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One of the three main coven masters of Osiris City. The most notable thing about him as that he holds no grudge to witches. Though they never take his word, he tells his followers witches are meant to be understood by them, not feared. Otherwise, he is an old world vampire trapped in the ways of past eras simply trying to make it through the present.

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One of the three main coven masters of Osiris City, a powerful vampire to be certain. There are few who don't know his face and territory, no matter what species. And though he has adapted to the times quite well, he still clings to the old ways of the vampires as best he can.

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A very clever and underhanded vampire, one of the three main coven masters no less. She takes it upon herself to gather information about the witches of Osiris City in a plot to rid herself of them once and for all. However, she isn't very powerful compared to the others around her, though it can be hard to tell at times, and so she poses little threat at the present moment to the witches.

Name:Vikteren d'Argnet
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Abilities: Superior strength, reaction time, and speed. Moves in utter silence and with utter grace. Is able to 'compell' humans to act according to his wishes if their will is less than his. If a human refuses to look into his eyes, however, this may be prevented.
Personality: He does not understand humans, and barely remembers his own experiences as one. Emotions are a mystery to him. He takes it upon himself to be courteous to others, but has something of a temper as well, when certain subjects are raised or accusations are made.
History: Born to the well-off d'Argnet line in the 1500s, he was raised on the family estates. His other family included his father, Rubideus d'Argnet, and his sister, Alyssa d'Argnet. His mother met her death at the hands of a vampire when he was only seven, which is partially the reason why the d'Argnets retired from court life. When he turned twenty, however, he was to re-enter the court for a short time to take a wife and make allies, preparing for his role as his father's successor. In acknowledgement of this, the d'Argnet manor and estates were opened for that night and many of the high-ranking nobility was invited. On that night, a serving maid betrayed the d'Argnets, inviting a vampire coven into their home. Vikteren's family and the visiting nobility were all slaughtered, and Vikteren turned. That night came to be known as the d'Argnet Massacre. Vikteren disappeared, taken in by the coven and imprisoned until, in a berserker fury, he broke loose and inflicted the same damage upon the coven as they had upon his family.

Azure Halfbreed

Name: Kyle
Age: If he had to guess, around 325. Give or take about fifteen years.
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Abilities: Not really strong but makes up for that with speed that not many vampires can match.
Personality: Tries to act like he doesn't need help when he knows he does. However he still continues to try and go through his undead life not needing any help at all
History: Kyle was turned unwillingly. And after pissing off his master, he was told to get the hell away from him. And Kyle eagerly took the invitation to leave. Several years later he managed to find Persophone. Knowing he couldn't live without help from someone, he bit the bullet and requested that he join her covenant. Not much after or before that matters all that much to Kyle.

ninja of Persia

Name: Sabata
Age: 574
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Skilled with a blade, hypnotic gaze, heightend strength speed and senses, transform to smoke, flight, manipulate energy to form objects.

Personality: A dark individual. His only drawback is that he flirts, a lot. He is, however, very loyal to his friends and will do whatever he can to back them up. He rarely speaks of his past, and reacts strongly to people who try to push the subject.
History: He was born in the year 1432 in Europe (the exact place is unkown), the son of a traveling merchant. When he was 15 his father was killed by bandits and the human known as Samuel began traveling on his own. Along the way he learned how to fight and basic herbal medicines. When he was 25 he encountered a vampire in the streets of Paris. He fough the creature and managed to kill him, but not before being bitten and changed. for the next hundred years, he dissapeared, when he resurfaced he was in the New World (America).
By now he had cast aside his human name and had renamed himself Sabata. He traveled this continent for a while before leaving it for Asia, there he discovered the Buddist monks who took him in and trained him in the arts of energy manipulation. He left afterwards and traveled through Asia, across Europe and back to the Americas. Not long afterwards he heard of the Mayfair family and Osiris City.


Name: Wraith Ravenloft
Age: 425
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Can be effected by holy objects should the bearer be true in faith. (Meaning if a pagan held a cross to him it'd mean nothing.)
Not to mention his ability to reform his fingers into monster like claws. As another interesting feat, Wraith seems to understand the use of the blade to an admired extent.
Personality: Wraith is generally quiet and set aside. Angered at his hollow emotions and seemingly empty feeling. However, he tends to be more or less hostile to his fellow vampires. Having felt no personal connection towards his own kind. Unless of course he feels a need to interact or requires the latest news.
Though his awareness of witches has placed him on guard he tends to not mettle in their affairs. Staying outside of trouble if he can help it.
History: Wraith appears from a well to do family in England, and though his family fortune would be an asset it didn't however spare him from his master. Being turned the young lord of the Ravenlofts took what he could of his wealth and left. Hiding away from the world and being hidden among the underworld of what would seem from that day fourth, an eternal nightmare.

