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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:06 am
Just a place to dump AIM/Self/other RP logs so I don't loose them! =)  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:24 am
Ewansiha and Asherah
They’d been hanging around near where his mother lived, taking a break from their previous travelling ways. Their boys had grown up into a handsome trio. The adolescents were free to roam ever further from their parents now and were independent – but their parents were about if they were needed. The happy couple were very content.


Ewansiha, most of the time, was a throwback to his ancestors. He gave his heart to more than one lover (though admittedly, the fact one was male had been a bit of a surprise). He took his lions share in love (if not in food) and if Ash felt like finding a group of fellow rogue females to hunt with, he’d rather not join them. He slept and lazed during the day, stretched out under a tree. When they were small his cubs had played about the mountain his white and black body made, and pounced on the foe that was his waving tail tip. Nowadays they wandered further a field. But their father stayed beneath his acacia, dozing, mind on sentimental things. Asherah’d been gone a couple of days and he had nothing else to do but dream and remember.


Asherah however had boundless energy and was at the moment loping across the savannah towards the tree – she’d rested earlier and didn’t plan on wearing herself out again, but she was happy to be back.

Ewan’s mate had had a traumatic life during the seasons they were apart. Most of her time from being a juvenile Mistweaver to being the rogue she was now had been spent running. While once she’d run because she was afraid for her life and later she’d been half out of her mind, nowadays she revelled in it. This run had lasted a couple of days.

Running. It gave her mastery over herself, feeling her body working to perfection as her paws ate up the miles … it also gave her a feeling mastery over her destiny. She was the one who chased down their living prey. She was able to flee those that would do her harm. She felt untouchable at top speed. She chose the way she’d go. But it could be a wild, lonely feeling…


Sometimes, when he wasn’t expecting it, the sight of Asherah would knock him for six. While she was a beauty, undoubtedly, there as something else at times that almost broke his heart. She was so alive, and so, so vivacious to use an old fashioned word and she was so in love – amazingly, with him – it made her so happy. He’d opened his eyes to see her slowing to a walk, back from one of her ‘fun runs’, and it’d been as if something pressed on his heart. She grinned as he got up to meet her at the edge of the shade but Ewan could only ‘purr’, a low growl of happiness. Let her think him foolish.

Ash was still something he almost expected to loose and so he lavished her with affection as they settled beneath their tree. He’d lost Dumu after all. Like many of the females, she had a ‘mini mane’, and Ewan set smoothing the fur with a few licks.


Purr. Such a welcome home. Home being wherever Ewansiha was.


She nuzzled him away long enough that they could lay down comfortably. They lay next to each other but facing oppostite ways with their head rested upon the other’s flank and paws a mixed up bunch in the middle. W hen the boys had been young, there’d been a protective ring about them as they slept at Ash’s belly. The pose remained a favourite now.

“Sleep well?”


“As ever. How was the run?” Peasantries, pleasantries. They both knew what the other would say, it was ever the same. He didn’t mind though. Like life could ever be dull when Ash was around. Even when it was most relaxed and peaceful and predictable, it still seemed to shine to him. Even though they’ been together quite a long time now, Ewan and Ash were still in that golden honeymoon stage of their relationship.


“Yes, though it was rather…interesting.” She sighed, and smiled as her breath obviously tickled Ewan’s side. They really were sickenly cute at times. Honestly. Ash knew it but she didn’t care. She enjoyed it for a moment before Ewan made a small ‘hmm?’ noise to show he was listening. Especially when she was about to upset him and she knew it. Savour the good things and get the bad over quick ….

“I met someone. He’s about our boys age, very calm, polite lad. Staying nearby for a day or two since his pride sends out youngsters to find new names as a coming of age thing. He’s called Shu now though.”


“Shu?” Ewan repeated. He knew from Asherah’s tone that there was something following this, and from her voices softness, something he probably wouldn’t like. This was something out of the norm. Bless her for trying to make it easier whatever it was. She was trying to pull the punch, though, whatever it was. Well! So much for predictability.

“I don’t recognise the name, beloved. Should I?”


“No, no….but we were talking about parents, being them and having them, and ….well. He’s Dumu’s son. Unless there’s another red lion named Yadumugandama.”

She stumbled over the full name Shu’d given her. Even though Ewan’d talked about Dumu often enough, his full name wasn’t used so much – it was such a mouthful! But she had bigger worries.

