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[PRV]No time for playing [Kinyago|Job] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:54 pm
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Pale green tipped paws padded lightly against the ground as light brown eyes scanned the area. Kinyago was running a quick errand for her mother, the duty of fetching her brother's for their bath. She was told that she only needed to find one but she decided that she would go out and find them all. After all she needed to do so in order to be the perfect little girl for her parents.

Yes Kinyago decided early on that she would do whatever her parents asked of her with out being asked twice and she would do it perfectly. It would make life much easier that way, she wouldn't run into any problems. Or so she believed. Clearing her throat she called out rather softly but still loud. "Job? Gin? Nik?" She stopped in her tracks ears perked listening closely for any response from any of them. Hearing nothing at first she began to walk again on her way towards the forest and the river.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:28 pm
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The day had started peacefully enough. Job had woken up without a start, and since then, he'd simply been adventuring about. The way the sun shone through the leafy trees here, it was simply gorgeous and serene. Job was always fascinated by the natural aspects of his day to day life. After a while of wandering about, Job had grown tired, thankfully, the forest surrounding his home was full of trees that he could climb to take a break. He'd always been told to stay away from the forest, to not get lost in this enigmatic place, and though Job did love and respect his parents, his wanderlust over-rode that.

The little cub flexed his claws, sizing up a rather stout looking tree, it looked like a good spot. With a hop, he scaled up the knotty trunk, though, in a rather clumsy way, until he found a thick branch that he finally settled on. The boy sighed happily. It was so peaceful here. However, the mood of the situation changed quite quickly as a familar voice rang out in the distance. It was his sister. Soon, it was no longer just a voice, but a body as well. Dreamy eyes scanned over in her direction, smiling contently. She was such a dilligent creature. Most would've seen her a pain in the a**, but not Job, he couldn't find it in his heart to dislike anyone. He spoke out to her, rather quietly, but loud enough for her to hear, his tone peaceful and serene,

"Kinyago, what's the hurry? Take a minute, enjoy the spectacles around, sister."



PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:46 pm
No emotion was written upon her features, no she had an emotionless stare upon her features as she looked up at her brother resting in the trees. "Mother wants you Job. It's my job to make sure you go. It's bath time." She replied rather coldly in a monotone voice. "There's no time to enjoy the spectacles as you put it brother." She stated calmly sitting back onto her haunches waiting for him to come down.

"Please hurry, we can't keep Mother waiting." She requested her voice still soft but just loud enough for him to hear. She always liked to get things done right away so that she wouldn't have to worry about them. If her brother was going to make things difficult for her well then she'd secretly make things difficult for him at a later time. "I have to find Nik and Gin too so the sooner you get back the sooner I can continue my search."
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:03 pm
Job shook his head lightly, that peaceful smile still plastered on his face. He didn't need a bath, he was still relatively clean. Ok, not so clean, as he'd been trekking through mud all morning and now his paws and belly were caked in it. However, he didn't mind it, in a way, it made him feel closer with the earth, and that made him happy.

"Tell Mom, sorry, Kin. I really can't go, at the moment."

He was so perfectly content right where he was, going back home with his sister was not what he had envisioned for his day. He'd go back eventually, that was for certain, but not right now. It wasn't that he wanted to get on his sister's nerves, it was just that he simply didn't feel the urgency. The cub sighed at his sister's impatience. He felt bad for her, in a way, not being able to take her time and enjoy the beauty around her. Everything to lead a peaceful and fulfilling life was right there at their paws. All they had to do was look.

"I'd help you find Gin and Nik, but I haven't seen them since this morning. They're not around here, though."



PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:33 pm
A light frown tugged at the corner of her lips, the only emotion she dared to show except for those fake-but-real looking smiles that she would give to her parents whenever she felt the time was right. Now however her impatience was getting the better of her no matter how much she fought it. It was a battle that she was losing but surprisingly she able to hide it rather well.

"Brother," the masked marked cub began her tone fluttering out of it's usual monotone tone to a slightly more stern tone. "Mother doesn't wait for you, you wait for her." She stated falling back into her normal iciness. "Mother said it was time for a bath and she expects me to bring you back. You don't want to get her upset with you or me now do you?" She asked slowly blinking as she lifted her head up towards the sky to make eye contact with him. Not blinking for a while once she caught his gaze in hers.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:51 pm
Job could tell his sister was starting to grow weary of having to wait for him, her patience never being her best attribute. However, stubbornness seemed to run in the family, as Job was determined to lounge around for just a bit longer. He wouldn't go about it in a mean way, just one that suited him most.


