I hope it is okay with no document style...cause I can't be bothered to make a new thread.

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Name: Hana, Oni

Age: 16


Chakra Color: Black

Chakra Element:

Main: Water

Secondary: N/A

Rank: Genin

Bijuu: N/A
Demon Powers: N/A

Village: Kumogakure

Clan: Hana

Bloodline: Hae Hari ((Hair Needle))
Description--The Hair needle Bloodline is a unique one. The user's hair can be altered into that of the hardest metal, but it still would look and feel like hair until pulled out and thrown. The user can force it to look like a mere strand of hair through Chakra. The needle can pierce through several sheets of different styled metals. A Genin can pierce only one sheet of iron. The user must rip out a strand of hair or a lock, the hair will grow back almost instantly. Using the bloodline, the user must harden the hair then of course, throw it.
Origin--Originally one of the three protectors of Kusagakure, the Hana are now the second wealthiest clan of Kusagakure. They are in constant battles over districts, most arguments are physical fights. They originated in Kusagakure but are beginning to span out in different villages.

Kekki Genki:
Hae Mizu Hari, literally "Hair Water Needle"

Ninjutsu Techniques:
Henge no Jutsu, 変化の術, literally "Transformation Technique"
Bunshin no Jutsu, 分身の術, literally "Clone Technique"
Kawarimi no Jutsu, 変わり身の術, literally "Body Replacement Technique"
Shunshin no Jutsu, 瞬身の術, literally "Body Flicker Technique"
Kakuremino no Jutsu, 隠れ蓑の術, literally "Cloak of Invisibility Technique"
Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
Jibaku Fuda: Kassei, 自爆札・活, literally "Exploding Tag: Activate"
Tobidōgu, 飛道具, literally "Projectile Weapons"
Water Style:
Suirō no Jutsu, 水牢の術, literally "Water Prison Technique"

Genjutsu Techniques:
Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu, 魔幻・奈烙見の術, literally "Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique"

Taijutsu Techniques:

Poison Needles, (set of hardened Hana hair in various forms)

Weapon Technique:

Picture of all his family members.
Chop sticks.
MP3 player filled with rock, (can be played on two speakers or headphones.)

Missions Completed: (Only Missions you have completed In Game)


Biography: Oni was born as second child in a family. His big sister had left their village just before his arrival. His father and mother sadly died in a mission together. Oni was then moved to Kumogakure because of his only family left alive. Yet not to burden a young girl with such a problem they where left without notice it. Oni was then raised in Kumogakure, as long as he remember. He knows that his clan comes from another village in the beginning but don't care to much. Since that he learned to use his Kekkei Genkai he let his hair grow long. He don't talk to much about relatives but he has a connection to his kage is obvious. He found out the truth about himself at the age of 12 and who was his only family and why he was here. He didn't take it as good as one would had hoped.

After a failure in the Chuunin test and then a promotion taken away from him. His vision of the act of the cloud kage. His big sisters, in his anger he got in contact of Aoigetsu which he joined. Yet before he left he walked into the Raikage's office and left his final words: "What is a kage that the village keeps secret from? Thanks for nothing...sister." With that he had left and no one in Kumogakure has seen him since.

Name: Tekkou, Toi Deceased

Age: 35

Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Chakra Element:
Main: Electricity

Rank: Special jounin / Hunting-nin

Village: Kumogakure

Ninjutsu Techniques:
*Bunshin No Jutsu[E] - Clones with no real body
*Henge no Jutsu[E] - Transforms into something that the ninja has in his head.
*Kakuremino no Jutsu[E] - Hides the ninja with his environment.
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, 影分身の術, literally "Shadow Clone Technique"
*Kawarimi no Jutsu[E] - Transports the user to another location
*Nawanuke no Jutsu[E] - Rope untying
*Jibaku Fuda: Kassei, 自爆札・活, literally "Exploding Tag: Activate"

Lightening Style:
Thunder Aburu - "Thunder Up"
Raikyu, 雷球, literally "Lightning Ball"
Raigeki no Yoroi, 雷撃の鎧, literally "Lightning Armor"
Rairyū no Tatsumaki, 雷竜の竜巻, literally "Lightning Dragon Tornado"

Genjutsu Techniques:
*Nehan Shōja no Jutsu, 涅槃精舎の術, literally "Temple of Nirvana Technique"

Taijutsu Techniques:

Weapons: Katana, shurikens, kunais & hunting-nin tools

Weapon Technique:
Hunting-nin body removal technuiqe.
Items sad This is for special iteams your character carries on them such as Summoning scrolls or Jutsu Scrolls.)

Missions Completed: (Only Missions you have completed In Game)


Biography: Toi worked his entire life living for family, honor and to become a hunting-nin. The wipe out those who betrayed what he believed to be the highest pillars in a society. His past is not very well known due to missing political files and records. Yet he is believed to have found most missing-nins in Kumogakures history yet have never walked back from a mission with two souls, only two heads. When the newest missing-nin, in his view, have destroyed most of his pillars he takes on a personal mission. To find and end Onis criminal life. He is planning to ask for his kages permission before he leaves, but Onis betrayal is to big for him to leave be.