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.David Talbot.

Name: Nicholas de Lioncourt
Age: Appears 17
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Abilities: The natural increase in speed and grace, though given his natural talents for these he is even more skilled than most, and a substantial gift for mind-reading. Also blessed with many 'parlor trick' abilities, often assumed to be optical illusions.
Personality: Since the day he was born, Nicholas was always a charmer. A sweet boy with considerably good looks and astounding intelligence raised in the finest scrap of society, it was always a natural gift. It is his life to serve and entertain the masses.
History: Born to the French Renaissance in Paris, the son of a wealthy aristocrat, the world was his for the taking. His passion was, for all of his mortal life as well as many years afterwards, the theater. He ran away from home at the age of sixteen to pursue his dream of the stage, and managed to find a small bit of fame. After an adoring undead admirer gave him the gift of the blood, there was nothing to stop him. He fled Paris at the time that he should have been retiring and ran rampant across Europe, becoming a minor sensation wherever he paused. After a brief disappearance from society, he fashioned Le Cirque du Graal Rouge and began collecting vampires for his new dream---the ultimate circus. It was Osiris City that he---eventually---decided was the perfect setting for his circus. He made a deal with Antha Mayfair to remain in the city, and deciding that he liked the witch girl immensely, the two formed a somewhat questionable relationship, the main component of which being their mutual worshipful fascination with one another.


Name: Klaus
Age: Appears 20
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Abilities: Typical vampire gifts, though somewhat more powerful upon Klaus.
Personality: Shy until he steps onstage and overall just soft-spoken and highly body language oriented.
History: Klaus was orphaned as an infant due to civil war and raised in a third-rate orphanage. When he was released at sixteen, he took many odd jobs on all at once, uncertain of where he fit in. He was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Nicholas onstage one night when he was cleaning up backstage. Dazzled, he looked at Nicholas as Adonis. When the actor took him under his wing, he discovered that, though he had a talent for it, acting was no particular passion of his. It was only a few years later, shortly before Nicholas gave him the blood, that he discovered his eternal love: the trapeze. In the circus, he has become the famed 'Man of the Swings', an angel or dragon flying wildly through the sky.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: William Baltmore
Age: Appears 21
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Abilities: Rapid cognitive processes, as well the standards.
Personality: Mildly arrogant, infinitely clever, and a shrewd businessman, William was the key figure the circus was missing for many years. He runs everything to leave Nicholas to his work planning the scripts, costumes, and scenery, everything from the duties of the staff to the finances. In the few moments of the day that William is not wrapped up in his work, he is a bookish creature, sharply observant of the world around him, and more well-informed about the people of the circus and the city than most.
History: William was the son of an architect raised in Victorian London. As a result, he learned the beauty of planning things, mostly buildings. When he first saw Le Cirque du Graal Rouge, he became obsessed with the movements and choreography involved. When he was later turned, he sought out the troupe again and joined them, designing the complex cities of tents and working as the stage manager. Despite his talents, he is content to leave the creative aspects of the performances to Nicholas' genius.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Allen Colter
Age: Appears 19
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Abilities: Swift, smart, and a powerful mind reader. Also, completely mentally connected with his brother, Aidan, when he chooses to put up no barriers.
Personality: A very easygoing and reserved person.
History: Allen, like his brother, has no memory of before he was turned. He knows only that when he awoke, he and Aidan were lying in an alley, both vampires, and that they both wanted to die. Before they could find a way to appropriately end themselves, however, Nicholas and Klaus came upon them. They've been performers ever since.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Aidan Colter
Age: Appears 19
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Abilities: Has the occasional premonition. Also completely mentally connected to his brother, Allen, when he chooses to put up no barriers.
Personality: A shy, quiet boy who loves the company of wild, energetic people. He loves the circus more than his life, and when asked to star in a new production he is known to lock himself in his room, unable to show his glee in the company of others. Also prone to sticking to Antha and Nicolae Mayfair like glue when they visit.
History: Aidan, like his brother, has no memory of before he was turned. He knows only that when he awoke, he and Allen were lying in an alley, both vampires, and that they both wanted to die. Before they could find a way to appropriately end themselves, however, Nicholas and Klaus came upon them. They've been performers ever since.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Adeline
Age: Appears 24
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Her power lies mostly with illusion and charm.
Personality: Adeline is a creature that loves to be adored. Called the 'Lady of the Stage' among the staff and some fervent admirers, Adeline considers herself a creature made to please others, whether by her charm and beauty or else her exceptional skills upon the stage. Beyond the glare and sparkle of the lights, she is generally either quiet or temperamental, keeping to her dressing room or the gardens to study her part.
History: In life, Adeline was a french lady of some note. She relished in having fine things and being in the company of noteworthy artists and musicians, and married only to keep herself in the lifestyle to which she had become accustomed. Like very many before her, she was turned by a fervent admirer of her beauty, and some years later joined the troupe because of her long-standing love affair with the stage.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Sirius
Age: Appears 20
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Flexibility and some moderate strength, as well as mild telepathy and telekinesis.
Personality: A quietly good-humored vampire with a notably dark wit and a fondness for the secrets of others. He most often plays the role of the villain in the troupe's productions, or else a minor character.
History: Sirius was born into a decidedly middle-class family, among eight other sons, among which he was the middle in age. He grew up being ignored, stashed in the background while his older brothers gave orders and his younger brothers claimed all the attention, and developed not only a talent for going about his business unnoticed, but a craving for attention that he found sated as a star of the stage. Can be found to say whenever mildly appropriate in the given situation, 'Everyone loves a good villain.'

