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Razz-Berry 9

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:51 am

I have alot more free time today So while im sending out Mass invites to people most of you if you want can Apply to be crew.

To become a Crew member of this guild you must Have these qualities..

1 ) Must be active in the Guild

2 ) Must be willing to help out the guild

3 ) Must have some Brain's of Previous Smash Games.

4 ) Must follow Rules

Now just fill in the Applacation

1) Do you have the qualities required?

2 ) What will you do to help the guild?

3 ) Are you on Gaia Much

4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?

That's It for now I will Probaly be choosing 3 Crew Members at most.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:23 pm

1) Do you have the qualities required?
yes, i am preety sure i have them, i know much about the history of smash bros and im online most of the time

2 ) What will you do to help the guild?
i will do anything i can to help this guild il donate, set up a tournament, make a join guild forum in the forums, pretty much anything

3 ) Are you on Gaia Much
usualy yes im on gaia alot but you see since school has started i might not be on as much as summer time but im still on most of the time

4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?
i promise i will not abuse my powers in anyway whatsoever


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:49 pm

I have alot more free time today So while im sending out Mass invites to people most of you if you want can Apply to be crew.

To become a Crew member of this guild you must Have these qualities..

1 ) Must be active in the Guild
--- Check
2 ) Must be willing to help out the guild
--- Check
3 ) Must have some Brain's of Previous Smash Games.
--- Check
4 ) Must follow Rules
--- Double Check
Now just fill in the Applacation

1) Do you have the qualities required?
--- Yessir.
2 ) What will you do to help the guild?
--- I suppose I'd do the usual. General forum maintenance, post new information on the game, assisting with events, and so on.
3 ) Are you on Gaia Much
Pretty darn often.
4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?
--- Uh, no? o.O
That's It for now I will Probaly be choosing 3 Crew Members at most.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:01 am

1) Do you have the qualities required?
Yes, or else I wouldn't be applying for this.
And I think that since I know a bunch of the best players of europe personally (their my friends) and have done multiple tournaments with SSBM.

2 ) What will you do to help the guild?
Make sure that information will be correct and that people will be helped with their questions as good as possible.

3 ) Are you on Gaia Much?
Well I'm on less then I used to be (happens when you have a 40 hour job each week) but I'm on quite alot never the less.

4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?
Yes, I'll use this power to steal all the cookies in the world muhahaha!!!

Roy Soraxis


PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:16 pm

1) Do you have the qualities required? yes i love smash bros ai got them both and had a blast it is the best game ever xd

2 ) What will you do to help the guild?
make forms,give gold,get more members and what you tell me to blaugh
3 ) Are you on Gaia Much
yes i check my pms all the time but if i was in the crew i will be on more
4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?
no i will no abuse it
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:19 pm

1) Do you have the qualities required?
Very much
2 ) What will you do to help the guild?
get members, give gold, etc.
3 ) Are you on Gaia Much
Almost all the time razz
4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?
No way!


The Sora Ultimatum

5,100 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Tycoon 200
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:53 pm

1) Do you have the qualities required?
I'm on gaia about everyday and I own and beat every smash game made.
2 ) What will you do to help the guild?
I'll try to find new leads on things and I'll check everyday to see if there is any new news.
3 ) Are you on Gaia Much
about everyday
4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?
no.. I'm pretty sure I won't. Most likely not.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:44 am

1 ) Must be active in the Guild
Will Be
2 ) Must be willing to help out the guild
Will Be
3 ) Must have some Brain's of Previous Smash Games.
Definetly Do
4 ) Must follow Rules
Always do
Now just fill in the Applacation

1) Do you have the qualities required?
2 ) What will you do to help the guild?
Forum maintenance, updates about brawl, get new members, etc.
3 ) Are you on Gaia Much
4 )Will abuse your Powers in anyway?
Definetly not.

Also i must say this forum needs a female crew member.


Razz-Berry 9

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:08 am

Ok We have it between two People and it is being Discussed in the crew forum so We will Announce who it is Shortly.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:22 pm

So how long will it take? It has been atleast a couple hours. I'm still excited to see who it is.


Razz-Berry 9

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:21 am

So how long will it take? It has been atleast a couple hours. I'm still excited to see who it is.
Shortly as in the next Few days.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:35 am

Oh ok, i thought shortly as in the next 2 hours.



Olympic Champion

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:45 pm

good luck buster.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:19 pm

good luck buster.

Thanks, i can't wait to see who it is.



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