served my violent pleasures and obeyed even my most obscene, vulgar demands.
One night, I commanded a female patron to take her life in my name.
I'll admit, it was an experiment of sorts. Not solely to see if she'd actually do it, but if these people were as dark as they said they were... Well. I planned to devour her energy. Her aura. Supposedly, darkness itself. If things worked out accordingly, her energy would allow me to use my demonic powers as I had before.
In short, it worked. Not as wonderfully as I'd thought it would, but it worked nontheless. The next time I went out in public, I showed Darsanga what I was capable of. I assumed human form, and the reaction couldn't have been better. If possible, my public display of power multiplied their devotion tenfold. They'd do anything for me.
Darsanga would bend to my every will.
I reveled in it. I began requesting daily blood offerings for pure amusement. Heirarchy began developing in Darsanga, and Priests rose to my name. The Priests commanded the people through me. I developed a sort of harem which consisted of several young females as well as children.
Heh, yes... Children. They were more reluctant to serve me, as you'd imagine. But there's no greater arousal I found than in their resistance, their humiliation. As things were, I had to kill my women and devour their energy at random intervals to keep my powers at their zenith. But... the moment I deigned to slaughter my first child...
I was shocked, to say the least. Their energy was... different than that of the females in my harem. It was more potent, it lasted longer it... it was pure. Bright. Innocent.
Like Tzorr.
At this revelation, I ordered my Priests to invade neighboring towns and villages and steal for me more women. Innocent, beautiful, unwilling, terrified women. It was their energy I needed. So. One by one, women and children were kidnapped and brought to my zenana. I met each and every one of them in private to show them the full extent of "Angra Mainyu's" madness. Then I made them wait, petrified with fear, for however many days I chose. Sometimes I called upon them simply for a good, violent, bloody ********. I teased them that way. They never knew when they'd be called upon to die.
I'd say about four years passed until I grew content with the amount of lives I'd taken, the amount of energy I'd devoured. To make a long story short, I gave Darsanga my thanks in the best way I knew.
I unleashed my power upon them, and slaughtered each and every one of them.
Well, no, that's a lie. I let the remaining women and children in the zenana live. I let them live, so they might carry the horrors of my cruelty, my madness, my touch, with them for the rest of their lives.
Ah, Darsanga... good memories.
I've recently wandered here now. I daresay after my final outburst there, I've mellowed out a bit. It was fun, but I deserve some time to rest. Yes, rest... before my search for Tzorr begins anew.
You know, it's funny, but sometimes I think I can catch a fleeting scent of him here...
Demon or no:
Yeah, he's a demon. A BIG OL' SCARY DEMON. But yeah. He can shift from true form (wolf) to human at any given time. As a human, he still has heightened senses (i.e, hearing, smell, agility). He has his voice back now, but having lost it for so long, he can use a kind of mind-speech that can be directed to individuals or an entire crowd... and he can make it hurt, too. X]
Fanart / Other Pictures:
Applz's fanart.
Random sketch I did.
Once upon a time, on Neopets... XD
Lolz, tektek.
Doodled on March 31.

Sooo, ah...
That's my baby in a nutshell. o.o

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:52 pm
Gaia name:
Age(in wolf years):
User Image
Straight. What a bore. :I
Long story short, look at Hellahi's background.
She was one of his harem girls that he kept in his horn-dog zenana.
Obviously, she was one he'd acquired toward the end of his reign in Darsanga, and she was allowed to escape with her life.
In this case, somehow Hellahi's rape traumatized her.
But oh well. Girls will be girls.
I know I'd have appreciated it.
Nope. No powers of any kind, but has a strong connection with the earth and trees.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:53 pm
Name: Tzorr
Gaia name: Liilium
Age(in wolf years): Adult
User Image
Gender: Male
Sexuality: I guess he's bisexual...
Backround: See Hellahi's profile.
He's Hellahi and Rhaspu's brother, the youngest of three.
Demononic?: Supposedly. Nothing seems quite threatening about him, however.

