If you are reading this then you want to know how to create a clan of your own.

Step 1: Submit a clan Profile to Saburi and Post the Clan Submission in the Clan Records Forum

Your profile Should follow this outline:

Clan Name:

Clan Status:

Clan Traits: This should include character traits exhibited by members of the clan. It should be very descriptive.

Clan Techniques:

Description: This should be a description of the clan techniques ability including levels and skills and how one achieves the different abilities. It should be very descriptive

Origin: Should include how the clan came to be and what village it started in. The guild this family is a member of if any. These can be omitted if there is no set village or origin.

Step 2: Once you gain approval you can submit your character profile. Do not forget to include the clan information on your character profile.

Step 3: Be prepared to be called on to make decisions involving any members wishing to join your clan.