Job nodded as he spoke, mocking her tone of voice slightly to start, but he couldn't hold such a stern tone for very long. The rest of what he had to say was soft and gentle,

"Time waits for no one... Except, I'm waiting with time. I guess I'm not waiting for anyone either."

It wasn't that he didn't love his mother. No, it was quite the opposite. She'd given birth to him, cared for him, loved him, and for that, he was more indebted to her than anyone else on this planet. Though, a bath was not a way he'd show his love. Job let Kinyago catch his gaze, and he too held it, unflinching, however, his gaze was much cooler, more collected. He smiled again, patting a spot on the branch next to him,

"She loves us both, Kin, she won't be upset. Now, come on up here, it's amazingly peaceful in the trees."



PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:37 pm
Shaking her head Kinyago looked away, not because she had lost the 'starring contest' but because in a way he disappointed her. Mainly because he refused to comply readily to what their mother had asked of them. In her case to fetch her brothers, or at least one, and in his case to come and get a bath. At first she said nothing in reply to her younger sibling, if only by a few seconds to minutes, before looking back at him. Opening her maw she spoke. "Regardless of whether or not Mother will get mad, I have a job I intend to finish Job and that requires you to join me."

That sentence finished she paused brown eyes leaving his features once more to glance around her in hopes that one of her other brothers, perhaps one more convincible, was around. Unfortunately for the only female in their litter neither Nik nor Gin was to be found. Thus she had to convince Job. "No." She replied to his simple request her gaze drifting back to him once more. "I don't have time to laze about in a tree. Mother and Father both expect things of me and I need to meet those expectations but you are getting in the way." She explained almost gruffly while still keeping emotion from getting the better of herself and her tone.

"If you'd be so kind brother please help me meet those expectations." She asked adding a sickly sweetness into her tone. The truth was that her parents didn't expect anything from her, nothing more than they expected from their other children. No they just expected her to stay with in the pridal boundaries, keep from the forest, and to listen to them even if it took a bit of coxing. They never expected her to be the "Perfect Child". No that was something she put upon herself. She needed to be the perfect child. Not for her parents but for herself. As for why she'd never tell.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:42 pm
Job let a long sigh escape from his small mouth as his sister refused his offer to join him in a tree. He frowned a little. He wasn't lazing, he was connecting! His soul and inner happiness were much more important to Job than getting a bath. Though he tried his best to be selfless. His frown deepened as he realized what he was doing here. He was being selfish, that was what. He wanted to sit around here and just enjoy the place, however, his sister had a much different agenda.


There was a hint of sorrow in his young voice as he protested outloud. Sitting here, he was only making himself happy, no one else. By going with his sister, he'd make her feel important, and his mother happy to see him. With one last look at his sister, his sympathy got to the best of him, and he stood. Carefully, he scaled down the tree, using his sharp little nails to hook into the rough bark, keeping himself close to the tree as he did so. When his back paws touched the ground, he repelled his front paws off, spinning slightly to face his sister.

"For you, for mother, I'll go, if it'll make you happy."

Job didn't understand his sister, though he tried so hard, but, he also tried what he could to make her happy, as he did with everyone else. Tried his best to not be so self-absorbed.



PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:41 am
Kinyago often times would be selfish without meaning to. It was all because of her quest to be the perfect child. To be perfect in general really. It was rather ironic because she hated having to act perfect or to stand in perfection yet she strove so hard to be perfect. The silly girl.

"Thank you brother." Kinyago replied happy that he had finally agreed to come with her although she did not show it on the outside. No her features remained completely neutral. The reason for this was because she was working on controlling every aspect of herself perfectly. It was natural for one to smile when they were happy and in some cases it was difficult to not smile and the young leopon wanted control over it. To smile only when she chose to and the same for any other emotion.

Kinyago turned away from her brother and began to trot back to her mother. "Follow me. Please."
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:01 am
Job smiled affectionately as his sister thanked him. He complied with her orders, following behind her, but at his own pace, which was a slow one as he took the time to treasure everything he walked by. As he meandered along, he thought about how restrained Kinyago was, and he found it very disheartening. She was just a cub, like him, and she be out having fun, not playing about with her little military mindset. Job frowned, shaking his head lightly.

