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Reply Teepees
Kailey Koreco's teepee Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:29 pm

Welcome to the home of Kailey Koreco and her soquili.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Jaci's stats
Strength: 100%
Courage: 100%
Speed: 100%
Intelligence: 100%
Luck: 100%
Stamina: 100%

User Image
Amaris' Stats
Strength: 49%
Courage: 44%
Speed: 50%
Intelligence: 44%
Luck: 47%
Stamina: 52%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Mimiteh's stats
Strength: 7%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 7%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Beatrice's Stats
Strength: 68%
Courage: 72%
Speed: 64%
Intelligence: 67%
Luck: 64%
Stamina: 64%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Bella Swan's stats
Strength :: 40%
Courage :: 39%
Speed :: 39%
Intelligence :: 40%
Luck :: 40%
Stamina :: 36%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edana's stats
Strength :: 59%
Courage :: 57%
Speed :: 59%
Intelligence :: 55%
Luck :: 61%
Stamina :: 61%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Arthur's stats
Strength: 31%
Courage: 29%
Speed: 31%
Intelligence: 25%
Luck: 30%
Stamina: 27%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Hocus' stats
Strength :: 28%
Courage :: 26%
Speed :: 24%
Intelligence :: 30%
Luck :: 28%
Stamina :: 31%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Leilani's stats
Strength :: 15%
Courage :: 22%
Speed :: 20%
Intelligence :: 17%
Luck :: 17%
Stamina :: 18%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Beelzebub's stats
Strength: 26%
Courage: 24%
Speed: 24%
Intelligence: 30%
Luck: 30%
Stamina: 30%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Typhoid's stats
Strength: 29%
Courage: 31%
Speed: 28%
Intelligence: 27%
Luck: 26%
Stamina: 24%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Sintharia's stats
Strength: 17%
Courage: 14%
Speed: 22%
Intelligence: 16%
Luck: 22%
Stamina: 20%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Nicor's stats
Strength: 35%
Courage: 36%
Speed: 36%
Intelligence: 39%
Luck: 39%
Stamina: 41%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Kristoffer Sparrow's stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 12%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Rhapsody Amachi's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 4%

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Cael's stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 6%

The Teepee
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
They all live at the beach.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:28 pm

User Image

Look around see a tale of old . . .
a psychic Soki,
spirit horses beautiful and wise,
unbreakable blood ties for all to see,
a moon searching for answers,
a devil child wishing for redemption,
a seeker racing for the heavens,
a defender looking for definition,
a beauty longing to start anew,
a fighter honoring the ways of the rogue,
a lord tracing the veins of deceit and decay,
a psychic learning through dreams and trances,
a flower overcoming generations of bigotry,
a knight grasping the blade of legends,
a devil savoring the sweet taste of fear and blood,
a prankster looking to enjoy life to the fullest,
a deceiver viewing the world behind a mask of nature and lies,
a pirate looking to the waves for adventure,
a demon hiding beneath the water and silence,
a singer humming to the tune of life
. . .
How much more is left to read ?


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:29 pm

User Image

User ImageSoki, half blind and able to read smoke like gaping books. Alone and sad, secluded and silent, spirits are her most common companions. Although, recently, soquili had begun to drift around her teepee, nibbling her clothing affectionately and gazing at the rising smoke from her never ending fires as if able to understand them, too. And so she lets them stay, and cares for them should they allow her such a moment.

Often she dreams of the soquili, and reads of their pasts and futures in the smoke. Perhaps none is coincidence, but fate? The spirits have granted her stranger events of which to observe and participate in, after all.

.:: Basic Info ::.
Name :: Soki ---?
Age :: Late teens, early twenties -estimated at 18 - 20 years
Preference :: Finds males easier to speak with, but all in all is unknown
Temperament :: Predominantly silent upon first approach, she speaks only in short sentences and relies on gestures for majority of her communication until she begins to determine if the other human is friend or foe. Foe, and she retreats into her teepee. Friend, and she slowly begins to speak more and more until an average social pattern emerges.

