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Illusionary Main

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:45 pm
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This diary is meant to be private; please contact the owner before posting. This Illusionary is NOT FOR SALE, so don't ask.

Name: Daichi
Gender: Male
Illusionist: Erina_Nobara
D.O.B: September 9, 2007
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Partial to: unknown

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:02 pm

Illusionary Post
The Manor
Introduction Post-The Appearance RP Post
Eri Nightshade and Daichi Nightshade Profiles
Other Residents of Nightshade Manor Mini-Profiles
Daichi's Observations RP Post
Reserved for Pics
Journal Entry 1
Journal Entry 2
Change Post -To Oracle-
A Mystery of A Man RP Post
A Special Treat. Change Post -To Infant-

Page 2~ Continues this Story


Sugary Snack


Sugary Snack

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:41 pm
The Manor

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Nightshade Manor is large building on the edge of a creepy forest. In all its vastness, it seems the number of rooms is endless. There is a large library, a dining hall, a kitchen, a living room, a music room, a playroom, a nursery, the entrance hall, an art room, a few offices, a few alchemy labs, and a sea of bedrooms, winding stairways, an attic, a basement, and bathrooms; all covering 3 levels. The decorations, paintings, statues, etc, that line the walls and hallways seem to be plucked right out of the Victorian Era.

You'll notice though, that there are a lot of 'dolls' just lying around the house. They range in size from giant, to human-size, to small and chibi-sizes. They looks so life-like it's almost scary, but they are left in their places by the house inhabitants for unknown reasons.

Outside there is a stable and an area for stage coaches, plus a large hedge-maze that has a fountain at its center. Nearby is the family cemetery.

The path to the entrance is blocked with a huge black iron gate that remains locked. It's attached to a fence that envelopes and outlines the property. The gravel road that leads straight to the front door is lined with well-kept rose bushes.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:51 pm
The Beginning...

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Eri Nightshade was a woman, with a huge imagination. Ever since she was little, she liked to make up stories and draw pictures. She had a 'god-given talent', people would say. The older she got, the more her abilities improved. Short stories became books, pictures turned into graphic novels, and she even wrote music. She said all her creations told spectacular tales, even her songs.

But what she didn't realize, was that these things that had been sparked by her imagination, were full of life. With every sentence she wrote or music note she scribbled down, and with every little line stroke in a picture, she was weaving whole new worlds with her small hands.

Her books were her favorite by far though. She'd written quite a few in her long years. Though her appearence was only that of a woman in her early 20s. However, she'd been living in her home, Nightshade Manor, for quite some time. But with her bloodline, she was still young as ever.

Today though, something strange was in the air. She sat at her messy desk, as her brown eyes scanned the large room. Millions of books stared back at her from their dark shelves. She could swear they were eyeing her back, especially the ones she'd written herself. Closer to where she was sitting, were her works. One of which seemed to be looming just above her head level, glaring at her. That particular series of books was unfinished. Sadly, she just couldn't think of what to write anymore; how she wanted to word things, and there were so many changes she wanted to make. She sighed as all the stress from it came crashing down upon her once more....quite literally in fact.

The books had somehow become dishelved and fallen, smacking Eri on the forehead and landing with a loud thump on the desk. Suspicously, it hand landed open to the page where Ms. Nightshade had stopped writing. Almost to complain, and say, why haven't you finished me?

Little did Eri know that the world she was weaving with her storyline had stopped. Little by little it slowed down like a dying carousel. The turning came to an adrupt stop the day Eri had closed the book for good. On the outside, all seemed good and well, that Eri was only moving on to other things. But on the inside, it was a completely different story.

Nightshade's creation began to crumble and fade away. The sun stopped shining, the mountains were crumbling, and the sky had turned a dark black as everything began to turn into a whispy smoke and swirl out of existance entirely. Everything, everything except one tiny being with the courage to live on. The main character of part 2 in the trilogy. Or what would have been a trilogy. Daichi floated up into the emptiness, and slowly began to change. His once solid body was now more ghost-like then ever as he began his transformation into a 'will-o-the wisp' if you will.

His tiny light burst through what felt almost like a wall to him. And moments later he erupted from the pages of the book right before Eri Nightshade's eyes. She gasped in suprise and promptly fainted to the floor before awakening hours later, only to find that the strange wisp-thing was still hovering above the open book where it had been before.

