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Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:20 am
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Kimia was having trouble being a mother, she felt terribly poor at it. Could you blame a lioness with a mind on the level of a juveniles though? Sometimes she got things, other times she just didn't. She didn't understand watching the boys, no matter how many times Adamu told her she needed to. She didn't get that she wasn't allowed to wander off now, to go play her game of finding the one she loved.

She also didn't realize she had to feed them every day. Sometimes she just didn't see her little darlings that day! It wasn't that she was trying to be a bad mother, she really wanted to do her best and to be loved by her three sons... but sometimes it was just too hard for her!

Like today, she'd wandered off again and she was at Adamu's rock, where she'd given birth to the three. They knew to find her here by now, though.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:55 pm
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Izulu frowned as he stalked through the trees, his stomach grumbling irritably at him and only growing worse with each step. His mother had wandered off again and he was too little to get himself food, let alone try and feed his brothers too. Who knew where dad was, although, he was willing to bet that his momma was by that big old rock again. She always went back there, and she always seemed surprised to see one of them – almost as if she had forgotten she was supposed to be watching them. Regardless, Izulu had yet to see her as a bad mother – quite the opposite in fact. He adored his mother, probably for her playfulness, but he was already beginning to realize that she was in over her head. When you had a child smarter than you, it was bound to happen.

“Momma,” he whined out as the pale lioness came into view, “I’m hungry.” There was a pout on his maw and an obvious trust of her in his eyes that he allowed to no one else. With her, he wasn’t mean, he wasn’t unkind, he simply was mother’s little boy. Every mother needed one of those, frankly, and it was probably good for Kimia that the one that stuck to her like glue just happened to have a good head on his shoulders most days. He trotted the last few paces to the rock, waddling in that way that only cubs seemed to do.


Eloquent Lunatic


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:38 pm
Kimia was surprised to see one of her little darlings, and a little disappointed too! Why hadn't that been Adamu? She pouted but quickly grew happy again and giggled, shifting and moving down from the rock to cuddle Izulu. He had so much blue on him, though he did look a lot like his father. All three of her boys did!

"Oh? Well let's go get you something to eat!" They would have to find the huntresses of the pride, Kimia was very poor in hunting. She did try though.... but she tended to hunt odd things like squirrels and turtles. "Would you like to learn how to catch a turtle?" She asked, looking thrilled that she'd thought of the idea. He probably wouldn't, but if he did she wouldn't have to hunt for him! And that meant more time for playing and cuddling, both of which she saw as much more important than eating.

After all, she'd spent her whole life with no family and now that she had it... well she just wanted the love from it. "And then Izzy and mommy can play a game, would you like that, hmm?" She ruffled a paw lightly through his dark mane, giggling again.

Those poor cubs!
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:01 pm
As she moved down to snuggle with him, a soft purr emerged from his tiny maw, and he moved closer to her comfortably. His little paws kneaded at her body and his head nuzzled against any part of her he could reach. No, he wasn’t all that spoiled. Of course, almost as soon as she had started to snuggle with him, she was talking about getting up and moving again. He huffed slightly at this, but said nothing – she could probably step on him intentionally and he wouldn’t blame her for it. His only weakness in that tough façade seemed to be his mother. As well it was, for he needed someone to love.

“Good, because my belly is starting to roar at me,” he said irritably, as if his belly was doing him a great injustice. Of course, her next question caused him to look a little confused and he wrinkled his brows up at her, “can you eat a turtle, mum? It’s all hard and stuff.” He leaned against her with his brows still furrowed, honestly trying to think of how to eat something like that. He imagined it probably tasted oddly too, and the thought made him wrinkle up his nose.

“I guess we can play a game, but what kind of game?” he knew his mom liked to play games a lot, which meant he didn’t play them very often with other cubs simply because she tired him out from them all. It was nice sometimes, though.



Eloquent Lunatic


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:15 pm
She looked completely shocked that he'd asked that. Didn't he know that everyone ate.... oh right, he was just a cub! HER cub! "Of course silly! The hard part is only like a den they live in. Once you crack that open it's all soft and tasty!" And chewy, she liked that the best. It meant she could eat it longer, since it took so long to chew it up.

"But if you don't want to we can go visit one of the other lionesses." She said, sounding a bit sad at the idea. She had something to teach!

"Oh! Let's play hide and seek... no no... tag! Or leap frog!" She moved around him and nudged his behind so he'd start walking. Eating fast and then playing! It sounded wonderful.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:34 am
Izulu watched her silently for a moment, trying to image cracking open a turtle shell and eating the ‘soft tasty’ insides. As a cub, the thought was a little disturbing, but if that’s what his momma wanted to do then that’s what he’d eat! “No no, we can go find a turtle, I’ve never tried one..” he said, trailing off at the end. He couldn’t say that it was his first pick for a meal, but he certainly thought everything was worth trying once. Hey, maybe his momma was right this time? Maybe turtles actually were good – after all, the chances of her messing up all the time were pretty low.

He blinked as she nudged him, immediately pushing himself up onto his paws and beginning to trot in a semi-circle around her. “Well, maybe we should decide what to play after I eat, yeah?” he said with as big a smile as he could manage. Of course, leap frog sounded horrible. He’d be full and didn’t want to be jumping around with a full belly – especially not on with a water-creature in the title. That was a little too much like a turtle.


Eloquent Lunatic


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:27 am
She grinned and was extremely pleased with herself. She began walking in the direction of the smallest watering hole, it was her favorite in Adamu's lands and most concealed. She still wasn't sure about a lot of lions around these parts, even though Adamu had said no one would try and harm her. But she had Izulu with her and she had to be extra careful! At least she remembered sometimes.

