Most werewolves belong to packs, in which there are deep bonds that make them something of a family. Members of the pack take care of each other, and within themselves they have strict rules, varying from leader to leader. The pack leaders are as follows:

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The oldest known werewolf and possibly the most powerful, though known for his overly strict rules. Fenrir was long ago made into a legend and many werewolves since his glory days have been named for him. Now, however, he is content to lead those who follow him in his pack. They are governed by his severe sense of justice and his ideals of glory through battle. Shady, glum, secretive, unwilling to trust anything that moves, he has become known as a very cold person.



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A kinder sort of werewolf who gives his followers a good measure of freedom. His only standing condition is that those belonging to his pack are to be civilized people. Wherever they settle he makes certain to obtain a large house to make their den and he urges them to integrate with 'normal' society. Fighting, though recognized as necessary, is frowned upon.


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A renaissance werewolf, as they call him. He believes in a certain image that his kind should exhibit, a perfect portrait of power and darkness. Nothing is deemed truly 'important' in his pack, so most of his followers learn to just lay back and go with the flow. He is quite intrigued by witches, often claiming that the ones who have any idea of what they're doing create a brilliant image, and more than once he has been caught spying on Mayfair Manor and the homes of various noteworthy witches.

Benjiman (Second in Command)