Name: Grave
Age: appears to be 19. actual age unknown
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Abilities: Sneses a person's life force (detects their life span. Has no effect on undead like vampires)
Personality: Friendly, Loud, A bit stupid at times but can also be very concerned about everyone
History: As a young child Grave had been raised by an upper class family that had adopted him. They treated him fine but they also made sure he never left the mansion grounds. But one night when he was 19 he snuck past his guards and went out exploring. This was when he met his first vampire. She converted him into one and then abandoned him to live on his own.

Mikhail De Sandre

Name: Xavarius
Age: 256 appears to be in his 20s
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Can play any instrument known to man kind. Fighting, holds a kind of resistance against Holy water. It must be used correctly for it to do more than slight damage him.
Personality: Cool calm collected. Xavarius seems to have a great deal of patience need for hunting. But his temper is just as easy to set off. When he has spare time he falls into a deep thought and becomes very crabby if disturbed. Other wise he is a rather decent person to be around. Though if pushed to it his entire personality will change completely.
History: Being born a vampire in England he was not a upper classman he was on a whole different level entirely. The other vampires that he met in the pub used to joke saying that they were some where between street rats and the rats them selves. Most vampires and well as humans never took Xavarius seriously, he always appeared younger than he really was and at times this angered him. He more he was subject to them all he began realizing how to tell the difference about them with out looking at them. Soon the niaveness of the people pushed him into living in a isolated graveyard.

Guard!an Of Death
Name: Sophie Maundrell
Age:200, but appears to be 16
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Abilities: She can read cats thoughts. She is very flexible and knows how to use a korean sword very well. Skilled in martial arts.
Personality: A very quiet girl who dosen't know if she can trust some people, but if someone talks to her about a certain subject she won't stop talking. Looks innocent, but still can be deadly.
History: Sophie's family was a very well mannered high middle class family living in England. Her mother was korean and father was english. When she was 16 a man turned her and murdered her family. The man tempted to take her as a wife kiddnaped her after turning her, but on the night he was to marry her a moab came and tried to kill him, but not her. She ecasped and about 100 years later, a human family took her in and thought she was human and when she was 105 the family found out that she was a vampire and tried to kill her. But during those 5 years with the family Sophie trusted them, but then they abused her and so she chose to learn how to use a korean sword like her real mother for selfdefense. On the day that the family found out that she was a vampire the father tried to rape her, so in defense she killed him by sucking his blood as well killing him with her sword. But as the family tried to kill her she teleported and ecapsed and till this day she dosen't trust humans for what they did to her and she also is looking for the man that turned her and slutered her family. She has only found peace and trust with cats.

Name: Gabriel
Age: 763
Appearance: Gabriel
Abilities: Gabriel can control dark animals, such as bats, spiders, or black cats. He is particularly susceptible to crosses and Holy Water, though, because of his communion with things commonly believed to be evil. Gabriel also has a "sensitive aura," so to speak, and is able to sense how powerful a person is upon meeting them.
Personality: In spite of his deceivingly angelic looks, Gabriel is intelligent, manipulative, and vindictive. He is quick to change his mood and judges people harshly, often before knowing them well. Prone to violent mood swings for no apparent reason, Gabriel is usually composed and is very good at deceiving people with his appearance and honey-sweet voice.
History: He became a vampire when he was around 17 years old, and never aged beyond that, his body already mature enough to accept the change. Most of his life before then was spent in an orphanage, where his parents dumped him as a mere infant. He loathed the older orphans, who often picked on him for being weak, and the woman who took care of them---a cruel and harsh lady who hated the children almost as much they despised her. When he realized what he'd become, he used his new found abilities to strike back at those who had wronged him, killing them and then burning down the orphanage before leaving. It was at this moment that he began to change into the now truly evil being he is today. He loathes the weak, forgetting that he was once one of them, and is now immensely powerful and a skilled fighter. He follows the vampiress Persephone under the guise of loyalty, though he secretly plots to overthrow her.

Name: Rentetsu Black Heart
Age: 727 Appears as if he's 25
Appearance:User Image
Abilities: Shadow rose : Black rose petals that can be Manipulated at will. He can levitate and fade away in the darkness.
Personality: Calm, Quiet, Blood thirsty, Often merceful
History: Put in orphanage as a child and miss-treated by the care takers at the age of 12 he snapped and killed all the people who dwelled in the orphanage and tasted the blood of all the people that were slottered recently. He was noticed was notice by a powerful vampire and was taught the ways and became a vampire after he transeformed. He obtained to swords during his training one was called the white rose and the other was the black rose. The white Rose sword has the life of everyone that has been killed by inside making it highly powerful, THe other is the Black rose sword which holds the powers of all the deaths of all the people he killed with it. Rentetsu has never known his mother but, he knew that all in his family had a blood lust that was unreal to a vampire themselves. He had traveled to Osiris were he could be with other vampires and be in anice place for a change and his plan was to cause havok there.