Ewan’d stiffened, his side beneath her head tensed as he took in this information.


Whatever Ewan thought of this information he kept to himself. Normally he’d share with Asherah straight away, but his feelings were mixed and he didn’t know himself. Of course he wasn’t going to critise Dumu for having a family – he’d had one himself – but that so wasn’t something Ash’d randomly tell him.

With a sigh of his own, he relaxed and sat up after giving Ash a second to move her head out the way. Blue eyes met aquamarine and she soon followed suit, sitting upright. They embraced, and then got up fully to their paws.

“Come on. Lets run together this time.” He said, on an impulse, and stepped forward, waving a paw out at the savannah. A grin, that knock-‘em-dead grin, but not quite as carefree as usual. Eye pleading.


“ Run together? My my, lazy-bones…you’re bold.” Ash stepped into her usual role, teasing and flirting back, with a grin of her own. They’d talk when Ewan was ready – if he needed – but it was obvious what he needed now. A run to take off the edge, taking a leaf out of her own book, in the guise of one of their own little races they had from time to time. Just a bit of fun.

“Think you can keep up?” She rubbed her body under his ready lowered chin, like the overgrown cat she was, and then flicked him with her tail tip. Teasing and loving. Normal. Never mind Shu.


“I can try, beloved. I can try.”

Successful Edit

Successful Edit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:50 am
Asherah and Rai, god of Thunder
Their trip west wards had been wonderful, but Asherah and co were heading back now. As was her custom, the matriarch of the group’d broken away during one sunny afternoon, when they were having a day off from actually travelling. Ewan’d groomed her feminine mini-mane tenderly, wished her a fun run, and promptly found a warm spot to nap in. Meanwhile his much more athletic mate had sprinted away, enjoying her speed.

In doing so, she crossed the Pridelander border unknowingly. It was only as she noticed the great rock closer to than she expected and more ions about did she slow to a gentle jog. Huh. Not been here in a long long while!


Despite the warm, nice afternoon-- some could say the sky was spotless; hardly any clouds in sight. Yet, somehow, a thunderclap crackled loudly through the air, and even more strangely, perhaps, is that it didn't sound like others, comming from the.. sky, persay. All in all, it sounded like it was on the ground, making it perhaps louder.
The explanation was simple, though not most would probably get it. In fact, this was due to a god. A young god, who'd probably get in trouble by making a racket when there should clearly be no thunder present. But he was Thunder; he was present.

The young god was currently simply a normal-looking black cub with.. horns. He'd hidden his wings, but today, for some reason, had decided to leave his horns visible. He was just practicing hiding stuff, afterall! He didn't need to. It was just good to know he could. Y'know, just in case. Besides, it was HILARIOUS when he met others, looking like a normal cub, and then roaring like a fully-grown male! Hah! Being thunder had its up-sides.

And so, the god ran around, sometimes leaping and seeming to soar far, after all, the wings were unseen, but not inexistant. Raiden was a creature that loved attention, and what other way to get it than be loud and.. strange?


Well now. That was interesting! Asherah had jumped slightly at the unexpected thunder, but as no electricity crackled in dark clouds over head – and she had no knowledge of things like sonic booms, which this wasn’t in any case – she’d become curious. Nothing wrong with her ears, she’d followed the way the sound had seemed to come from. And ‘lo, there was nothing to cause it. Just a black cub, like you’d expect to see wanering ‘round the Pridelands, it being heavily populated. There was always a cub or to about.

This one, however had horns. Ash tilted her head at the sight and knowing of gods, couldn’t resist going over. Mayhaps this was a godling? She kept her stance friendly, but couldn’t help but betray her curiousness a bit.


Strangely enough, despite himself, Rai did seem to catch sight of Asherah. Perhaps because she was black, almost like Nix, with white and all. But it wasn't her. The cub stopped in his tracks, tilting his head and folding an ear back for a moment.
"Hello! " And despite the distance still between them, his voice was easy to hear, whereas a cub wouldn't usually have such a strong voice without stressing their vocal cords far too much.