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:53 pm
Name: Schick Quattro Raezor (LAWLS)
Gaia name: Liilium
Age: Teen
Wolfen Form
User Image

Human Form
User Image
(Schick is, in fact, my fursona. So. SHE'S ME. BWUAHAHA. Fear.)
(Wait, add the horns to my head and... yeah... we're good.)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning toward lesbian.
Backround: AHAHAHA, don't get me started.
Demononic?: Nupe... But she's a lycan.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:15 am
Anafiel Delaunay
(Though his true name is Anafiel de Montrève; he dislikes acknowledging his bloodline.)
Gaia name:
Age(in wolf years):
Appears 19-21 in human form.
User Image
Wolfen Form
Tall, lean build; almost vulpine.
Burnt orange, cream, and charcoal fur.
Eyes are a crisp gray, with flecks of topaz.
Tall ears, thin silken fur, no tail.

User Image
Human Form
About 6' 2".
Has long, thin ginger hair.
Tends to be shirtless, and wears mainly ripped bell-bottom jeans.
Has lots of strange hippie-jewelry, including hemp bracelets, head wraps, and coin belts.

Anafiel was born in a land called Terre d'Ange, which in its native tongue is loosely translated to Land of Angels. As it was, Terre d'Ange is divided into seven regions, and of the seven it was Siovale that Anafiel called home. Siovale has a grand tradition for learning, and Anafiel was a proud subject of that tradition. Being the prodigious son of a noble within the province, he was granted his own personal library where he spent the majority of his childhood developing his love for knowledge. He grew cunning, vastly intelligent, and quite poetic. However, his booksmarts and eloquent poems did little for him in the ways of love and courtship, and Anafiel found himself yet unmarried by 16 (which was the traditional age for such matters). His father, the Comte de Montrève, quickly disowned Anafiel for his failure to marry and provide heirs to the house. His mother watched helplessly from her garden, ever unable to challenge the power of her husband.
Having been so carelessly cast out, Anafiel found refuge at the University of Tiberium, where he would learn (though not among his studies) the arts of covertcy.
His first few weeks at the University were lonely, and full of bitterness and sorrow. It wasn't long, however, until Anafiel made his first friend within the school's walls- Rolande de la Courcel. Prince Rolande was the one son of Ganelon de la Courcel, the sole King of Terre d'Ange. He was engaged to marry an heiress named Edmée de Rocaille, but it was soon learned by Anafiel that Rolande had naught a taste for women of her fancy; indeed, he had no interest in women at all.
Rolande had eyes only for Anafiel, and they quickly became lovers. While at the University, Rolande began to call Anafiel by his mother's maiden name, as Delaunay was also the name of a legendary shepherd loved by the divine god, Elua. Anafiel would blush at such teasings, and even moreso at Rolande's persistence. Eventually, however, the surname Delaunay became a comfort to his ears and, to Rolande's delight, he adopted it.
Anafiel was strongly revered by the schoolmasters at Tiberium, and was given from them the nicname Antinous, after a lad loved by an ancient Tiberian emperor. Though he knew it could only been out of reverence that he would receive such a nicname, Anafiel questioned Rolande on several occasions on whether he had let the secret of their love run public. Rolande would laugh and shake his head, and assure him that the schoolmasters' nicnames were mere coincidences.
Still, it discomforted Anafiel greatly; if ever word of the Prince's affairs with him went realized, it would surely be the end of their love.
Mind you, there existed no ill will between Edmée de Rocaille and Anafiel; indeed, they had been childhood friends. When at last Rolande and Anafiel graduated from the University, it became known to Edmée that her fiancé was in love with Anafiel. Anafiel stammered his apologies, but Edmée was ever a gentle young woman. She understood quite well, indeed, what true love was, and was easy to abandon such passion to be the Queen of Terre d'Ange and the mother of Rolande's heirs. She would keep the secret of Rolande and Anafiel's love, if she could keep the promise of the throne.
Indeed, she did keep it a secret, and took it to her early grave.