It's then people see she's actually got a sense of humor, albeit often dry and personal jokes that few ever seem to get. Her laughs are never side-splitting, but soft chuckles or snorts of an almost bitterness. She is motherly though, if only more like an old hag in how she tends to others -caring, yes, but gruff and blunt and not above icy glares to prove a point. A tragic woman when left alone with her thoughts, the company of others who may speak with her, unlike the soquili, brings out a much more fiery, rough youth with more shamanic tricks up her sleeve than any fool'd dare shake a stick at.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:31 pm

User Image

User Image


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:32 pm

User Image
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:33 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSeeker of the moon

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{Basket .x. Foal .x. Adult}

User ImageMeaning:
xxxxxFourth Gen. Grounded (1/3 Grounded, Wind, and Kalona)

Roleplay Color:

xxxxxBelial, Maharet, Vartan, Marut, Ishmael

xxxxxPreviously Taylor
xxxxx Owen, Amaris


xxxxxBreeding (Marius x Neve)

User Image
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

    xxxxx Confident, intelligent, and very much a gentleman when he believes the one he speaks to deserves such respect, might you believe this scholar is also capable of childish laughter and glee? On the rarest occasions, of course, but still, it's possible now and then. For instance, when he is at the beach, and the waves rush up around his hooves, or when breathlessness and running have made him giddy from adrenaline and the pure sensation of being free -you can count on seeing a light in his eyes and a wide grin on is face and laughter spilling from his lips. -details to come-

Image Song:
xxxxx 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite

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User ImageRoleplays:

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Lifemate Agreement

Breeding Attempts:

Breeding One - [GAINED HOW, DATE LINK]


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:34 pm

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User Image

Name: Beatrice
Meaning: She Who Blesses // Bringer of Joy
Nicknames: None
Species: Third Gen. Grounded (1/2 Grounded, 1/2 Wind)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: Silver
Father: Vergil Sparda
Mother: Maui
Sibling: Judecca
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Familiar: Beowulf
Obtained: Co-owning (Ivory_Feld)


User ImagePersonality:
Tris ~ -the nice mare-
Trigger ~ -the demoic mare-
History: -to come-
Theme Song: Utada Hikaru - Devil Inside


1.) ...Are you... dropped
2.) Irony at its Best dropped?
3.) Why the Blistering Heat?! dropped?
4.) What the Hell are We?! apparently dropped
5.) Start of a beautiful friendship dropped?
6.) Odd... apparently dropped
7.) To Each Their Own apparently dropped
8.) Trouble Travels in Twos dropped
9.) Sunlight and Corpse-Bride apparently dropped
10.) Blame it on Genetics ongoing
11.) Of Fires and Triggers dropped?
12.) Oh Ye of Little Faith finished
13.) When Rivers Meet Triggers dropped?
14.) The Tension and the Terror finished
15.) To Keep a Promise, Start Anew ongoing

Breeding Attempts:
Black Death


Agreement posted here

August Drunk Mixer
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:35 pm

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image

Name: Amaris
Meaning: Child of the Moon
Nicknames: Ammy, Ris
Species: Fifth Gen. Grounded (Grounded, Wind, and Kalona heritage)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: #27aa66
Father: Jaci
Mother: Taylor
Siblings: Owen
Mate: Iniabi - uncert
Offspring: Ipitko, Mimiteh
Familiar: None
Obtained: Breeding (Jaci x Taylor)


User ImagePersonality: She's a girl with strong family ties - almost too strong, really. Every morning and evening she takes long runs from the home she shares with her father, just running straight on as fast and as long as she can... just because. Then she turns around, and races right on back home. She never has a reason to keep going, but returning to her father is a good reason not to run to the sun. Though she has her mother's bold nature, a sharp tongue with a quick mind, she's been taught to be a proper little girl by her studious sire. Be curious, but courteous - seek knowledge and your way in the world, but be respectful as you do. As of yet, she hasn't gotten close enough to those outside her family to show her wilder, childish, "spunky" side to. An interesting note though, is due to her rather sheltered life, Amaris has never formed a sense of fear. Because of this, she takes all she meets with a welcoming smile and a trusting mind.