Daichi could sense he was someplace different now. He couldn't remember much of his past anymore. Only that he had been looking for something that had been taken away by an evil force. He couldn't recollect what it was though, or even his life before whatever it was, was taken away.

Just that he had been missing something, and now, wherever this place was, there was a new something. And whatever that something was, was sprawled out nearby. But he couldn't sense any evil from it, in fact it was quite comforting. Perhaps this was what he'd been looking for all along. And so right away, he decided, 'this is where I'm going to stay.'


Sugary Snack


Sugary Snack

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:58 pm
Eri Nightshade and Daichi Nightshade Profiles

User ImageName: Eri Nightshade
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Residence: Nightshade Manor
Appearance: Long brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, black feathery angel wings which can turn into a tattoo on her back so they don't get in the way. Kitsune ears and tail-yay fluff!
Choice of attire: She prefers Victorian-style or Gothic Lolita style and can usually be seen wearing suits or dresses. But when leaving the house to run errands she dresses casually because she hates to draw attention to herself. On occasion though, when there are festivals, she likes to wear her yukata. And for pajamas she likes a loose-fitting kimono.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Daichi Nightshade
Age: Infant-Young
Gender: Male
Residence: Nightshade Manor
Appearance: Pink and sparkley! Long red hair, and beautiful petal-like fairy wings. Pale Skin.
Choice of attire: loose-fitting clothing so his wings can protrude. silk and slippers-asian clothing?
Fave Items: A 'talking' Ledgem Doll, and anything that plays music.
Other info: He feels a strange connection to the Baron.

Illusionary Main
"Just living is not enough,"
said the butterfly. "One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

Illusionary Main
“By that sin fell the angels.”
But what sin could have caused the petal-winged one to fall?
It remains to be seen.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:24 am
Other Residents of Nightshade Manor

User ImageThe Baron von Geist-(blue hair, gold eyes) A man with multiple personalities. When he changes personalities his eye color usually changes. He's an x-excorcist; now acting as an alchemist and he likes making dolls. You'll often find these dolls lying about the house. How Eri knows him and why she lets him stay with her is unknown to anyone. He's by no means harmful-----his only personality/soul that is dangerous is under a seal so it can't come out. And besides, if you want to find him, you'll have to go looking throughout the vastness of the manor anyway.

User ImageMocha Nightshade-a lantern spirit. The ghost of a raccoon boy who came to inhabit a lantern that Eri bought at a festival from a strange woman. *shrugs* He's the very talkative, friendly type. He likes to take care of/babysit Daichi whenever possible.

His past you ask? He had a pretty crappy life when he was little, and was forced to steal. It became his lifestyle until he became wealthy and started giving back to the community. But he had made a lot of enemies, during his criminal life, one of which had Mocha bumped off. His ghost came to rest in the lantern, and well...I already said the rest.

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User ImageJinx Nightshade- the family cat. He has a spell on him. He is human-like in appearance to most people. Others see only a simple black cat. Apparently Eri likes to get all her pets from a 'special' store in China Town. Creepy place if you ask me.  


Sugary Snack


Sugary Snack

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:52 am
Special Belongings


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Daichi's Wish Doll and Eri's Wish Doll:

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Other Toys:

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:08 am
Daichi's Observations

Eri had closed off her office to everyone except herself. The doorway was boarded and a sign hung on the door reading 'Do Not Disturb'.

Little did the other residents know, that Eri had another way of entering the room; a secret passage, the house was full of them. This way she could watch and observe the floating light that had come out of her book, and not be bothered. She could also rest peacefully knowing that the light would not be pestered.

But unbeknownst to Eri, she was the one being observed, by the spirit of the being inside that light.

Daichi watched as the surrounding objects in this place he was in became clearer and clearer each day. And he could make out the 'something' that was in the room with him now; a woman. He didn't know who she was, but she was pretty and her presence was warm and made him feel happy inside.

And at night, while Eri was sleeping, a small black cat would find its way into the office. At least at first it looked like a cat, but sometimes the image of a strange-looking human would flicker in and out. A spell? One day Daichi stopped seeing the cat, instead it took on the form of the strange-looking human permanently. And despite the difference in size, the 'cat-man' as Daichi would refer to him from now on, until he learned his name, would hop up onto the desk and 'Meow' and bat at Daichi before disappearing again before the woman woke up.

