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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:58 pm
Ok, so here you can roleplay HP-style! Kinda laidback roleplay, so you can be anyone and talk about anything. Have fun  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:20 pm

NAME: Zeb Myan

AGE: 14


RACE: white/pureblood

HOUSE: ravenclaw

APPEARANCE: check signiture.... about 5'1, blue hair, greenish/ yellowish eyes, tan skin

Quidditch Position: Ravenclaw seeker

Patronus: raven

WAND: 5'11 unicorns horn/dark mohagony handle

PERSONALITY: shy, suttle, dont speack much untill he knows you better, then he opens up, competive in qwittich

WEAPONS/ABILITIES/SKILLS sad telabolt 2250)broom riding, (ability) able to use his pets eyes and see through them, is boned with him (wepon) prefers to use swords than use magic... usaly keeps a longsword at his side, knows how to fence.

PET(S): raven named tuber

WEAKNESSES: when using the raven, he cant see or controll his own body.

BIO: living amung alaska his whole life, he desided that his tribe didnt need him anymore, and went to englend around the age of 10, got lost and found his way yo london and the leaky caldrin, which, he could see. Went inside to find mostly magicans and wisards, warlocks and whiches. Hagrid found him and asked him to join hogwarts to learn everything of what he was, saw a hawk chasing a raven ouside the leaky caldrin, had his first insident of eye-fusing with the raven( guess it ran through his blood) showed the raven he wanted a frind, and the raven landed on his arm, the hawk flying away, from then on, best frinds.

OTHER: has two brothers, verg myan(18,fisher) and harry myan(10) , 3 sisters named venessalia myan (16,dragonrider) Trunks Myan( 13, Polvenholt school of witches for good) and Cathreene Myan ( 12, Polvenholt) his famaly had no wisards in line, just witches, zeb being first wiserd in famaly father being Gidiya Myan(45,blacksmith) and mother being Telabelena(47, department of magical uses, western division)


zeb running through the streets of london, dodging this way and that " excuse me, pardon me, sorry!" he runs to the train station and walks right up ind into platform 9 3/4... making shure noone saw him enter...takes out his stubb and walks to the hogwars express, thanking everything that the mad it on the train.... he allmost mised it there ... " the howarts express is now leaving.. plese stay have a nice ride and refreshment are handed out soon" the overcom bealted and Zeb leaned back in a carrige to himself... three more people sliped in behind him and asked to sit with him, zeb didnt care... he was going to hogwarts finaly....  


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Pools of Crimson Tears

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:58 am
Name: Aaron Micheal Hunt


Year: 5


Personality: Aaron is a fairly quiet guy. He is only talkative around his friends. He is an A student and loves being in Hufflepuff

History: Aaron is from a family that can be traced back to before Hogwarts. He is a direct decendent from Helga Hufflepuff. In his first year he met Addison Fugoria and they were friends immedeatly

Appearance:User Image

Wand: 10 7/8 in. Cedar Dragon Heartstring

Specalities: Curses, Charms, flying

Cool Stuff: Aaron is the seeker on the quidditch team. His animigus is either a hawk or coyote. Can do any magic without speaking or wand.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:24 am
Character's Name: Angelique Geneviève Paquet

Character's Age: 14

Character's Appearance: Image of Angelique is here
Angelique is slightly taller than other girls her age, standing at 5'5'', and slim. She is much stronger than she appears. She is in good shape, and she plays quidditch with her friends. Her long brown hair often falls into her eyes, and she sometimes carries books with her, and stares at the ground rather at other people.

Angelique has a certain grace, and her movements are long and fluid. Her body is starting to show some curves, and Angelique’s complexion is tanned, from all the time she spends outside swimming and riding. Her golden complexion sets off the highlights in her hair perfectly, and makes them stand out more.