Theme Song: Interactive - Forever Young


2.) Explenations ongoing
3.) Castles in the Sky ongoing
4.) Mirro Mirror apparently dropped
5.) Sins of Youth apparently dropped
6.) Racing Karma apparently dropped
7.) Family is Family ongoing
8.) Curiosity Seeks Company ongoing
9.) By the Day Star ongoing


Agreement found here

Breeding agreement here


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:38 pm

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Name: Trigger
Meaning: (noun) anything, as an act or event, that serves as a stimulus and initiates or precipitates a reaction or series of reactions // (verb) to initiate or precipitate (a chain of events, scientific reaction, psychological process, etc.)
Nicknames: None
Species: First Gen. Wind
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: Dark Slate Gray
Father: None, though was born in the mind of the daughter of Vergil Sparda
Mother: None, though was born in the mind of the daughter of Maui
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Familiar: None
Obtained: (I'm assuming a custom slot, but she hasn't been obtained yet)


History: -to come-
Theme Song: Matchbox 20 - Disease


1.) When Rivers Meet Triggers unofficially; before her official obtainment


PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:39 pm

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x..cert..x..adult..x..pregnant cert..x..pregnant..x

User Image

Name: Isabella Swan
Meaning: God's promise; God is my oath
Nicknames: Bella, Bells
Species: First Gen. Grounded
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: Saddle Brown
Father: Charlie Swan
Mother: RenƩe Dwyer
Siblings: None
Mate: Callan
Offspring: Renesme, Fearthainn, Edana, Arthur, Calibor, Searlait
Grandkids: Fearthainn - Aneurin, Lumriel
Edana - Meridah, Cael, Macklyn
Familiar: None
Obtained: King custom slot


Personality: Stubborn, clumsily, kind hearted but not specially social. Regardless of the danger posed by another, she can either look past it or ignore it completely, depending on the individual - be this a healthy thing to do or not. -will define/etc. later-

History: Born to the far north of the Kawani lands, Bella had long since left her herd and family after suffering an attack by a rogue Soquili. She recovered and fled to hopefully save herself from further harm, though to this day she still holds the crescent shaped scar on her left front leg from his bite.

On the same hoof is a bracelet, a gift from two very different males that she cared for deeply. However, it was their feud that also served to drive her to the south. As much as she loved them, one in particular, Bella could not handle the heartbreak of seeing them in pain and combat over her.

Her arrival has since been marked by her meeting with a mare named Beatrice whom, on her way back to visit her herdmates, stumbled upon the lost and wary Bella. The two formed a slow, but grateful friendship, leading the newly arrived mare to meet Jaci and his family, and eventually joining the unofficial herd when he extended the warm offer. Although blood tied only Jaci and his children together, and Beatrice herself even bluntly stated she traveled more often than spending time with the others, the feeling of an extended family was what drew her to them, and although it struck a painful cord to recall a similar pull towards another herd before, she didn't hesitate for a moment to grin and accept with profound joy.

Life took on a routine to it, including a long walk once a day to clear her head and take in the world around her in comfortable silence. It was a time to muse on her situation, on the past... but never the future. From where she stood, there was none.

That is.... until he appeared.

At first, she thought it was her old love, following her as he once did. But... no! No, it was a complete stranger, a stallion with a gaze of ice - yet, a temperament of a kind soul exposed to the harshness of the world. Perhaps that was why... they were able to get along so well. It wasn't immediate, oh no - took her making a fool of herself with her famous klutz tendencies, then demanding he teach her to fight... and lord, that "lesson" turned into quite the lesson indeed... Callan. The two began to spend more time together, the sorrows of their pasts slowly dissipating in the light of the present. She came to love him, and he with her. She was safe, she was happy - what more could she ask for? He was everything she wanted, needed... and so much more. He was hers, and she couldn't ask for more.

Once more her world began to change though, this time with a double-edge. She could still remember the horrors of the birth of her daughter, the heartbreak of leaving her behind with the old herd... but once again, Bella was pregnant. The joy of new life, of carrying Callan's children was immense... but so was the fear of history repeating itself, never mind the consequences of her choices. She didn't know how to be a mother! Not the first thing about how to raise children... and apparently, neither did Cal! Through Jaci and Raleigh, she was able to learn bits and pieces of dealing with foals, how to teach them and nurture them. But was she really ready..? Better be... because all too soon they were born, two beautiful, breathtaking girls. Fearthainn and Edanna - she couldn't believe she didn't explode from the pride and joy and love and awe that was flooding her as her mate nuzzled her, their children nestled against her as they fed for the first time.