Name:Skyla Rae Willows
Age:18(newly turned)
Appearance:User Image
Abilities: She is new and slowly learning her new abilities and limits
Personality: Quiet ,shy
History:Skyla was an orphan and sent to live with her great uncle...she never saw him and was instructed only to roam through the house during the day.She did so and lived out her life playing in the garden.One night she was thristy and went to get a glass of water...she went into the kitchen and saw her uncle...she turned to leave but he was already upon her and turned she lives in a old abandon church trying to cope with her newly gained powers(still unknown)

Kaze The Despised
Name: Kaze Shadowlif
Age: 250 (appears to be 19)
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Abilities: Can appear as his human form and has a natural ability to use weapons, like swords.
Personality: Most the time good going, but can easily get blood thirsty and insane.
History: He was born into a family of poor drunks in mid 1700s. One day he came to his house after school, seeing his father more drunk than ever beating his mother, he killed his father with the family sword that was the only thing of value in the house. His mother died later at the hospital that night because of the beating. He was then taken in by a vampire and raised like one, and at 19, he was turned into one. He now belongs to the Persephone group and has made rivals with Rentetsu.

Kain Nighthawk

Name: Seth

Age: 250 appears to be in late 20’s

Appearance: User Image

Abilities: Strong, and fast Seth is the classic vampire. He has limited flight power and can see in the dark almost better than day.

Personality: He doesn't act like most vampires he is quiet but friendly. Sometimes he is very loud and he enjoys rock music, and metal. He loves to hunt and will spend long times away from the Manor.

History: Wandering as a vampire Seth employed himself as a killer for hire. He has made lots of money this way. Then he met Cyrus. He befriended him quickly and then decided he would help the Mayfair family in anyway he could. He now runs missions for any Mayfair who asks and still takes a few jobs every now an then. His master is Khayman.


Name: Omega
Age: 20
Appearance: User Image
Abilities:He has a thing for explosions he always has the material for them on him and can make one in seconds.
Personality:always has a smile even when death is inches from his face, loves thrills, his personality changes with the mood and has no fear to speak up.
History:Omega didnt remember being born.He remember waking up from what seemed like years to find himself thirteen on a long white bed in a abandoned factory all of the signs marked out.All he knew was the large greek symbol of omega in a tattoo form on his arm.He also found twin silver and black axes in the shape of his tattoo omega.He grew up on cold hard streets living off the homeless.Taken in by sleet was the best thing that could have happened to him.

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A rather quiet person, though still highly dangerous when met face to face. He stays away from his own kind as well as others in general, lurking around them only in the crypts to sleep. In the afternoon when he wakes, it's straight to the city not to be seen until dawn.

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A rustic and rogue vampire to say the least, forsaking the old ways of the vampires for his own. He's very curious about witches and apparently not afraid of them for he likes to pry into their lives and observe them for very long periods of time, even going so far as to hold conversations with Pierce, Mary Jane, Antha, Julien, and Stefan. He swears he once met Charlotte Mayfair and his curiosity stems from that, but it has yet to be proven.

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At one point she was an innocent and very sickly girl, bedridden for the rest of her stunted life. At the age of 16 she looked old and haggard with her yellowed eyes and skin and premature white hair. This drew forth a certain pity from Persephone which drove her to save Helena the pain of her sickness in it's final stages.

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A peculiar vampire with little appeal to anyone. He hardly speaks and when he does, it's little more than a word or two. He's mildly faithful to the vampiric code and his coven, over which Sleet presides. Overall he just doesn't care about anything from his companions to the city and to witches. His only wish is just to be alone at all times to sulk over his long lost human life.

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Often called the queen of the woods, Julianne is one of the wildest vampires you ever could meet. She stays out of the city in general, running around the woods outside the city walls and feeding on the few unlucky travellers she runs across. Rustic in many ways, but still dedicated to the old code.

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A vampire who, though quiet and kind on the outside, is tormented inside by the loss of her innocence to the vampiric blood. 99 times out of 100, she lays in her coffin in the crypt while the others feed, hoping to starve herself and end her misery. Khayman, though, will not allow this and usually ends up taking her out himself to be consumed by thirst.

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In life he had been a well known rock star. This drew him a great deal of attention, though unfortunately for him it wasn't only from humans. Persephone fell quite deeply in love with him and against his will she turned him. But soon she tired of him and he was thrown in the streets all alone, only to be recruited by Sleet.

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Immediately following his transformation, he buried himself deep in the ground and fell asleep, determined never to wake up. However, one day strong tremors woke him from his sleep and he rose form the ground to discover not only that his memories were all completely wiped, but that an entire city had been constructed near him during his slumber, Osiris City.