Angelique’s face is very well proportioned, with the exception of her eyes, which are rather small. Her long thick lashes make her eyes seem bigger though, so she really has no complaints. Her nose is of a medium size, and her lips were nice and full. When she smiles, her amber eyes light up. Her long brown hair frames her face beautifully, making her prominent cheekbones stand out even more. Angelique’s eyes are rather large, with long black lashes that emphasize them. They are amber, with darker specks of brown in them. Angelique’s hair is dark, chocolate brown. It is rather long, reaching down towards the middle of her back. It is pin straight and has light brown highlights running through it.

Since Angelique originally went to a muggle school she had to dress in muggle clothing, and found it more confortable and not as hot in the summer. She also likes pairing up different pieces of clothing until she likes it, which she cannot do with wizarding robes. She likes the colors silver, black, white, and hot pink. She usually pairs bright colored tees with pretty skirts, and wedges. For formal events, she wears flirty dresses, usually a halter dress, or a nice gown, in dark or vibrant colors, depending on the occasion. Angelique cares about the way she looks, in a slightly obsessive manner. She gets her outfits ready the night before, so she could always look her best, without having to rush around in the morning.

As Angelique spends a lot of time outside with her friends, you can usually see Angelique wearing a flirty top, a skirt, and wedges, and carrying a pretty purse. The times that she wears robes, she prefers ones that have decorations on them. She doesn't mind Beauxbatons's uniforms, for the blue is a pretty color, and they are light, so even when it gets warmer, they aren't as hot.

Character's Hobbies:
Some of Angelique's hobbies are music, swimming, and horseback riding.

Character's Personality: Perhaps the most outstanding trait of Angelique is her sharp mind. She can usually pick up what the teacher is saying rather quickly. She is a quick learner. She has a broad knowledge about a lot of subjects, and is a very well educated girl. You can always count on her to offer her opinion, whether wanted or not, about any matter. She could be counted as a skeptic, for she needs proof about a theory before she is willing to believe it.

Angelique also enjoys music a great deal. By the age of 14, she played the piano and flute, and also sang. She performed a bit with her school choir when she was ten, but stopped after a while. When Angelique started performing, she became rather confident, and unfortunately, a rather arrogant person. At times, when dealing with other people, she thinks that she is superior to them, because she had sung abroad and performed on stage, while they haven't. When she realized that she would only push her friends away if she kept that up, she toned it down a bit, and has become a much better person. Occasionally though, she reverts back to her old ways without realizing it, but her friends put her back into her place by ignoring her, and making comments about her behaviour.

Angelique is strong willed, defiant, and determined. She knows what she wants, and how to get it. If there isn’t a obvious way, she fights until she gets it. By fighting, she doesn't mean physically, although she sometimes does resort to that. She usually uses words, and will keep bugging the person, or keep reminding them until they get fed up and give in. She She tends to over dramatize, and is known for ocassionly making up things that can’t possibly have come true.

She will help people out when required. She doesn’t really care about pleasing other people, for she is happy with herself. She will treat people older that her with respect though. Angelique is also known for goofing off in serious situations. It’s not that she doesn’t find it important, it’s just that she tries to lighten the atmosphere, and usually ends up failing.

When she started attending Hogwarts, she replaced acting with Quidditch. She likes Quidditch because it gives her a great sense of freedom, and she likes being able to play wherever she wants at school with her friends. Also, flying gives her a great thrill. Another thing that she replaces them with is swimming in the beach with her friends. She finds it refreshing, and relaxing, for it helps her shed her stress.

Other than that, she is a fairly open minded girl. She is a girl that likes to relax, and usually keeps opinions to herself, unless asked. She usually doesn’t make an opinion about things before she has tried it. She is not picky when it comes to food, but for clothing, she is slightly picky, for she was raised in an environment where looks were everything.