She loves them so much - her mate, her children, her friends... each day she knows she is blessed. But still... now and then, as she watches her girls, now adults, wander and laugh, her belly again swollen with three more foals.... what ever became of her eldest daughter? What... whatever became of.... Renesme?
Theme Song: Vanessa Carlton - Ordinary Day


1.) Lost and Learning dropped?
2.) Everyone is Searching dropped?
3.) You Think You are Safe dropped?
4.) A Clumsy Friend for a Silent Mare ongoing
5.) A New Chapter finished
6.) Welcome to the New World ongoing
7.) A Simple Yes Changes Lives ongoing
8.) An Unexpected Turn of Events ongoing

Breeding Attempts:
1.) Nerpin - April '11
2.) JulianMoMo - April '11
3.) Ririka - May '11
4.) JulianMoMo - May '11
5.) Agneza - August '11



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:36 pm

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x..cert..x..basket..x..foal..x..adult..x..Kione..x..pregnant cert..x..pregnant

User Image

Name: Edana
Meaning: Zealous, fiery, passionate
Nicknames: Ed
Species: Second Gen. Grounded
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: Orange Red
Father: Callan MacTaĆ­l
Mother: Bella Swan
Siblings: Renesme, Fearthainn, Arthur, Calibor, Searlait
Mate: Lt. Samual
Offspring: Meridah, Cael, Macklyn
Familiar: Kione - Royal Blue
Obtained: Breeding (Callan x Bella)


User ImagePersonality: Swindler, scoundrel, scamp, criminal, artist, rogue. She is each of these and more, a strange conglomerate of knightly honor and kleptomania and the sheer desire to test the boundaries of the world around her. A hoarder to easily an extreme, Ed is fond of treasures large and small, from the most seemingly worthless of babbles to the riches of the legends. This does not simply keep to just inanimate objects, however, as she also "hordes" away precious people - no she doesn't lock them up in some dragon-esque cave somewhere, but rather sticks to them like a burr... a burr able to walk around and pop up when least expected, spend its time spying on either said living treasure, or maybe doing things that might actually have to do with the world instead of her greedy fixations.

The latter is quite rare, but plausible.

Loyalty comes with the territory of loving all things shinny and precious, loyalty to those whom could be of use, those whom could be of trouble, and those whom have proven to be of a comrade cloth. Family is an insta-loyalty marker, it should also be noted. And while family might be of a mostly down to earth type, Ed is... a bit more rambunctious than that. Cocky, outgoing, and always itching for a wrestling match in the muck, she's the perfect face of a lowly street rat. And she loves it.
History: -to come-
Theme Song: Pink - Bad Influence


1.) The Bandit and the Thief dropped
2.) Moonlit Meetings dropped
3.) So where's the Jabberwock? dropped
4.) Sparks and Flames and Shinnies ongoing
5.) Who Said I Needed Help? ongoing
6.) Walking Treasure Part 1 ongoing
7.) To Train a Knight ongoing
8.) An Unexpected Turn of Events ongoing


Lifemating Agreement (top of page)
Co-owner Agreement (top of page)

Breeding Attempts:

Breeding One - CCed by Darkmoon Dancer April 2013
1.) Mindsend - April '10
2.) Mobster Goose - April '10
3.) Sabin - April '10
4.) Mindsend - July '10
5.) Felmino - July '10
6.) Mindsend - August '10
7.) Ririka - November '10
8.) Nekoya - November '10
9.) Beejoux - November '10
10.) Ririka - December '10
11.) Mindsend - December '10
12.) Nekoya - December '10
13.) Ririka - December '10
14.) Niloufer - December '10
15.) Felmino - January '11
16.) Agneza - February '11
17.) Agneza - August '11
18.) Mindsend - August '11
19.) Ririka - September '11
20.) Halloween - October '11
21.) Sirenz - November '11
22.) Mindsend - February '12
23.) Mindsend - April '12
24.) Neph - April '12
25.) Agneza - May '12
26.) Agneza&Bee - Oct '12
27.) Mobbu - Oct '12
28.) Darkmoon Dancer - Oct '12
29.) Mindsend - Oct '12
30.) Darkmoon Dancer - Feb '13
31.) Mindsend - Feb '13
32.) Ririka - Feb '13
33.) Darkmoon Dancer - April '13