“Hello there.” She replied, as any female might to a cub in their pride. Not that she was in this pride. She’d probably just missed running into one of the old guards whosenamesshe’dutterlyforgottonit’dbeensolong and not realized. Still! Ash was hardly a threat. And besides…

“This will seem silly, but are you a god? Just you have horns. No mortal lion has those, and they don’t look to be fake.” It did seem odd and ridiculous to just ask. He was so young! But she was curious plain and simple. Besides, she wasn’t a devious kind of lioness o try to trick or win the information. Best to just ask a simple question and have done with it.


Rai blinked, trotting right up to her and looking at the lioness, neither frowning or smiling. He was rather unreadable right now. He twitched his tail tip, cocking his head to the side slightly. "Maybe. " He wouldn't answer her just yet. "Who are you, first? "

Of course he could have some fun first, right?


“My name is Asherah.” Straight forward reply to a straight forward question! Pity she hadn’t got one in response to her on question. But Asherah was persistant and didn’t mind telling to cub who she was anyway. She wanted to know who, and what, he was after all! Only fair.

“I’m a traveler. Met all sorts, me.”


"assshheeerah. " He took his time pronouncing the name, looking at her for a while, examining her a bit. Hm, well.. "Fairs fair. I tell you who I am now! " The boy grinned cheekily, and with a crackle, suddenly his wings were there, spreading out at his sides, tattered almost as if his mother, Lightning, had struck them. Strangely, they seemed to have simply grown that way. Yet his flying skills were just as good.
"I'm Raiden, god of thunder! "


Asherah didn’t bow, but she did bob her head. Respectful but not overly so. God of Thunder, hmm? Well now, that explained that thundecrack from earlier! He was just like any other cub, this godling, but when he was mischievous he had Thunder to play with. Ash was thankful her boys hadn’t had the same!

“Thunder, well now. It’s a pleasure to meet you. You wouldn’t happen to know Nix, the goddess of Lighting, would you? She was the first Goddess I ever met. Though I suppose I can’t assume Thunder and Lighting go together when you’re incarnate…” she trailed off, wondering if their domains did link the lion-gods or not.


He blinked, ooh, so this one had met her.. Fun! He chuckled. "You're blind, lady. " The boy turned around, sitting to show off the stripes along the back of his neck. "If ya met her, how cant'cha tell the similarity? " He snorted, shaking his head. Silly, silly lioness!
"Yah, Nix is my mom, " He folded his wings against his body. "And I have four more siblings. "


“Mmm. You do have similar markings, but that doesn’t always mean you’re related.”

“And that’s goodl! If there’s a goddess I bother thinking off, it’s you mother. Was wondefully quick way back when.” It was oddly comforting to hear Nix had had god cubs rather than one of the more….unsavourary gods Asherah had met.

“Must be nice for you too, having brothers and sisters.”


"Naah, Daemonasscus is quite annoying. " He waved a paw. "Grumpy! And my sister doesn't like loud sounds. " He folded his ear back. How could someone possible not like something as nice as a thudnerclap?!
"What brings ya over here? You don't look really pridelander-ish. "


“Says a black Pridelander to a black rogue.” Ash was obviously amused by that comment. Maybe when her grandmother was younger Pridelanders had a similar sort of look about them, but nowadays it was a free-for-all mixed bag. “Pridelanders come all hues, shapes and sizes these days.”

“I just wandered in when I as racin’ the wind. Running for fun that is. I didn’t notice the border, was going o fast to notice it.”



"I didn't mean colors, " Rai stuck his tongue out, shaking his ehad, though mostly because his mane tuft had settled in an awkward position. "You just dun look.. or smell like us, much. " He nodded, though perhaps he, Rai, shouldn't call himself a pridelander.. exactly. He wa sin the pride, but he was much more god than pridelander. Moreso.. nothing pridelander, yeah.
"I 'member when pridelanders were only yellow and tan, " He stetched, yawning.


“Really? I know I don’t smell pridal, but most cubs don’t pick up on things like that.” She let the looks slide. She knew full well there were two dark lionesses, unless they’d moved on, who looked very very similar to her around here.

“ That’s odd, when I was as young as you, the Pridelanders were already all mixed up. I guess its an immortal thing, huh?”