Angelique enjoys both reading and writing stories. She avoids poetry if she can help it, for it confuses her. She mostly reads muggle fiction, and occasionally wizarding fiction. She also avidly reads books on the defense against dark arts, and potions. She enjoys reading muggle fiction because the plots are not as elaborate and complicated as wizarding fiction, for there is no magic to complicate things. She also had gotten used to reading them at her boarding school in her free time. She reads books on DADA and Potions because she likes learning new spells ahead of her class, and knowing how to make useful potions. Angelique also enjoys riding her horse, Belle. Singing and Acting is also another one of Angelique’s favorite things to do.

Angelique dislikes people who have no brain whatsover. She used to go to a muggle school where the girls talked mostly talked about clothing and hairstyles, and it was hard to find people that could hold a interesting conversation. Having the right hairstyle and clothing, she could have been one of those girls, but preferred not to, for she like talking to people who would talk about things other than clothing, and hair. Even though she dislikes these kind of people, it kind of has sunk into her sub-conciousnes, and after a few years of going to a school where looks were everything, she started dressing like them, out of habit.

She twirls locks of her hair when she is nervous, and occasionally bites her nails. She also jiggles her foot when she is excited. From time to time though, when she becomes nervous and scared, she can trip over her feet, and seem rather clumsy. She also hunches down slightly, for she is quite aware of her height, and all in all, giving the impression that she is rather passive. After you have a conversation with her though, you see how wrong you are.

Character's History:
Jean Francois Paquet – 35 - Former Papillonlisse
The Paquets trace their ancestors as far back from the beginning of the 15th century. They are a fairly large family of purebloods who kept their standards as a Upper Middle Class Family. Sided with the good, they used their ability to heal the wounded and sometimes fought the dark. The Paquet's are widely known in the west parts of France because of their long line of healers and physicians who saved many lives by taking part in the French Revolution in 1789. This had influenced Jean's interest in becoming a healer for his future career, also holding the honor of his family name. When he finished school, he started training to become a medical wizard, and 3 years later, he was officially a medi-wizard.

Marie Élisabeth Clément - Former Bellefeuille
The Cléments are also another family of pureblood's but aren't as famous as the Paquets. This family had only recently emerged into the wizarding world so they are not fairly known. The family consists 'good wizards' and so, they do not use their blood status to hurt or discriminate anyone but treated everyone equally, believing there is no difference between purebloods to half or lower. Many in this family has a job at the ministry and they all hold a great deal of responsibility. Causing people to depend on the during work and also in private. Marie had been influenced by her parents to become a ministry worker, and became a member of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

Jean and Marie met when Marie was at the hospital for Ministry related business. Marie had just brought in a wizard that needed medical attention, and Jean stepped up to the plate. Jean was taken in by the witch, because she seemed so sure of herself, and was upfront. Marie on the other hand, was interested in Jean, because he knew what he was doing, and wasn’t shy in getting information. By the end of the job, they had exchanged addresses, and promised to keep in touch. Over the course of the next few years, they wrote numerous letters to each other, and meeting every now and then. When 3 years had past, Jean proposed to Marie, and she agreed to marry him.

Angelique Geneviève Paquet was raised in a rather large house in Paris. She had her own room, and her parents were somewhat wealthy, so they were able to provide Angelique with some of the things she wanted. One day, her mother heard of an open call for a small play, and decided to bring her daughter to it. She was quite surprised when her daughter actually managed to get the role and let her continue acting. Her stint with the play went rather well, and after the performances ended, she was approached with another role, this time slightly bigger. Her mother considered it, and after a while of deliberation, decided to let Angelique pursue a child actress’s career in plays.

By the age of eight, her father began to worry that signs of her magical prowess would begin to show, so he refused to let her perform anymore. Instead, he let her have her own horse, Belle, and sent her off to an exclusive muggle school that specialized in the arts, such as music, riding, drawing, etc. He allowed her to learn how to ride and jump, much to her mother's dismay, for she was afraid that Geneviève might hurt herself. She also was encouraged to take up music, and she picked up instruments, such as the piano, and flute. She was also encouraged to sing, and she did that quite willingly. Even though she was allowed to go to a school like this, her father cautioned her, she could not get too angry, she could not fight with others, and she could not show off her magic. If any of those things happened, she would be withdrawn from the school immediately. Angelique loved the school, and did her best to follow her fathers instructions, and was successful in staying at the school.

