Greetings from the Shire of the Isles.

I noticed that a few are from Caid and thought I'd put up an advert for our yearly collegium over here. This year we're doing something a bit...different. So different that we're expecting even a few people from the West to drive down and visit our shire. The following advert will be in the Crown...uh...I think this month.


The Shire of the Isles is hosting a collegium for those arts that are just too dirty to cover within the traditional setting: arts that make a mess, require more time, materials, or a less restrictive setting. In addition we will also be featuring some figuratively filthy arts: including aspects of bardic and dance that imply so much more!

By the time you're reading this, we will have figured out who will teach what when, and posted it at In the meantime, here's a sampling of the planned classes:

    Silver Granulation & Jewelry by Alberic Kentigern
    Pewter Casting in Cuttlefish by Alberic Kentigern
    Leather Drinking Jacks by Todde mac Donnell
    Chip Carving by Hrodebert von dem Kampfehanzen
    Stained Glass (4-5 hrs) by Collette Vittraria
    Knitting & Felting by Collette Vittraria
    Basic Mead Brewing by Wilhelm von Frankfurt
    Rapier Melee Tactics by Marcos de la Cruz
    Pattern Your Favorite Garb by Caterina di Cellini
    Persian & Turkish Costuming by Kelebek
    Women's roles in Music in Medieval Venice by Cecilia Lightfoot
    The Dramatic Bard (4 hrs) by Caitlin Christiana Wintour & Lot Ramirez
    Tudor Poetry by Meala Caimbeul

Site opens opens at 9am. Classes will run from 10am to late afternoon, followed by a succulent feast, and bardic circle in the evening. Site closes when the siteocrat gets sleepy, or midnight or so.

Come get dirty with the Shire of the Isles!

Site, Directions and Fees:

Our site will be the College of Creative Studies at UC Santa Barbara, on UCen Rd. There is no street address.

From the East:

    • Take Hwy 101 North, through Santa Barbara to Hwy 217.
    • Follow Hwy 217 until it ends at a circle; turn left onto Lagoon Rd.
    • Turn right at the first stop sign onto UCen Rd.
    • The College of Creative Studies in the last building on your left before UCen Rd make a sharp left turn. Park in Lot 3 (across from CCS) or nearby.

Directions from the North and West:

    • Take Hwy 101 South, to Patterson Ave; exit and turn left.
    • Immediately turn left again onto Hwy 217.
    • Hwy 217 ends at a circle; turn left onto Lagoon Rd.
    • Turn right at the first stop sign onto UCen Rd.
    • The College of Creative Studies in the last building on your left before UCen Rd make a sharp left turn.
    • Park in Lot 3 (across from CCS) or nearby.
    Directions from the South:
    • Pull your boat ashore at the tall, freestanding beach stair on the UCSB campus (near Campus Point on your charts)
    • Walk up the stair, and turn right onto Lagoon Rd.
    • Turn left at the first stop sign onto UCen Rd.
    • The College of Creative Studies in the last building on your left before UCen Rd make a sharp left turn.

Site fee: $10. Make checks payable to SCA Inc./Shire of Isles
Please see the collegium website at for further information and class schedule. If you have any questions, contact our event steward.

Event Staff:

Event Steward: Delphine de Montaillou (Robin Portune), 6763 Abrego Rd #15, Goleta, CA, 93117,
Scheduling regent: THL Todde mac Donnell (Jonathan Getty),