Rynn Calais
Name: Rynn Calais
Age: 16
Family: Three brothers, two sisters; all orphans.
Lierre Calais, 16--Rynn's Twin Sister
Rynn Calais, 16--Fourth Brother
Aedan Calais, 18--Third Brother
Cian Calais, 20--Second Brother
Erin Calais, 22--First Brother
Aleric Calais, died 32--Father
Faye Calais, died 29--Mother
Mary Calais, died 14--Youngest Sister
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Abilities:Moderately strong ability; telepathy, precognition, and moving small to moderately weighty objects.
Personality: While not a true sociopath, he does have some of their tendencies. Without his twin, Lierre, around to instruct him on moral choices, he can be less than kindly to anyone weaker than him. He can go from moody to lively to angry within mere minutes.
History: The Calais family has never been what one would call 'normal'. Since the 1800s, they have terrorized those around them with their psychic gifts and extensive influence. Aleric Calais was one of the worst. He married Faye Calais, a moderately gifted cousin, and she bore six children--presumably his, although it would not be wise to investigate further into the matter. The first was Erin. Then followed Cian, Aedan, the twins--Rynn and Lierre--and Mary Calais. All possessed a strong bent for supernatural matters, Rynn and Lierre in particular. Their father, Aleric, kept them in check--all possessed a rather cruel nature--but when both he and Faye died in the Calais Manor fire, their children thought the matter no longer important. Their family servants left rather quickly after that. However, most of the Calais offspring are rather introspective and dislike the 'Outside World' as they call it, preferring to be left to their own devices in their manor. Rynn is the only Calais who chooses to venture to the outside world regularly, for his own reasons. As the years have gone by, even Lierre has lost track of her twin's motives.


Name: Geoff Parker
Age: 16
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Abilities: Mediocre powers by Osiris City standards, but greater than his older brother, Christian.
Personality: Standoffish and sharp. Geoff takes his responsibility to his family very seriously, always striving to be a credit to their name. As such, and being fiercely loyal to his older brother, he hates the Mayfairs with a passion. Though he puts on a very convincing façade of being responsible, friendly, and altogether good-natured, he’s actually cold, vindictive, and manipulative.
History: He’s only the third generation of his family to have money, and the first witching generation of his family (from the combination of dormant traces of witch blood, rather than new witching blood from a vampire). He had a very strict upbringing from his conceited mother and rigid father, always overly conscious of how quickly his family has risen and their great potential to rise higher. He hated the Mayfairs to begin with, as they had every advantage that his family did not, but briefly put his feelings aside when it was determined that his brother should marry Antha Mayfair and they began considering that he should marry Rowan when they were old enough. When Antha married Cian Calais, he took the slight very personally and resumed his hatred of them more passionately than ever. Despite his cold and calculating personality, he seems to have genuine feelings for Katie, whom he briefly dated, but ultimately resolved to only be involved with someone who would be advantageous to his family and his future.


Name: Christian Parker
Age: 21
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Abilities: Mediocre witching powers by Osiris City standards, though he is always striving to strengthen his abilities.
Personality: Detached, driven, and ambitious. As the heir to his family, he works very hard to foster their relationship with other prestigious families. He originally didn't hate the Mayfairs, instead finding himself curious about them and envying their power and the order of their abilities.
History: Christian was brought up with the best of everything and always did his best to prepare to take over his father's company. He graduated school early and made friends with Vittorio Mayfair when they were both studying business in college, and through him met Antha Mayfair, by whom he was utterly beguiled. Despite Antha's aversion to him, Christian managed to press his father to arrange an engagement between them with Julien, more or less liquifying the Parkers into the Mayfair family and fulfilling Christian's lifelong dream. When Antha wouldn't agree to the marriage and then hastily married Cian, he turned very bitter and began to despise the Mayfairs, labeling them all duplicitous and vile.

Name: Saebien Frost
Age: 17
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Abilities: Due to the circumstances of his birth, Saebien is unable to wield the normal magical skills of other witches. Instead, he has the ability to summon powerful magics through the sacrifice of his unique blood. The power inherent in his blood grants his slightly enhanced strength and senses.
Personality: At heart, he is calm, cold, and maybe even manipulative. On the outside, he acts however he deems appropriate. Usually, this is kind and friendly, but it changes to adapt to the situation.
History: Although he was the son of a pair of lesser witches, he was too strange, even for them. This was gift fate made to him, as stronger witches might have experimented on him. The next "gift" granted by fate was the blessing of certain spirits. This "blessing" cuts him off from normal avenues of magical power, but gives him access to startling, perhaps terrifying new skills. He has not bothered with any sort of social affiliation, instead relying on his unusal skills to pull him Through. At the moment, he seeks to identify the patron spirits who changes his destiny.


Name: Dillan Lafayette
Age: 14
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Abilities: Mild precognition and telepathy skills.
Personality: Dillan was always, for the most part, the one who never voiced her thoughts but you knew was dreaming up troublesome plots. Never quite happy, never quite sad, Dillan is easygoing and calm until provoked.
History: Born to a middle class woman as the illegitimate child of Barclay Mayfair, Dillan always found herself subconsciously shunned from most people for she had the cursed Mayfair blood but neither the name nor family to veil the eyes of others. But it was of no importance; the children she spotted playing in the garden of Mayfair Manor seemed like brats to her. It was only one day when she was shoplifting from a local shoe store that she found herself oddly mesmerized and led out through the back door that she was forced to face the fact that she was in the clutches of the cousins she had hated and who had hated her right back.

Name: Azrael Bronze
Age: 19
Appearance: A young man with black hair and grey highlights. His eyes are green with a splash of grey.
Abilities: He is a ten year master of Necromancy able to control lesser undead and raise certain people.
Personality: Kind, caring and too trusting
History: His history is mostly unknown even to him. His main quest is to remember his real identity.

Name: Rose Thorne
Age: 20
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Can only talk to people in their minds and has premonishions.
Personality: Sweet and kind, but if you make her mad, you're doomed.
History: Rose id a lost young lady, looking for someone. In a past life she sat waching her love die and right before he died, she said she would look for hm in the next life. So here she is, looking for her love.