Gaian name: kiki-chan-myst
Character name: Mechola (chola)
Race: human
Age: 18
Gender: female
Wepons: a small knife
Powers: water, a water bender pretty much
Bio: At age 8, Chola was kidnapped, enslaved, and brought to a kingdom far away from her own. As a gift to the king, she was forced to dance, and was often beaten for no reason. Many of the king's court were pyros and Chola was often burned when she did not do as told. In spite of this, the king was enchanted by her dancing and favored her among his servants. When she was 17 Chola escaped from the castle and is now taking odd jobs the put food on the table and buy a home.
Personality: Chola is very shy and obediant(sp?). In spite of this she is very violent when she gets upset.
Apperence: User Image