for the above mentioned PLEASE READ THIS FIRST topic.

I'm posting a few things here that should be kept in mind here when participating in the discussions.

1. We recommend that you keep your posts relevant to the forum in which you are currently in. Try to make your posts informative and/or entertaining. We understand that there's always some 'noise' in the form of bumps, greetings and so on. On the whole, please show some relevance.
2. Spam should only be posted in the Chatterbox forum.
3. No stalking. Persistent harassment of an individual or group of individuals against their wishes is not permitted on Gaia Online. If someone asks you to stop, please leave them alone. Continued harassment will result in punishment.
4. No overly abusive language. We have a very liberal policy regarding language, but please try to be civil and courteous towards your fellow Gaians. If your post is excessively vulgar, insulting, explicit, self-deprecating or racial without any justification, we will promptly delete it.
5. Endorsing illicit activities or encouraging crime is not permitted.
6. When commenting artworks or reviewing web links, please try to be constructive in your criticism or praise. If your comments are found to be excessively insulting or vulgar, your account may be penalized.
7. Sexually explicit posts may be deleted. Soliciting or engaging in cyber sex or mature content role play is not allowed on Gaia Online.
8. User run banking services, such as those providing interest, pawn shop, or other investment and loan services, are not permitted for security reasons. Any banking services found will be removed and may lead to having your account banned.
9. Discussion, depiction or promotion of child sexuality, abuse, exploitation and/or related topics that may be harmful to or threaten the security of a child or minor is not allowed on Gaia Online. Submitting any content or utilizing language or terms meant to imply or insinuate these situations may result in a warning, permanent ban or other action by Gaia depending on the context of their use. If you are submitting content to Gaia Online and you are unsure whether that content violates our Terms of Service or other rules and guidelines, it is better to not submit the content and to ask a Gaia Administrator.

Image Postings:

1. Please keep signatures less than 500 pixels in size in both width and height, and a total byte-size of less than 100,000 bytes. Ability to post signatures may be removed if you do not comply with a moderator's request to follow this standard.
2. Try to keep your images PG-13. Tasteful nudity in the art forums is allowed on a case-by-case basis, but on the whole, it is a good idea to cater to a range of audiences. This includes the very young.
3. Certain types of graphic images may contribute to or otherwise cause viewers to experience an adverse physical reaction, such as migraine headaches or seizures. Images that may cause such reactions are not permitted on Gaia, and, should your post or signature contain such an image, Gaia may remove the post or signature or take other action that Gaia deems appropriate.


Failure to follow the rules above may result in a temporary ban from the system. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned. Grounds for banning also include:

* Botting. Using an automated script, macro, or refreshing feature to post or surf webpages in order to generate Gold (Botting) is forbidden. The use of any software or codes to generate gold without the need for you being in front of your computer is generally considered as botting. Anyone suspected of botting will have their account banned.
* Scamming. We reward our users with Gold and hard to find rares, but we have no tolerance for people who try to take other users' assets with get-rich-quick schemes or promises of rare items. Running any kind of scam - including but not limited to lottery scams or trade scams.
* Hacking. Hacking is defined as "the unauthorized access to another user's account". Attempts to hack, trying to obtain another user's passwords will lead to banning.
* Impersonating a Gaia Staff Member. This includes Administrators and Moderators.

We have designed these rules in order to minimize conflict and maximize your enjoyment of the site. Our moderators have the power to enforce such rules and act on behalf of Gaia's best interests.

As a general rule, always log off after every session to prevent others from logging in as yourself and trading your Gold and items away. You should also know that under NO circumstances will Gaia Online officials ask you to reveal your password. NEVER give your password away to ANYONE.

Failure to comply with these rules and guidelines may result in disciplinary action and ultimately in the termination of your Gaia Online account. For a more detailed outline of these rules, you may also read our TERMS OF SERVICE agreement.

# Prohibited Conduct -- BY USING GAIA ONLINE YOU AGREE not TO:

1. "stalk", harass, threaten, or defraud other Gaia Members
2. send, post, or make available pornographic, threatening, embarrassing, hateful, racially or ethnically insulting, libelous, or otherwise inappropriate messages to other Gaia Members
3. make unsolicited offers, advertisements, proposals, chain letters, or send junk mail, to other Members
4. impersonate another person or access another Member's account without permission
5. fail to deliver payment for any purchases made on Gaia Online
6. share Gaia-issued passwords with a third party or encourage another Member to do so
7. misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via Gaia Online, for example, claiming a created work as your own that is not yours
8. use Gaia Online for any illegal purpose
9. interfere with any security-related features of Gaia Online
10. intentionally interfere with the operation of Gaia Online or any Member's enjoyment of it, or intentionally post inflammatory statements to get responses ("Trolling")

please take these to heart when posting in here. I'm currently asking an administrator about a certain topic before I post anything on it if you have any concerns please PM me.

I got my answer and my topic seems to be allowed as long as there are some rules that apply. I won't post said topic until I feel it came be handled maturely and with an open mind.