Alright so I help run this forum board which I may have already posted at some point but this is a full blown advertisement so bear with me here.

like to role play and interact with others who like to role play? come here and join in the fun, ranging from horror all the way to romance. Make a character anyway any style you want and jump in the fun! we are in desperate need of members who enjoy role playing and love story's if your one of those people please come here!

have any questions? please feel free to PM myself. or alternatively (And I give this willingly) reach me at: or through MSN Also by the same address. I'd be more then willing to answer any questions.

A little about Bloodhart.

Bloodhart is a role playing forum for those who love role playing anything you can think of. join or start your own story we're all friendly. our sites two main storys are New Nightmare, a novel being written by myself and the other Admin Midnight Immorata and Star Trek New Horizons also by myself and one of our other great members. Who knows maybe one of your ideas will become one of the sites special features.

So please take a look we are always on the lookout for new members. worried about being good? don't be, you can role play in your own style after all everyone begins somewhere and everyone improves so don't be shy!

Just click the link below

Bloodhart RPG