It was said that Edmée perished in a hunting accident but, bitter at the loss of his friend, Anafiel was quick to point fingers. As heiress to the throne to Terre d'Ange, it was a great possibility that Edmée was, indeed, murdered. Anafiel's suspicions went toward Edmée's cold-hearted rival, Isabel L'Envers. Anafiel supposed that the wannabe-Queen had coerced a stableboy into slitting the girth of her saddle so that she would fall. Rolande, in his grief, refused to see the possibility.
But Anafiel was bitterly determined, and dealt with his grief in another way.
He, ever the poet, composed a work which he called Antinous' Ode to His Beloved, describing in a thinly veiled story Isabel's machinations to remove her rival from the equation. Rolande, though he loved Anafiel so, was ever mournful, and was visibly appalled by Anafiel's poem. Isabel, seeing the quiet accusation within the poem, called for Anafiel's banishment. Ever evasive (and partly with Rolande's assistance), Anafiel escaped such a fate when he refused to claim authorship of the poem. However, it was ordered that the entire of Anafiel's poetry be banned and destroyed. Rolande, and a handful of loving readers across Terre d'Ange, wept when word circulated that Anafiel Delaunay's poetry had been collected and publicly burned.
Anafiel had lost one of his two strongest loves, and the absence of his poetry left a vaguely disheartened film over his demeanor. Realizing how deep a loss it must have been, Rolande sympathized, and mended whatever breach Edmée's death and Anafiel's poem had created between them. They were as close and in love as they had ever been, their words and kisses sweet with sorrow.
But it seemed fate would never leave poor Anafiel and Rolande alone.
With Edmée's death, it was indeed Isabel L'Envers who was second to the throne. Unwillingly, and bitterly, Rolande was forced into marriage with her, ever aware that she may have indeed caused the death of his former fiancé. He grudgingly granted her his seed, and her belly soon swelled with his first child, and Isabel's first heiress. Months went by, and things only got worse; forces from the land of Skaldia overran the eastern border of Terre d'Ange. A decisive battle was to be fought, later to be known as the Battle of the Three Princes.
Rolande was one of the said three princes.
Ever dedicated to his love, Anafiel insisted that he ride into battle alongside his Prince and, after much passionate arguing, Rolande realized he couldn't escape Anafiel's stubbornness. If Rolande were to be forced into battle, he would do it alongside his love.
During the battle, Prince Rolande led the third mounted charge. To Anafiel's distress, Rolande got too far ahead of the rest of his troops, and was lost in the fray when his standard-bearer's horse stumbled and went down. The rest of the d'Angeline forces could not find the Prince before the Skaldi did, and Rolande was killed. When the battle calmed, Anafiel stumbled amidst the battered bodies of the dead and dying, and felt his heart shatter as his eyes rested on Rolande. He cried out and rushed to his side. The gaze of his dying love was distant and faltering, and Anafiel tried, in vain, to staunch the bleeding of his greatest wound. Blood seeped through his fingertips, and Anafiel gave a heart-wrenching, desperate cry as he felt his love's chest cease its fevered heaving.
His only love had died, in Anafiel's weary arms.
Though Terre d'Ange won the battle and pushed the Skaldi back into the mountains, the cost was great; Rolande's now fatherless infant daughter, Ysandre, became heir to the throne, as the King had no other children. Rolande's premature death set into motion the politics that would dominate the next forty years of d'Angeline history, that of which Anafiel Delaunay would have no part of.
Before fleeing Terre d'Ange, he remembered a favor he owed his lost love, and abducted a small boy from Rolande's court- Alcuin (see profile below).
But after that, Anafiel Delaunay fled his cursed past, and never looked back.
He now lives a nomadic sort of lifestyle, roaming from place to place in soft company with his adopted son.
Naaaah. He's just a lycan.
Let's seeee...
He's the Beta Male.
He goes to the mountain to pray every morning and...
He writes homo-poetry. 8D

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:35 am
Alcuin nó Delaunay
(Has no actual relation to Anafiel; is simply his adopted son-figure.)
Gaia name:
Age(in wolf years):
Appears 12-14 in human form.
User Image
Wolfen Form
Long, delicate, lithe build.
Silvery-white, thick, arctic-like fur.
Has a definite marque (tattoo-ish thing) that runs from the nape of his neck, to the base of his tail.
Eyes are a deep, dark violet.
Tall, vulpine ears.
Long, bushy tail.