He would have commented on what she had said first, but then decided to wait as she spoke again. "Yeah, it is. " He shrugged. "We don't die. Not the way you do, " He shrugged. "I'm Raiden, and I wasn't "born" that long ago. But thunder has always been around, so "I" have existed as long as it has! When I "die", I'm just reborn. "

He shrugged. It was perhaps odd to hear a cub talk this way, especially such a childish guy lke Rai. It was like some odd sort of wisdom. "I remember a bit from my past life. Lived a long time, I think. But not too much. " It'd be rather unnerving, especially if he knew his own name. It'd be uncomfortable and awkward, to be called Raiden while knowing that in your past life, your name should be such-and-such.

All in all, though, the cub found a bit of comfort in this immortality. Mortals could stay awake at night, wondering what would happen to them after they died. But he knew exactly what would go on when he died; he'd just come again. What unnerved him about death was the idea that he wouldn't remember his current life.

Yes, Rai was smart, despite appearances. "Thats why I remember when pridelands were small and they were just yellow 'n tan. "


“Ahhh. That’s interesting.” Asherah pondered the idea for a while and inevitably thought up many many questions about how this worked. Did they die then come back? So they knew what death was like? Did they glimpse the afterlife? Was there an afterlife at all? Did mortals come back too? Did they always remember stuff? How did families work? Did they always get born to the same parents, with the same siblings? Or could you come back as your own brother or as your own neice or something utterly odd? Or to comeplete strangers!

Hmm. She couldn’t just babble all this at him, and he’s a cub! Would seem odd asking all this of him. Besides, Ash wasn’t sure she really wanted to know about death and beyond, come to think of it. She was so gloriously alive and her children…they were her immortality.

“You must have been alive around in some form when my grandmother was young. As a lion, I mean.”


"Yup, probably, " He shrugged. "I probably existed before lions did, too. Thunder doesn't seem young, " He said, looking to the-- rather annoyingly-- clear sky. He didn't seem to catch that perhaps it was odd to say thunder didn't "seem young".
"But I only remember a bit from my last life. I think I was pretty grumpy. " He grinned cheekily, Raiden was FAR from grumpy now. Perhaps one of the oddest things to think of as that.. he'd probably been a girl before.


/”Asherah?”/ A voice called, obviously not worried but insistant. Ewan. He called again, from the nearby border, and Ash’s ear pricked up at the sound of his voice more than they did her name. She’d forgotton what it was like to talk to a god. She quite longed for Ewan and the normalcy of travel. Obviously they were on the move again to and while she could always catch up…

“Well, as you can hear – I have a grump of my own. If I might be so bold, once I’m a little ways away could you make a huge thundeclap, pleae? I’ve always loved storms and I’d love to see my mate jump out of his fur at thunder on such a clear afternoon.”



He blinked, for someone used to hearing loud things, Rai sure had no trouble listening to the faint call of the linoess' mate. He frowned, just when they'd started to have fun!
Ah well, it couldn't be helped. He did, however, smerk at the idea of scaring this unknown lion out of his pelt. "Deal! Just.. prepare your ears, " Rai winked playfully, jumping up on a nearby rock. Once Ash left, and was far enough, she was guaranteed an almost ear-splitting crackle, like some sort of gunshot fired right next to your ear. Pity he wouldn't be able to see the guy's face!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:27 am
Rahima and Ewan
Ewan picked up his mother’s scent unexpectedly away from the shore, by accident really, as he took a walk. The family was roaming again, Ash having run on ahead revelling in her speed and racing with the kids. The male just ambled along after, knowing he would likely find them at the next tree, playing or resting in the shade. So without a thought to time and without much curiousity (it was a habit born of a roving life to see what others were about) he’d just stopped to sniff a rock many rogues had marked and there it was. Female, an elder lioness, healthy and happy. And out of her general range, close by the sea. Rahima.

His family would be fine without him for a while yet! So he started to see if any pugmarks about he could track. The scent was fresh enough and he missed to old female. Maybe she could come see the boys – they’d grown bigger since last she’d seen them. For that Ewan felt a little guilty. They were wanderers but they shouldn’t have spent so much time to the west.


Rahima’d strayed away from the shore somewhat further than she had ever since her last litter was born. Walking in the golden grasslands were like greeting an old friend. Where she lived now it was sand, tussocky sturdier beach-grasses and rock. Lovely in its way and with the sea beating against the shore it made her thing of pulses or breathes – like the earth was breathing in and out with the waves or the sea was it’s lifeblood.