She started to hum a little as she went along, not really paying attention to if Izulu was keeping up or not. She just didn't think of these things! "Yes, we'll choose after I get to teach you how to turtle-hunt!" She chirped. Nothing mader her happier (besides Adamu) than feeling useful to her little boy.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:22 pm
Although his mom was watching out rather carefully for any lions or creatures that might pose a harm to either of them, she was still not paying too much attention to little Izulu himself. With a little huff to his breaths, he was struggling to keep up, little feet working at three or more times the pace that his mother was achieving with her longer legs. “Slow down, mom, I’m small..” he whined softly, barely just staying at her heels. He loved her, but she was so forgetful!

“So why did you ever decide that turtles looked good to eat?” he asked rather suddenly, glancing up at her between hurried little spurts of trying to keep up. She was going to run him ragged if she kept this up. “I mean, they’re all hard and such, and I wouldn’t honestly think to eat them..” He trailed off, hoping that he hadn’t hurt her feelings – but it was the truth. Who looked at a turtle and thought ‘mmm, tasty!’.


Eloquent Lunatic


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:10 am
"Oh!" She gasped, turning to look at him and properly slowing her pace. "Oh yes... you are small!" She said, sounding almost surprised. Well she was small too, just not as small. She would have to remember that meant keeping her pace slow.

She frowned a little and shrugged, but she knew the answer. "I was very hungry." It had been one of those near-starved experiences, hadn't it? She tried to recall the memory but it was very fuzzy. She didn't want to think about it, it seemed. "I think I found one on it's back near the water. I needed something to eat." She let little Izulu figure out the rest since he was very intelligent and could do that sort of thing.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:10 pm
He furrowed his brows up at his mother as she sounded so surprised at him being tiny. Did she just realize that? He shook his head with a small smile, utterly amused with her despite her silliness. She was a strange lioness, his mother, and he couldn’t help but be amused with her sometimes. Even as a cub, he felt like he needed to help her and protect her, although he couldn’t do much protecting right now. He thought it was her personality – that silly quality that made her seem so innocent.

“Oh,” he said with a little frown as he took a leap to catch up with her, having stopped long enough to think about it. He sidled up to her, walking beside her with a little purr on his maw as he tried to think it over. Well, he couldn’t see how she had gotten the turtle’s shell off – but he did realize that she must have first done it because she was very hungry. “Well, that makes sense, but I don’t think I would have ever thought about actually eating a turtle.”


Eloquent Lunatic


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:08 am
She thought a moment. "It is like if momma didn't hunt for you for two weeks and papa wasn't around so you'd had nothing to eat for that long and when you were walking you saw something... like a cricket or a dung beetle and you would think, 'that looks tasty!'." She tried to explain it how it had always happened to her. It was surprisingly a good explanation for him, something that would be rare while he was growing.

Her eyes flicked ahead and she beamed. "Watering hole!" She chirped; as in, they had arrived finally!
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:40 am
He stopped for a moment as he tried to think over the explanation she had provided for him. Thinking about his mom and dad not being there to feed him was something that seemed nearly impossible – but he had never heard of his momma mentioning her family, so maybe she hadn’t had any? That seemed highly logical and he supposed that if she had no one to feed her then she would have to eat anything she could find. Still, though, a turtle? He wouldn’t have ever thought of that.

As he heard her chirp out that little word, his brilliant blue eyes shifted upwards to peer past her form and at the watering hole. His little ears perked and he trotted after her, stopping at her side as he peered at the banks. “Do you see one?” She was taller than he was and supposedly skilled at hunting (though he questioned this a little) so she should be able to see one better.


Eloquent Lunatic


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:27 am
Kimia got really quiet. She knew from past experiences you couldn't just go running into the water shouting for the turtles to come out. In face whenever she'd done it that way in the past she went hungry more than a few days in a row. She'd learned the hard way to shut up.

She smiled down at her son and nodded, shifting and then nudging him forward a little. "Go to the bank very slowly." She whispered. There was a dead tree branch, pretty big, laying partly in the water and partly out. It didn't look ugly, it looked rather natural because of the plant life growing from the end resting out of the water.

Along the tree dipped slightly in the water several turtles were resting. They were drying themselves in the sun!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:33 pm
As soon as his mother nudged him towards the bank, he squatted down a little and let his ears rest back against his head. For a few moments, he really didn’t see what in the world his mother was talking about – had she gone crazy? Just as he was about to ask her what she meant for him to do once he got down there and couldn’t find one, he saw what she meant. They were lined up on the log-type stick, sun-bathing in the hot afternoon. He couldn’t help but smirk, amused at his own distrust of his mother’s knowledge. It seems she wasn’t a child in everything after all.

He nodded finally, after he saw what she was aiming at, and began to inch forward slowly. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do once he got up on them – they had a big hard shell! Not to mention, he thought that they could just slip back into the water and get away from him really fast. He frowned as he got a little ways ahead and looked back at her expectantly. He was a ashamed to say it – but he didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing.


Eloquent Lunatic


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:35 am
As they got to the bank she just gave Izulu a warming smile, she had confidence in all of her little boys. Because... they were Adamu's children too! So surely that meant they were amazing.

She looked back to the bank and the branch, the several turtles warming themselves in the wonderful sun. She was close now, so close! She crept closer still to the log until..

She lunged forward and her paw shot out! A turtle went flying toward the bank! Several of the other turtles scampered into the water, and with a loud Thunk the flying turtle landed!

"Quick run to it!" She laughed out, turning to Iz and nudging him. The turtle had retreated into it's shell completely, though it had landed on it's back. That had been lucky, it would have a harder time getting away.

But Kimia wanted to share the fun! "Don't let it get away Izzy!" She giggled
[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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