User Image
Human Form
About 4' 10".
Might be considered albino, if it weren't for his dark violet eyes.
Has waist-length, silken silver hair.
Luminous pale skin.
Bears the same marque as his wolfen form (in fact, he acquired it in human form).
Tail is still present, and his fingers are delicately clawed.
You know all my lycans gotta have pointy ears and pretty, pearly-white canines. X]
Often wears flowing, elegant clothing.
(Yeeep, he's another one of my man-skirt-wearin' homo boys. ;D)

Ehhh, he's a bit young.
Alcuin was born in Trefail, a village in Camlach (one of the seven regions of Terre d'Ange), gotten on a village girl by one of Prince Rolande's men (see Anafiel's background). His mother was turned out by her family and faced starvation, but when word of this reached Prince Rolande, he had the father court-martialed, and paid the mother's family a dowry-price himself. Rolande found for the tiny Alcuin a Skaldic wet-nurse, thus Alcuin has a slight subconscious understanding of their tongue. When the Skaldi were again overrunning the borders, and Prince Rolande was killed, Anafiel Delaunay rescued Alcuin to fulfill Rolande's promise that the boy would always be cared for.


Yeah, I got laaaaazy.

I think I put all my effort into Anafiel's background. ><;
Perhaps, but he's still young and hasn't quite discovered himself.
Oh, Jesus, that sounded SO wrong. XD
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:54 am
(Hyas, to close friends.)
Gaia name:
Age(in wolf years):
Appears to be 19 or so in human form.
User Image
Canine Form
He's a red merle australian shepherd.
Tall, agile build. Well-framed and healthy. Thick, silky fur.
His eyes are never the same color, swirling between blues and greens.
There is an unmistakable aura of power resonating from him.

User Image
Human Form
(Better picture coming soon, I swear, as SOON as I get my tablet back.)
About 6' 4". (He's a tall b*****d.)
Dark skin and hair, betraying his Tsingani blood.
Has waist-length, wavy, brown-black hair, woven with decorative beads and glass shards. Two braids lay over his shoulders, while the rest of his hair cascades down his back.
Beholds the same mystic eyes as his wolfen form.
Tail is still present, and his fingers are delicately clawed.
You know all my lycans gotta have pointy ears and pretty, pearly-white canines. X]
Wears somewhat the same clothing as Anafiel, but more native.
( After all, Anafiel got his fashion sense from traveling with the Tsingani. So, yeah, the two know eachother. All my characters HAVE to be tied together. ;D )
So, ah, that means... He only wears man-skirts. He's got a pretty little headwrap, and a hipwrap, both adorned with an array of foreign coins.
Wears a s**t ton of jewelrey, which is also a Tsingani thing, as they wear their wealth about them. Always barefoot.
OH. And he has a cute little monroe piercing on the left side. 8D
His smile is my favorite physical attribute... Since he's so damned tan, when he smiles, it's like... a ******** Crest commercial. <3
So anyway.
I have a ton of odd hippie-characters now. .__.;
But, um, here's a note, if the term "Tsingani" confused you.
In Jacqueline Carey's "Kushiel's Legacy" series, the Tsingani are a largely nomadic race of people, the fantasy equivalent of "Gitanos", or Tsiganes in French, similar in many respects to their real life counterparts. They are horse-traders, gamblers, and fortune-tellers, persecuted in many lands but tolerated in Terre d'Ange (see my other characters, Anafiel and Alcuin). According to Hyacinthe, the Tsingani are doomed and destined to wander eternally, with no proper home for their people, because they would not give Elua sanctuary during his travels in Bhodistan. There is no accurate estimation of how many Tsingani live within d'Angeline borders, as they are too itinerant to be counted.
Not demonic, but he does have a terrible sort of power he can control.
Okay, okay, I'll be forward for once.
The ******** can control and manipulate water.
AND, he can speak the "dromonde".
Yeah, it's like... He can see your past.
And your future.

- Child of Cirra -

Tipsy Conversationalist

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