Beverages & drinks here please!!

Traditional Iced Coffee:

• Measurements are in coffee cup ratio
½ cup espresso
¼ cup cream
¼ milk
6 pieces ice

Mix the following ingredients in order given without stirring.

Spiced Drinking Chocolate:
(named so because not only is it my personal long term recipe but because when you make it, it really is like drinking chocolate!)

• Measurements are in coffee cup ratio

¾ cup hot water
¼ cup cream
½ tsp cinnamon or pumpkin spice
1 tsp cocoa
2 heaping tsp hot chocolate

Turn burner on med: put small pot onto the burner w/ water in it.
Add sugar, then cocoa
Mix with a table spoon until a paste is made

Pour 1/4 of milk in slowly meshing together the ingredients making a looser paste
Add another 1/4 and mix
Now you may add the rest.
If you add the milk to quickly it can cause large lumps and ruin the texture
Heat thoroughly & drink up!!