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.David Talbot.

Name: David Talbot
Age: 32
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Abilities: As powerful as a mainstream Mayfair, to use a reference, with the powers of astral projection (an often used ability with him), mild precognition, and exceptionally good mind reading skills.
Personality: He has, for the longest time, been very dedicated to his work. He's the youngest person to have ever become head of the Talamasca and for a very good cause. Though very kind and lenient, he's not at all afraid to lay a severe punishment on anyone for major infractions or to put restrictions on those who commit minor ones.
History: David's life work has been split between the study of the spiritual realm and old world vampires. He had at many times tried to establish ties with the Mayfair family, but as always they shunned him as they would any member of the Talamasca. His only information of them comes from Michael York-Mayfair who was once a part of the Talamasca. Through him some progress has been made in the relationship between the Talamasca and the Mayfair family but David refuses to work on that particular case again for some unknown reason apparently dealing with one of the family members.

Name: Jonas VanDavendeer
Age: 27
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Abilities: Jonas' ablilties, though somewhat limited, are focused strictly in communications.
Personality: He is Calmly extatic. Thrilled by living and learning, and he is very aware that one cannot exist with out the other.
History: Growing up in a German-English household, he has retained a small amount of German. He was born in Munich, and nine years later, moved to Osiris City.

.David Talbot.
Name: Singe
Age: Appears 16
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Abilities: Increased endurance and strength, pyrokinesis.
Personality: Quiet when left alone, but once spoken to a mischievous, wicked, vindictive, rude little creature and an unstoppable machine of destruction and chaos once provoked.
History: An awkward boy born into a very open family with a well known hatred for select things dependant on their nature. Singe---born as Mikael Hawkins---picked all of them up from his parents and siblings. An old and cynical vampire found him one night and, thinking him amusing, brought him over to the other side. After a good 200+ years when Singe had learned everything he could and the two were tired of each other they split ways. Singe later accosted the Talamasca in an attempt to entertain himself before joining the organization out of pure boredom. Very few people 'get' Singe. He's a protective creature, which unfortunately goes hand in hand with jealousy most often with him. This is most evident with Antha Evelyn Mayfair, who he had the misfortune of falling in love with.

Name: Aaron Lightner
Age: 28
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Abilities: Considered more on the psychic side for his precognition and fortune telling abilities and deficiencies in most other abilities.
Personality: Lighthearted and warm, though he can easily step into the role of a serious scholar. Overall Aaron is thought of as a charmer, always knowing exactly what people want to hear.
History: Since an early age Aaron was able to tell what was going to happen before the time came. His parents, frightened by their son's abilities, gave him over to the Talamasca the moment the recruiter came. As he grew older, his skills became more defined and he was placed in charge of recruiting. However, he still works periodically on the Mayfair family case, trying his best to uncover anything he can about any single family member.

Name: Atticus
Age: Over 700
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Abilities: Having been a powerful witch in life, as a vampire he still has most of the powers of one.
Personality: Generally a kind soul, shy around large crowds, but around those with whom he is very close, he is said to be something of a fanatic of his craft.
History: When he was human, he was called a sorcerer, a seer, a shaman, and everything in between. He was chosen for those abilities, changed by a vampire who was over a millennium old who wished to add him to his coven. He had hoped Atticus would help guard him against his enemies, but the spirits didn't like him and so Atticus fled, an action which cost him his right eye. Several centuries ago, he found the Talamasca. They offered him residence in exchange for his counsel, and he accepted as long as they let him act according to his own will. Through them he met Antha Mayfair, who helped create a working eye to replace the one he lost. He lives now in the top room of the motherhouse's oldest tower, a den of books and papers, talismans and strange ingredients, rarely venturing outside of the castle walls.

Name: Marcus d'Auvergny
Age: 32
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Abilities: Most basic abilities, all about the same level. There's really nothing very extraordinary about his abilities.
Personality: Marcus is a very mellow person, annoyingly laid back, and hard to motivate. However, he knows just when to start getting serious so that nothing goes wrong. Once he's done with what's urgent though, he's lost to the world again.
History: He was always a somewhat respectable person, a bit lazy but he did always get things done before they became a real problem. Therefore he never gained any attention, negative or positive, not even from the Talamasca. Until, that is, one day when he ran across one of their members on a case and confronted him. Immediately this was reported to David and several days later Aaron appeared to try and recruit Marcus. Without a moment of hesitation he accepted and has proven a loyal member ever since.

Name: Jillian Gray
Age: 30
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Abilities: Mind reading, fire wielding, and preternatural hearing.
Personality: At first she may seem very kind, though peculiar, and something of a joker. As you get to know her though, it's said that you can tell something hides beneath the surface, something that feels cruel and wicked.
History: She personally tracked down the motherhouse and demanded she be let into the Talamasca. David, always the understanding one, let her in despite her rude intrusion. Other than that, nothing is known about Jillian other than her parents died when she was young and that she made good grades in school as a child.

Name: Laricus Mathis
Age: 29
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Abilities: Mind reading, telekinesis, and pyrokinesis
Personality: A somewhat gruff creature, prone to violence and pointless displays of power.
History: Laricus was once the victim of childhood cruelty, excluded from society and constantly picked don for the most trivial or important things. However, he never cared one bit. At times he laughed with the others before he happened to mention a few secrets he picked up from them that guaranteed a few days a peace before all hell broke loose. He has since acquired a taste for showing off and standing out. Dramatic and self assured, he tends to either amuse or infuriate anyone around him. When he was asked to join the Talamasca, he dragged the 'decision process' out for a full year and a half though he had made up his mind after a few weeks.

Name: Sara Lovell
Age: 26
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Abilities: Strong precognition and mild mind reading and astral projection.
Personality: Introverted, gloomy, unattached, often apathetic.
History: Terrified but not scarred by dreams of violent deaths as a child, Sara learned quickly to keep her mouth shut about what she knew or thought. She took to solitude like glue, preferring it that way because she said people were too loud and made it hard to think. She quickly rose through the ranks in the Talamasca seemingly effortlessly, making her one of the youngest members of the executive board. But since she has spent so much time without anyone to talk to, she's become a master at masking thoughts and showing little to no emotion physically.