As even more days passed, the cat had been 'caught' visiting, and Daichi could clearly make out the voice of the woman calling the cat man by name. Jinx, was it?

"Jinx, get off my desk, and leave that light alone!" The woman reached down and ruffled the boy's hair, and Jinx's gold eyes glittered in response, as he grinned and then darted off.

The woman sighed and collapsed into an armchair that set across from her desk as she watched Daichi and Daichi watched her; both in an ever-growing curiosity.


Sugary Snack


Sugary Snack

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:10 am
heart heart heart

heart heart heart
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:12 am
Journal Entry 1

Eri's Journal

Dear Journal,

It's truly amazing. Ever since that day I was sitting in my office, this will-o-the-wisp or whatever it is, has remained here. It floats above the open book of my own composition, though the book remains unfinished. I had hit a dead-end, and I was tired, but now....I feel almost inspired to pick up where I left off. Almost........

If only strange occurrences like this happened more often. It'd give me more ideas to write about it. I wonder what it could be......and why did it come 'out of' my book? I'll keep watching, and perhaps even take a few pictures to stick in here.

I wonder if it has the ability to move, and it only chooses to hover there. Or perhaps not. I'm glad the I didn't let the Baron in here. He'd probably want to run experiments on it. I think it's presence here must mean something...it almost feels like a soul. With my experiences with my miko friend Pyper...it very well could be I've picked up a few things.

I'm gonna start setting things on my desk near it, to see if it reacts to any of them. If it doesn't....perhaps it's just resting. Asleep maybe? No... it feels like it knows I'm here.

I'll continue to document any changes for further reference. Monitoring it is sure to give me clues. Maybe I can find something on this in the library. In fact, I'll head there now to do some research. Farewell for now.

Ms. Eri Nightshade


Sugary Snack


Sugary Snack

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:47 pm
Journal Entry 2

Eri's Journal

Dear Journal,

I don't know what to make of it!!! I found out that the Baron, Jinx, and Mocha have been getting in here without my permission. If I find out that they were running experiments on this 'soul' as I now call it, I'll have their hides! And though my journal writings are erratic, instead of on a regular basis...well it's because I've gotten so caught up in watching this pink and maroon mist, swirling above my book.

Today a figure began to form inside! I can see a child! And he can see me! He reacts to my voice in movements! I have to admit, I'm excited. I can't really explain why, but... perhaps this child will grow and continue to change in my office. I can only assume he's growing stronger if he is becoming clearer and clearer with each passing day. I should really be recording all this.

If only I could find a digital camera. All I have is this musty, ancient thing. It serves no real purpose here. Maybe I could trade it at a pawn shop or auction it off. I shall write more soon on later developments as I can hear Mocha knocking things over in the hallways. Probably playing with the dolls!

That makes me wonder..I wonder if this soul would like the dolls. And perhaps I should name it. I can't just keep calling it 'soul'. I know, since it would almost appear that it came out of my book...I'll name it after the main character, Daichi, Daichi-kun. That sounds good. And so now I shall take my leave.

Ms. Eri Nightshade
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:07 am
A Change: Daichi Becomes an Oracle

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Daichi was growing rather bored of just 'floating'. Despite his world changing, and his ability to fully see his surroundings now, he was growing restless.

The woman who was watching him had become more lenient with who she let in the room, removing the boards that had once fastened the doorway closed. Now, not only did she visit daily to check-up on him, but so did Jinx the cat, a strange ghostly boy, and a young man who had left a large doll in the giant armchair.

Daichi didn't know who any of these people's names were except 'the cat', but he liked to have them all around. He was excited when the woman returned a second time that day. She walked past the doll, giving it a look before she sat down behind her desk to watch the floating wisp before her.

Today would be different though. As she stared at the swirling sparkles of pink and maroon, something inside the floating colors began to solidify. She gaped as the picture of a child began to become more and more visible. She reached out to touch it, and surprisingly, the now-excited child reached back. And despite not actually being able to touch each the other, they were both filled with a feeling of warmth and joy as smiles spread across their faces.

Not even for a moment, did Ms. Nightshade stop to think, that this child looked strangely familiar, perhaps like a certain character, in a particular unfinished book that was had been lying open on her desk for weeks now.

