Name: Kukri Kantaka


Appearance:User Image

Main Chakra Element:water

secondary chakra element: lightning


Village: village hidden in the mist

Clan: Hirotori


Shadow Hand: The Shadow Hand is a Taijutsu developed by the Hirotori clan. It is characterized by flowing movements that often lead from one move directly into another much like Shoulin Kungfu. It is very smooth and can be applied to weapons as well as hand to hand combat. Because of its smooth and flowing movement many Hirotori's use duel or twin weapons. It is said some members of the clan can manipulate water and/or air using this taijutsu and chakra but it requires excellent chakra control and a mastery of the taijutsu form.

Ninjutsu Techniques:

Kawarimi no jutsu, literally"body substitution skill"
Kage Mane no Jutsu, literally "Shadow Bind Technique"
Bunshin no Jutsu, literally "clone technique"
Henge no jutsu, literally "transformation skill"

Taijutsu Techniques:

Taren Kyaku, literally "match kick"
Taren Ken, literally "match punch"

Weapons: kunai knives, shuriken, paper bombs, bomb kunai, smoke bombs, poison bombs, food pills,bow with paper bomb arrows, my 2 main blades pitbull and heartthrob

pitbull / heartthrob
User Image

Weapon Technique: pitbull and heartthrob are blades past down from the kantaka family

Missions That I Completed In The Game


Biography: kukri never getting attached to anything lived throughout his whole life ignoring anyone except for athoritie (aka)"teacher"because everyone he cared about died and he was adopted into the Hirotori clan with a family that only provided for him and nothing else. Kukri was the best in his class. Kukri excelled in everything untill the worste student in class started to become a compitition and he was in Kukri's squad then one day he found out his sensei never told them about the chunin exam 8 years later and then he said that it wasn't his fault we couldn't get in it was the kage he said that we wheren't ready untill we proved ourselves.