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Jester
Age: Appears somewhere around his early thirties.
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Illusion is his game.
Personality: A quiet and thoughtless creature, quick to ridicule others and make light of serious thing. He prefers the company of mortals to that of his own kind. He has therefore been made the 'clown' of the fairgrounds.
History: Jester gives very little information about his past to anyone, and was in fact traveling with the carnival for several months before anyone realized it.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Lialis
Age: Appears 14
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Little to none.
Personality: Lialis, who in reality is over six centuries old, knows the advantage of having the appearance of a child. He uses this when he can, but overall loathes this particular trait. He generally seems to believe that if he is serious and thoughtful enough, those around him will treat him more like an adult.
History: Lialis grew up in an isolated English castle, the only son of a nobleman, and was saved from the plague by a vampire posing as a doctor, who then replaced him with the body of a dead boy from the nearby village and whisked him away. When he was old enough to make his own decisions, he roamed around Europe persuading various peoples of wealth to adopt him, after which they died mysteriously and he and their fortunes disappeared forever. He was taken into the troupe for his boyish charms and is persuaded time and time again to play the 'cutesy' roles in all the performances. His dream, however, is to one day play the leading role.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Kasumi
Age: Appears to be in her mid-twenties
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Specializes in telepathy, with a slight knack for premonition.
Personality: Kasumi is a mischievous person, a witch of the old world, clinging to her Japanese roots. She has the tendency to meddle in the lives of others, no matter how personal.
History: Born to a witch in a mountain hut, Kasumi learned the ways of the world through colored lenses. Her rustic life was interrupted in her twenties by a wounded passerby, who she took in and nursed to health. By the time she realized his wounds had healed too fast, the vampire had already claimed her. It was nearly five centuries later that Nicholas met and enlisted her into the troupe.

Yet to be Claimed

Name: Pandora
Age: Appears 22
Appearance: User Image
Personality: Pandora is a quiet being, called cold by some. She keeps greatly to herself, generally only interacting with the rest of the troupe during the performances. Often portrayed as the dark beauty when the show calls for it.
History: The oldest known vampire in the troupe and one of the oldest in the city, Pandora was a priestess to the goddess Minerva in the early days of Rome. This would prove to be her undoing, when a creature claiming to be the goddess presented herself to Pandora in the temple. Announcing that she wished to reward the priestess for her devotion, she gave her the 'divine gift' that bound them together for the next four centuries. Nothing is known about the years between when Pandora parted with her maker and joined the troupe, only that she appeared out of the blue and announced she would be joining them.

Name: Bastchilde de Regenciere
Age: 22
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Glamour; the ability to charm mass groups of people. She is also something of a psychic vampire; spending enough time around her will leave ordinary humans feeling drained and Bastchilde feeling marvelous. It is suspected that she has fey blood by some of the circus folk--a rumor she does nothing to dispell. Once she has fed upon someone for long enough, they become a thrall to her, and she is able to influence them strongly--not to the point of force, but enough that her word is quite powerful upon their mind.
Personality: Bastchilde's defining feature is her vanity. She is possessed of extraordinary beauty, the kind that disarms men at a touch, and is fully aware of it. She is also somewhat prone to gossiping and rumor-mongering, and her curiousity can get her into very distressing situations at times. She collects jewelry, and possesses massive treasure-chests of glittering baubles, the most valuable mixed in freely among the cheapest.
History: Bastchilde was raised in an orphanage run by French nuns; among their numbers she was known as a most ungodly and hateful child, prone to throwing tantrums at a moment's notice. Oddly enough, upon leaving the abbey at the age of sixteen, her personality encountered an abrupt about-turn, and she became extraordinarily feminine in her person and habits. In truth, she had not become any less spiteful; simply learned to conceal it, and without the nuns forever watching after her, she was much less ill at ease. The nuns had sent her to an American farming community, where she would work in turn for her room and board. That didn't suit Bastchilde at all; she was far too refined for farm work now. When she heard the circus was coming to town, she hitched a ride on a passing chicken-truck and went to go se Le Cirque du Graal Rouge. After the show, she went straight to Nicolas like she'd been fired from a bullet and demanded that she be taken along. And Nicolas smiled and said okay.
Race: Human