Name: Tiro Sataka
Age: 19
Height: 5'7 1/2
Weight: 145lbs
Appearance: (it would be best to draw out your own person so that he could be put into the manga)
Weapon: Scythe
Side: Reapers
Powers: Coming up later
History: Tiro is the Death Reaper basically his job is to go to those who are dying basically he is the Grim Reaper anything the Grim Reaper does Tiro does. Tiro in the start of the Manga was just a normal kid that was in college and minding his own business. One day while Tiro was walking to his house a group of boys followed him. As Tiro walked threw the alley the boys striked him from behind Tiro was helpless and ended up dying 2 days later from the attack his attackers were never found. Tiro ended up waking up in another world or should I say a world for the Dead. Tiro wandered around this place for days until he came across a place that was strange to him so he decided to go into it and once he entered the place his life changed. Tiro had become the new Death Reaper and he is now able to move threw the world and threw Heaven and Hell at his own free will. Even though Tiro is controlled for bring people to Heaven or Hell the other Reaper's have the same qualities but they don't really have to do it. Each Reaper has their own duty and own look Tiro's look is all black with a scythe strapped to his back.