When Angelique’s letter of acceptance to Beauxbatons arrived though, her parents were overjoyed. Her overjoyed parents took her to purchase the required materials for Beauxbatons. When Angelique saw the owls in their cages, she begged her parents for one. They refused, saying that she could just use a school owl, and moved on. For the whole trip, she bugged them about it. When they got home with all the new things, she bugged them about it, making sure that they didn't forget.

Angelique was quite excited about starting school at Beauxbatons. When she arrived, she realized how much her parents had shielded her from the magical world. Kids ran up to greet each other, with only a few kids standing to the side. Even though she had grown up in a magical world, she knew only a handful of people, and that was mostly because of her father. She became determined to succeed in the magical world.

During her first year, Angelique was thought to be shy, but her few close friends knew better. She sent letters faithfully every other day to her parents, and always received a reply. A few weeks after arriving at Hogwarts, she woke up in her bed with some heavy things at the foot of her bed. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking at the pile in surprise. There was a pile of gifts, and she automatically reached for her parent’s gift. It was in thin wrapping paper, and held a huge box of sweets. She was extremely happy, and began eating some every day. Angelique set aside time every day to do her homework, and it worked pretty well, and she got normal grades.

She came back that year with plenty to tell her parents. She was even excited to go back to Beauxbatons for a second year. But during the summer, her father got transferred to England, and they had to move. Instead of letting her go to Beauxbatons, they enrolled her in Hogwarts.

In her second year of school, she went to school, with a new owl. After a summer of bugging her parents about it, they had finally given in and let her have an owl of her choice. She was sorted, and deemed to be a Ravenclaw. She also quickly developed a liking for a few lessons, her most favorite being Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Charms. She almost always fell asleep in History of Magic, and was horrible in Astronomy. She was just too impatient for this class. Another thing that happened this year was that she was able to bring her beloved horse Belle to Hogwarts with her. After classes, you could often see her down at the stable talking to Belle. She also made a few close friends in her house. She enjoyed spending her free hours hanging out with them, and talking. She used the same method as last year for her homework, and she realized that the time wasn't enough, because her workload was being gradually increased. She started leaving more time for homework, and pulled up her grades by the end of the year.

Towards the middle of the third year, Angelique started opening up to more people, and realized that you could make a whole lot of new friends that way. Suddenly, life at the castle was more exciting, and fun. Whenever there was spare time, she hung out in a group with them, talking, and gossiping. They had random competitions, and played board games in the common room at night. Even though she had a fun time at the castle, she was careful to set time aside for her homework. She realized from last year, she would need more time, so she set aside a few hours a week to do the homework. She didn't really need that much time though, so she spent the remainder of what she had reviewing, and editing her work. This made her school work better, and she got higher marks than average. When she left for the summer vacation, she couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts next year.

What will Angelique's fourth year at Hogwarts bring?

More about your Character: Angelique has a snowy owl named Cascada, a persian cat named Neige, and a horse named Belle. She plays chaser on the quidditch team. Also, her wand is Ebony with a Unicorn tail hair, and is 12 1/2 inches. Her patronus is a Unicorn.

Character's Preferred House: Ravenclaw

Cannon Character: No

RP Sample: Angelique ran towards the barn, her sky blue cloak flying behind her. She had exactly an hour before her next class, and wanted to squeeze in a ride with Belle beforehand. When she reached the stables, she slowed her pace and inhaled the smell deeply, for it seemed to relax her. She walked to Belle's stall, and quickly put her tack on. As soon as she was out of the stable, Angelique mounted Belle and nudged her to a gallop. She guided Belle down to one of the shorter trails, and led her in.

