Name: Hakuya
Gaia name: Yoru~no~Kurai
Age(in wolf years): 1 Year
Description: Human- User Image
Wolf-User Image
Gender: Female
Sexuality: lesbian
Background: When I was only a pup, I lived in a beautiful forest where food were of abundance. My pack was very small, having only 4 pups, One brother, two sisters and me. But they weren't my true family. I've recently discovered I'm half human half wolf demon.. and I don't know my real family. Anyway, I lived happily with my pack until one day, a demon invaded our home and killed my foster parents, but I was the only one to survive, or at least I believe so. I was only a few months old when it all happened. Now, I'm just a wanderer, hoping to find a new home. (I rarely transform into my human form though.)
Demon or no (aka powers or not): Can morph into a human and wolf at will. Also, she have the power to control fire but hasn't discovered it yet.