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 1:36 pm

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image

Name: Beelzebub
Meaning: Lord of the Flies
Nicknames: Beelze, Beelzebul, Baā€˜al ZebĆ»b, Baā€˜al ZəbĆ»b or Baā€˜al ZəvĆ»v, Ba'al
Species: First Gen. Grounded
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: Maroon
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: . . . ?
Mate: None - had a breeding with Reila, and a breeding with Masquerade
Offspring: Typhoid, Anthrax, Ardat Lili, Sammael, Azrael
Typhoid ~ SmallPox, Sintharia
Familiars: Pharaoh (f. crow), Messina (f. rat), Fester (m. rat)
Meanings: That disperses, that spoils; Spoiler; To putrefy or rot
Obtained: Mer custom slot


Personality: He's evil. He might act like he gives a s**t, that he really just wants to help you become a better person and learn and strengthen yourself from your experiences... but really, he's just looking for a new toy to play with and shatter in every way possible. A lover of debates and philosophical thoughts, he's able to walk among the normal with little problem, though its difficult to hide the rot and decay that follows him everywhere he goes. So he's developed a very bullet proof persona of a sickly wanderer, plagued by misfortune after angering the gods for his questions or his once peerless strength and health - or whatever he feels the cover story of the day is.
-more shall be added as it's developed in Rp-

Despite all his tricks and games however, he's acquired companions of sorts. The flies are the most prominent, for no matter where he goes he is promised to at least have a handful or five buzzing and flitting around him to gorge and procreate on the filth that he births.

Then there are of course the carriers of disease, the various rodents who find his victims to be the most delectable of dishes. Two most notable, would be the rats Messina and Fester. Their relationship is quite complex and unknown, even to Beelzebub, the one they so lovingly refer to as "Master." One moment they are bickering like a senile old couple, the next they fend for and aid one another as only siblings can, then they're snuggling after a filling meal of rotting flesh like lovebirds. Of course, one can never forget the rats' individual personalities as well, which only serves to add to the confusion - Mez is an almost motherly sort, albeit an older, cackling grumbling one. If she sees but one fault in you, she's quick to chatter and complain before wattling off with curses and grumbles in her wake. Fester is the prime target for her cuffing and cussing, his much more lax view on life consisting of "serve Master, eat, sleep, argue with Mez." And argue he does, his own claws and teeth swiping and catching in her fur as much as hers does his. But they never actually hurt one another, any possible bruise soon being cause for them to snuggle and affectionately groom one another. And then Mez finds a fault in Fester, and they start all over again.

The last to be mentioned, but most certainly not the least, is a fine femme fatal of a crow by the name of Pharaoh. Like the rats, she calls Beelzebub a purring "Master," though she takes variations like "Lord" and "Sire" to heart as only she may be so familiar with him. Except his siblings, but that's a whole other story entirely. With Beelzebub, she is the queen of her murder, second only to the Lord of the Flies. While many of her kind only flock around him now and then, she remains a constant, always flying overhead or perched on his back to ensure she has not only the best view of his surroundings (the least she can do is act the proper scout) but to keep close for company and food sake. Now while she might be so sweet and loyal to him, to any other whom might entertain the idea they are worth her lord's time, she is a cackling hell bird intent on gouging out their eyes. Her calls are mocking and demeaning, shooting out challenges happily to creatures tens of sizes bigger than she. Should one of them actually be answered though, she is quick to wing and either hide amongst the leaves and shade, or duck down to plead aid from her master. Which he does, if only to keep her around for entertainment, though she is more than happy to use it as proof he favors her.
History: -to come-
Theme Song: Disturbed - Down with the Sickness


1.) We're All Mad Here~ ongoing
2.) Death and Decay ongoing
3.) Whom Inherits the World? Ongoing

Breeding Attempts:



Breeding w/ Masq Agreement


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:12 pm

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image

Name: Hocus
Meaning: None; implied nonsense, a word of magic
Nicknames: Abra
Species: First Gen. Mutant (PokeSoq)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: Gold
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Familiar: None
Obtained: Speed FS at Second Pokemon Event


Personality: -to come-
History: -to come-
Theme Song: DJ Jack - Dream a Dream


1.) Making Mountains out of Zzz's dropped
2.) Psychic Errors ongoing
3.) Is that a Sleeping Pile of Rocks? ongoing