But the grasslands that backed their home, the green grass slowly changing into the thinner sun-browned sort, was what she’d seen the most of in her youthful travels. The savannah thrummed with life and there were more lions than she’d seen in months just roaming the plains. It was so nice. She’d wandered a field for most of the day and would soon go back to Akamu’s


When he spotted the familiar red form Ewan called softly, lowly, with a wordless questioning call from deep in his chest. It carried far. And in reply Rahima stopped in her tracks, looking around quizzically before replying with the sound of a mother calling her cubs. Many seemed to neglect such natural sounds in favour of the spoken word. But this time Ewan needn’t cry out her name wildly and Rahima didn’t need to rush to her lost sons side.

Nowadays they could take their time. It’d been a handful of weeks since they’d last seen one another not a number of seasons. It was a gentle meeting with a simple series of nudges when they greeted one another.


It was Rahima who broke their silence, with a growl-purr in her voice and a smile on her old face. As they sat down to converse, she raised a paw to hold her sons mane out his face. A shallow cut run across one cheek, at an angle with his natural red fur so it was obvious amongst the white. New but healing.

“One of the boys catch you during a play fight, son?” She lowered the paw and flipped it over where, not as visable on the red female, was a similar set of shallow scratches. Sharing ‘battle scars’ was an old joke between mother and son now, ever since she’d had his latest litter of siblings and he’d become a father for the first time. They were juveniles now, both sets of youngsters, and at the age when playfights were common.

“Kianga again. Your sister is as wild as ever!”


He chuckled. The brilliant bright young female Kianga was the odd one out in looks when it came to their side of the family, since she took after a relative of Akamu’s, but she reminded Ewan of himself in some ways. He too, had left many a mark on old Rahima when he’d been a child. He brushed his mane back into place over the cut.

“Oh, I think this one was Vi, but I can never be sure. And my lady dear is off running with them now so we can’t ask her – how Ash remembers so much is a mystery to me, but she’d know for sure.”


“She’s a female. We generally have a knack for these things.” Rahima laughed, teasing. She’d missed chatting with her son. Besides being one of her children, Ewansiha was a good friend, and they shared a similar sense of humor.

“How’d the trip go westwards?” With a slight drip of her head in the direction mentioned, she gestured the way Ewan and his family had come from. Last they’d met, she’d been filled in on their rough travelling plans.


“Same as ever – it’s just nice to roam and some of the scenery that way…just wanted to see Asherah amongst the blossoms.” It got another laugh from his mother. They’d gone far enough they’re skirted the edge of one of the smaller jungles, and at this time many of the trees and shrubs and flowers were out in full force. His beautiful dark female, surrounded by falling petals as he chased after her…it’d been worth the walk! Besides, the boys had needed to be taught about jungles. How to get on in one okay, the kind of prey you found, what to avoid and so on.

“Speaking of roaming, you’re out of your usual range? “


“I just felt like feeling the grass against my sides and hear the wind rush through the savannah again. Not as romantic as your trip perhaps but pleasant enough.”

Ah, young love. It warmed her heart to imagine them laying in that circle of theirs, a happy couple under some flowering tree. Ash and Ewan were perfect for each other and after his wild flirting days, Rahima was glad her son had settled down so happily. She knew Ewan missed Dumu sometimes and could find no fault, for love was love in the end and was always good, but all in all, his life was turning out well with Ash by his side. Her old fears of her children ending up as lonely as she once was were utterly unfounded – Ewan was an great proof against this.

“Your father’s keeping an eye on the cubbins. I should probably get back soon.”


“Ash is racing with ours…I can catch up later though.”

Ewan looked to the east, where his love was no doubt running out of steam and their young boys with her. They all had such energy, but it couldn’t last forever, and never did. As he’d planned, he’d catch up with them under some old tree where they’d undoubtedly flop out of puff, or by a waterhole where they quenched their thirst. Slow and steady. He’d catch up. Meanwhile…

“Come on, old mum. Lets keep these wandering paws moving and talk as we go.”


“An escort home? I’m not that old!” She nudged him, but smiled, and fell into step beside him as they started to amble their way towards the beach. They had much to catch up on. Ewan’s family trip west wards sounded like it’d been wonderful, but she had missed her boy. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:28 am

Muroki & Kainda  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:32 am


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:34 am

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:35 am


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:37 am

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:48 am


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:51 am

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:53 am


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:59 am


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