"Those damned birds..."

And really, Johari never cursed, so her irritation with them must have been incredibly fierce. Honestly she'd felt much more emboldened lately, perhaps more true to the nature of her species, even, but truthfully it was all thanks to the fact that she was preparing to fall into heat again and she knew this. She felt, alive, but also more aggressive than usual. It wasn't full on yet, but soon.

What would she do when it came around full circle? Were she and Muroki ready for that kind of step in their relationship?

For now she didn't give it anymore thought, simply watching the buzzards from where she lay by the water's side in the sun, basking in it's warmth. She could see where they hovered in the distance over a previous kill of theirs. It was going to be difficult to secure the temple if those vultures got word back to their kin first, before the traveling band could reach the lands.