Breeding Attempts:
1.) Vance + Mindsend - March '10
2.) Mindsend - April '10
3.) Mobster Goose - April '10
4.) Sabin - April '10
5.) Tooaya - June '10
6.) Mindsend - July '10
7.) Felmino - July '10
8.) Mobster Goose - July '10
9.) Mindsend - August '10
10.) Samuality - August '10
11.) Mindsend - October '10
12.) Ririka - November '10

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:34 pm

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image

Name: Leilani
Meaning: Heavenly flower child
Nicknames: Lei, Lani
Species: First Gen. Uni
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: Deep Pink
Father: Kapono [ righteous ]
Mother: Nalani [ heaven's calm ]
Siblings: A younger brother, missing; an elder brother, Liko [ bud ].
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Familiar: None
Obtained: New Hairstyles Flaffle '09


Personality: Winsome - "charming, often in a childlike way."

Would this be Ms. Leilani? Oh yes, very much so! She's a Uni as feminine as you have ever seen - and not just because of her all pink coloring! She was taught being dainty and charming is the best way to approach others, the best way to show you mean no harm and only wish to help. As a healer especially, she believes these morals she'd learned as a foal are most important for how to deal with others... though she could do without the weaknesses that comes with being such a fair lady.

Should she come across something "gross" or "icky," Leilani most certainly will balk at the prospect of getting too close, the idea of getting the substances on her most unappealing. The only time she would swallow her pride and ignore what gunk got on her would be if she needed to heal someone's nasty wounds. Gore is perhaps the only "ickiness" she would allow to touch her, and that is due to, again, her healing teachings.

Sweet to the bone, she treats all she comes across with kindness and respect, always happy to greet another with a warm smile and cheerful word. Even should another give her nothing but hostility, she will simply nod her head and continue with soft chatter. However, she is not masochistic in the very least - unless the other makes a comment that perhaps hints to any immediate problems they are having instead of the nastiness being just how they are, she will give a parting smile and take her peaceful leave should the hostility continue despite her attempts at otherwise.

History: Leilani hails from a herd from an island to the northwest, a colorful bunch that all had one main trait in common - they were all Unis. Now and then a non-horned individual would come into the group, a mate to one of the purebloods that would be welcomed with warmth and acceptance. It was the offspring of this mixed union that tended to have difficulties, however.

While the herd was always open-minded when it came to accepting other species, allowing their own to follow their hearts even if it included falling for someone not of their breed, but the prospect of half-bloods was an oddly touchy subject. "Pure bloods with pure bloods," that was their view, an old die-hard tradition spanning from the creation of their herd countless generations ago. Sure other breeds were welcomed, but no children may result from the romance that may form between one of the herd and the outsiders.

Kapono, Leilani's father, was like every other of his people - he was kindhearted, strong and always willing to lend a hoof or horn whenever asked. But his physical and mental strength put him above the others, quickly gaining the renown for his equally strong sense of justice and the rights and wrongs of the world. It came to no surprise when Nalani, a fair mare beloved for her beauty and gentle nature, soon began to stand along side him, even less surprising when her stomach began to swell and the two would exchange affectionate gestures. The judge and the angel, it was a match the herd approved most certainly, elders nodding their heads in aged enthusiasm - "This is a prime example of the true purity formed when purebloods join in joyous union." And they were joyous - both parents-to-be could not be prouder, nor happier with their chosen love.

At last the foals were born, a healthy colt and filly, Liko and Leilani. Both where the perfect merging of their sire and dam, both as pureblooded and honored. The two grew up happy and healthy, various teachers helping them to discover what their purpose in this world was - for while almost all the foals born were pureblooded Unis, not all were destined to be healers alone. Liko showed the classic signs of a warrior, while his younger sister was far more suited in fact to be a prime healer. The family was quite proud, for while Liko seemed to be following their father, Nalani was a caregiver and moral teacher rather than a healer, making Leilani the first in her family to gain this talent.