This was her favorite, because it had many places to jump to keep Belle and her in shape. The first jump, a fallen tree loomed ahead of her. She leaned forward and as soon as she was close enough, encouraged Belle to jump. Belle flew over the fallen tree trunk effortlessly, and landed softly on the other side, never breaking her pace. Angelique praised Belle, and as the next few jumps grew closer, she encouraged Belle to jump over each one. Belle complied and they flew over the rest of the jumps easily.

As they left the shady trees in the forsest, she slowed Belle to a walk. When they were close enough to the stables, Angelique dismounted Belle, and led her into the stables. She removed the pieces of tack, and hung them in their proper spots. She gave Belle a quick rubdown, promising her a longer one later, and led her back to her stall. She quickly filled up Belle's water bucket, and while Belle was drinking, she quickly mixed some oats and water together, and directed her wand at it, mentioning a quick incantation. Steam started coming out of the tip of her wand, and she stuck it into the mixture. She mixed it until it was steaming, and had turned to mash.

She wiped her wand off on a towel on the wall of the feed room, and she brought the mixture to Belle's stall and put it in the stand. She grabbed Belle's hay net and ran to the stall filled with hay. She stuffed the net until it was full, and tied it securely shut. She went back to Belle's stall, and tied it to the hook on the ceiling. She saw that Belle's water bucket was empty, and sighed. She grabbed the bucket again, and went to the feed room once again. After filling it up with water, she was about to walk out the door, and took a double take, and grabbed some carrots and sugar cubes from the treat drawer. She put the water bucket back into it's place, and noticed that Belle had finished her mash. She fed Belle the treats that she had, and stroked Belle's head for a few minutes, then closed the stall door.

She ran back up to the school, her cloak and hair flying behind her. When she reached the the castle, she quickly raced up to her dorm room and threw on some clean robes, and ran a comb through her tangled hair. When her hair was untangled, she tied it up into a messy ponytail, and then, she grabbed her book bag and ran to her next class without pausing. When she reached the classroom she sat down in her spot, and put her bookbag down. She glanced down at her watch and smiled as the door to the classroom opened, and the professor walked in. Perfect timing.


Tipsy Conversationalist

Pools of Crimson Tears

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:16 pm
Angelique what house are you in? I'm in Hufflepuff  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:21 pm
Name: Kairi Sakura Haruno

Age: 14

Year: 4


Personality:Kairi is a calm girl.She likes to talk with her friends. Loves cats likes to draw ,read and likes to kick people butt when it comes to quidditch!

Appearance:Has short black hair with dark blue eyes.her height is 5'6 and has light tan skin.has a marks on her from a awful past.
Wand:8 9/5 in.Dragon Phoenix Feater.

Specalities:Flying , drawing and cursing people and cursing at people.

Cool Stuff: Kairi is the seeker on the quidditch team.her animigus is a cat or a wolf.can curse very fast before you can see her doing it and is great with a sword.  


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:09 pm
Walking around the train trying to find someplace to sit everywhere she looked was full she said ''Oh am I ever going to find a place to sit?!''Wanted to sit with Aaron but he was busy so she looked more,but the only place that wasnt very full was Zeps .So as she walked to it she thought ''Oh great him.''she doesnt know why she didnt like him much.Maybe whenever she tried talking to him he seems like she did something awful to him but she havent..yet.She walked over and said ''can i sit here? everywhere else is full.''  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:27 pm
looks up "Go right ahead Kairi" Starts to draw the dragon some more, shading it this way and that, then adding more to the body...

looks over at kairi as she sits "so" he speakes up, this being his third year and seen her the year before... he allways liked her he just never open up and bottled it behind a wall, not talking to her much at all, he disided to try to this year though

"how was your time away?" looks up from his drawing and looks up with his greenish/ yellowish eyes and sets his blending pencal down.  


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:36 am
''Lets say that I will never go back home ever again.''Kairi said as she pulled out her Twilight book.''How was yours?''  

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