And after this day, Ms. Nightshade began to speak with the child, even though he couldn't respond, it seemed like he could hear, and understood everything she said. She told him who she was, where he was, and all about life at the Manor. There talks made him grow happier each day, and he grinned as he stared down at his hands, which he could make out through the swirls of dust surrounding him. He felt like he was moving closer to that space that 'Eri' stood in; like the only thing separating him was the swirls of his little smoke cloud. But perhaps that would change soon....perhaps.


Sugary Snack


Sugary Snack

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:49 am
Mystery of a Man

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Eri walked through the winding twists and turns of the manor's hedgemaze. She was accompained this time by the Baron who was tending to the flowers. One of his six distinct personalities was that of an avid gardner. While at times he would seem to know nothing about what he called 'trivial manual labor' at other times he would be deeply absorbed in his taking care of the various foliage, showing a true passion for it. When she had first met him, it had confused her greatly. But after spending more and more time with him, she realized there were five other people, not including the Baron, the main personality, hiding within that man.

She was greatly intrigued, and quickly made friends with all of them. And the Baron seemed to grow very attached to her rather quickly. She was the only person he truly trusted. How he had come to this decision, no one knows, as he never gives a straight answer when being questioned about his relationship or 'relationships' with Ms. Nightshade as all his different characters seem slightly infatuated with her.

As she walked, she eyed the Baron, his long navy hair contrating his gold eyes that were scanning the bushes. She couldn't help, but note how attractive he was. She wondered though what kind of a father he'd be. Her thoughts drifted back to the child-like figure floating in her office. "Daichi-kun" she mumbled.

The Baron looked at her, but said nothing. Instead he smiled, and handed her an American Beauty-a rare, thornless rose from a bush beside them. She quietly took the gift, standing on her tiptoes and giving the Baron a light kiss on the cheek before wandering off toward the maze's center.

The Baron smiled, blushing slightly, and continued on with his work while whistling an upbeat tune, so Eri could always follow the sound back and return to him.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:58 am
A Special Treat: A Change from Oracle to Infant

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Slow, sweet music filled the room as the bow glided across the strings of the red, mahogany violin that was resting in Eri's arms. Her eyes were closed while she focused souly on the sounds being made by the instrument, and the melody she was trying to produce. It had to be perfect.

Of course, maybe to her it wasn't, but to Daichi it was. If Eri had been paying attention to his reaction, he was clapping and trying to hum along despite her not being to hear him. But Ms. Nightshade was busy composing a masterpiece in his honor.

After awhile, the song ended, and Eri finally opened her eyes. To her suprise, Daichi had moved closer, and they were almost nose to nose. His bright eyes sparkled as he reached out trying to touch her. He wore a wide and sincere smile plastered across his face.

"I see you're pleased," Eri said with a chuckle.

The boy nodded, and Eri's eye's widened. "You-you understand me? You really can! Before I just thought-but now..." She was speechless with amazement as she watched Daichi move even closer, as if to be sitting in her lap. She couldn't help but not the sudden flood of warmth and comfort she felt as he neared her.

Suddenly Eri noticed something miraculous happening. She gazed down as the floods of color swirled around her and Daichi. The light seemed to be growing brighter and brighter as the gap between two worlds came to an opening, and then swiftly closed again leaving an infant in Ms. Nightshade's arms. Eri smiled down as if she we were looking upon her own child in the hospital.

This strange baby was now lying against her, grinning. His pink, flowery wings fluttered, waving back and forth, stirring up a small breeze. The woman could feel Daichi's tiny heart beating against hers. He was actually in the room with her now; no longer hiding in a cloud of mist, of whatever it was-she still hadn't decided. His soft silk clothes rubbed against her as he waved his arms up at her; reaching up to touch her face. One band of silk wrapped around his wings and fell to pool on the floor around Eri's face.

Daichi gurgled, his first attempts at speech. But it wasn't as easy as he thought it'd be. He wanted to say so many things, but they came out as indescribable words, almost as if he was speaking a foreign language. He wrinkled his nose in adorable frustration as his new 'momma' chuckled in disbelief. She'd have to tell the residents of Nightshade Manor of the news. She had a new son, as she had promptly decided to adopt him and take him in as her own.

Soon the house was filled with joy and excitement as Eri walked around, as if to give the little boy a tour of the house. The ghost Mocha, and Jinx the cat followed closely by in wonderment, but the Baron had retreated to his room. Though the others could tell he was pleased with Daichi's arrival, and let the Baron be.


Sugary Snack


Sugary Snack

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:50 am
((All images copyright their creators!))

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