"Sister, you should be grateful. For everything, everything we have here. It's a sin not to, the gods will surely frown on it..."

He didn't want that for her; displeasing the gods. Somehow, Job had a very strong sense of beings higher than him, and he did what he thought would please them in their many domains. He was a loyal follower in what he believed to be holy, and he felt his sister was straying from such a path. His heart only ached for the good of his family and those he loved. It was difficult for Job to pity his sister; he didn't want to; he wanted her to enjoy life, take it easy. That was all, but he didn't know how to show her the way.



PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:31 pm
Kinyago listened to her sibling's rambles uninterested but feigning that she was. "I am grateful Job," she replied glancing back at him momentarily before returning her gaze to what was before her. It wouldn't do her any good to trip over something because she wasn't looking, no being perfect meant making no mistakes not even little mistakes like tripping over a root. Besides that it would be embarrassing if she did anyway.

"What you don't appear to understand brother is that I do enjoy everything around me," Kinyago began still looking before her as she spoke to him. "I just don't spend more time than necessary to do so. I have more important things to care for." She finished explaining flicking her tail behind her knowing that Job wasn't close enough to hit from when she glanced back at him.

An inaudible sigh escaped her maw as she mentally shook her head. "I have duties that I am held to and I pride myself in doing them right away and perfectly. Can't you understand?"
PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:17 am
Job sighed in a concerned way, his brow sinking low. He knew that tone, she definitely wasn't grateful. He accepted her for what she was, and her own thoughts and beliefs, but what really depressed him was knowing that he couldn't help her to see the light. She was his sister afterall, and he just wanted the best. But there was no was to help those that rejected it.

"I.... I do understand..."

The cub narrowed his eyes in thought. She didn't waste a second of time. Fast, fast, faster, that was Kinyago's pace. But what she didn't seem to understand was that he didn't waste time either. Everything he did was intentional. His love for this world and all that lived on it, that wasn't a waste. Job quickened his pace, catching up to his sister so they now trotted along side by side. There was still a peaceful smile on his face, he wasn't angry, he just couldn't see her ways,

"Don't you see? Everything is perfect already."



PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:37 am
Despite her brother's words Kinyago knew that he didn't really understand her. It was obvious. Their views on life were extremely different, he enjoyed life how it was and she felt the need to fix whatever she thought was flawed. They were opposites that was clear and sometimes she wondered if they were really related. It was clear to the cub that they were related, there was no doubting it, and deep down she knew that Job was right and that she was wrong. However she would never admit that.

"For you everything is perfect. For me...things are...." Kinyago replied her voice trailing off at the end not wanting to finish her sentence. "Different," she told him deciding this was a better word to use than the one she had been about to use. Chaos had been the word she had be going to use even though it wasn't exactly the perfect word for how things were for her. Still in her some what twisted view of things everything was in chaos. Especially herself, she was the most chaotic thing around.

If only she knew....if only she knew...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:40 am
Job had hope. Hopes that one day, one day she would see things as he did. They shared the same blood after all, perhaps it was in there, in her genetic nature to see the beauty and perfection of this world. On that line of thinking, did that mean that he'd eventually get neurotic and fall into perfectionism? No. He told himself. He didn't have it in him.

"Even the flaws are perfect, Kin, as that is the way they were made."

They led such a sheltered life here, in the swamps with their parents. Job wondered if there indeed was truth to his words. He knew it was right in his heart, but the reality of things; there was no way he could predict that. Oh, how he longed to know what was out there. To see more of the world's beauty. Would he be allowed to leave? He would have to take that up with his mother, eventually. Maybe his sister would have a comment on the subject first,

"Kinyago, what do you think is out there? You know, beyond our home? I want to see it all someday, I really do."



PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:34 pm
Making sure that Job was not looking at her she rolled her eyes at his words. Flaws were perfect? That was a completely absurd thought that could have made Kinyago scoff if she had allowed herself to do so. She didn't. Instead she acted as though she never heard his words and continued to walk in silence, until he spoke again.

Interest peeked she glanced toward her dark colored brother light green toes halting in movement for a split second before they resumed their trot. "There are many things out there brother. There's chaos, calmness, beauty undefined, and some where there is perfection on a level I will never reach." She commented spacing ever so slightly speaking things she would have never done otherwise. "Mother and Father will understand if you want to travel, it was that very desire that sparked the romance between our parents."
[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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