The two grew up, happy with their positions in the world, being taught to accept all... just not be especially fond of half-bloods. Liko jumped into this mindset, firm in his young beliefs, though Leilani began to question why someone's mixed heritage would matter. She kept her opinions to herself however, having already begun to learn from her mother a proper mare's place was to keep sharp senses and hold fast to information learned, rather than spouting out the first thing that came to one's mind. Wait, be patient, and questions would be answered in time.

And boy were they, though she wouldn't be aware of the magnitude until much later in life.

For a time, her father had vanished, supposedly to deal with a crisis not far from the herd's home. What she would not learn until much later however, was her father actually met another mare, a "regular" whom he had fallen helplessly for despite the fact he already had a mate and children. He had gotten her pregnant, and, taking responsibility, had gone to find her to give her the option of returning with him to his herd where she and the child would be taken care of. She accepted, and they returned to mixed reactions.

While the herd was always taught to be open-minded, they had very few occurrences of things like affairs, even rather abrupt and accidental ones like this. Kapono made it clear he would not leave Nalani, and the ever gracious mare even forgave her mate for his transgression, offering friendship to the other mare despite the situation. Others were not so quick to over look his mistake, especially when mutters of a half-blood in the mare's womb crept around the herd. Liko disliked this other mare, though did call her "aunt" and such like the good boy he was, but Leilani didn't understand the situation, so naive as she was. She simply saw this other mare as a new person to play with, the foal growing within her a future playmate as well.

When the foal was born, it was a boy, a half-breed as suspected, with the horn of the proud race, but the tail not of the strong lion, but a flimsy normal. Leilani loved her new companion, though Liko did all he could to keep his sister away from his younger half-brother - while Leilani didn't understand what was going on and whom she was playing with, he most certainly did. Eventually, their little brother vanished, though the mare remained however suddenly forlorn and downcast. They were told the little colt had been attacked and killed by a beast, that there was nothing they could do - years later, Leilani would finally learn the truth about the fate of her baby brother, her dear friend:

He was ran from the herd by the vicious members and left to die beyond the land bridge that only surfaced once every year, her own elder brother one of the horrible monsters as well.

Now a young adult, she confronted her parents, soon the herd, only being met with "tsk"s and "hush"es and nosed away. Upset by how they simply waved off her little sibling's undoubtable death, she paused to only tell his mother where her path was to take her, and left the herd and her homeland for mainlands where they had left the colt to die.

She was determined to find out the fate of her dear friend, even if she was only to be met with tragedy.

Theme Song: -to come-


1.) Perspectives of Sea Salt Girls ongoing
2.) Gray Sky Morning ongoing



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:31 pm

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Name: Arthur
Meaning: An ancient king
Nicknames: N/A
Species: Second Gen. Grounded
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stage: Adult
Roleplay Color: #347235 - Medium Forest Green
Father: Callan MacTaĆ­l
Mother: Bella Swan
Siblings: Renesme, Fearthainn, Edana, Calibor, Searlait
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Familiar: None
Obtained: Breeding (Callan x Bella)


Personality: Severe. Observant. Protector. Tank.

Sure he can smile, though they might be small and sometimes hard to see, and of course he can laugh... if you count chuckles. Arthur is less for games and silly antics, more for the strategic sharpening of his mind and strengthening of his body. He does not seek battle, but rather, will face it head on to instead act as a shield for others. That is not to say he can't have a good time - he knows how to play games, how to take off his armor and relax. Just... probably isn't to the extent others might. Even when at his most silly he still isn't someone to give large grins or bellowing laughs. He takes his joy in stride, showing it through a relaxation in his muscles and stride than being so open.

History: Arthur was born to... an interesting situation. The first son of Bella and Callan, he possessed two elder sisters - the ever intellectual and scientific Fearthainn, along with the mischievous and all around thief Edana - and was very much their baby brother in their eyes. At the same time though, he also possess two younger siblings - Calibor [ description of Payne's boy ] younger brother, and Searlait the flirtatious little sister and youngest of the bunch. Instantly he took over the role as protector and body guard for the two, stoic and stern even as a foal. That is not to say he doesn't possess the ability to smile and laugh and play... he just always made sure to keep one ear to the area around them, just in case.

Theme Song:


1.) An Unexpected Turn of Events ongoing
2.) To Train a Knight ongoing
3.) I'm Seein' Stars, I'm Seein' Stars~ ongoing
4.) Rainbows in the Eve ongoing



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