Forum of Rock!

Welcome to the Forum of Rock! This is a subforum for all you silly kids out there not in a "nerd" band, but in a garage band. Whether you play in a rock,emo,punk etc. band, you can discuss all your bandly needs here. Note: This is not a LOL I <3 GOOD CHARLOTTE forum, it is for discussion about how to start bands, how to rehearse, tune a guitar, that kind of stuff. It is for people in rock bands, not people who like them.
Here are the rules that apply to all forums of the Band Nerd Guild. These can be find in all the forums.

1. No Repeat Threads and Moving Threads
1A. Moving Threads

Our guild has subforums, and as such we would love for you to post in the respected forum. This allows for discussions of a certain thing in a certain area. However if you post in a the wrong subforum two things may happen: 1.) Your thread will be locked, and a moderator will ask you to move your discussion to the correct subforum. 2.) Your thread will simply be moved, without warning, to the correct forum.

1B. Repeat Threads
We used to be super a**l about repeat threads, but no longer. The only repeat threads we do not allow our those retaining to instrument specifics. For example threads like: "FLUTES HERE!" "WHO PLAYS THE TRUMPET?!" So forth. We already have Stickies for all instruments, and we would like if you would please respect those stickies. Also we may also lock your thread if we already have plenty of threads on the topic.

1C. Forums
There seems to be some confusion about forums so let me explain what each subforum is for:
Woodwinds/Brass - For Discussion strictly on woodwinds and brass
Percussion/Guard - For Discussion strictly on percussion, and guard.
Marching/Concert Band - For discussion strictly on marching and concert band
Regional - For things happening in a specific region. Doing a parade? Trying out for a certain clinic? So forth? These things belong in the regional forum.
Chatterbox - Strictly for NONBAND RELATED and Game threads. Everything else- belongs else where.
Concert Discussion - For Discussion on Concert (nonmarching) Band
Orchestra/Chorus/Misc - For Discussion on Orchestra, Chorus/Singing, and any other misc type of thing you can think of.
Media - For you to post up your videos, music, pictures, so forth.
Forum of Rock - For Discussion on Rock/ Garage Bands, and rock music in general.

2. Be nice. No flaming. No stupidity. Common Sense Rules
This applies to bashing other sections and/or instruments. No posts or threads will be allowed that negatively degrade another section. Such as saying "TROMBONES SUCK" will result in either your post/thread being deleted, you getting a PM to warn you, and if the problem continues we shall ban you from the Guild.

3. Follow the Gaia TOS.
We can, personally, can get banned if any members break the TOS. We've never in the past have had a problem like that. Also DO NOT POST LINKS TO DOWNLOAD LICENSED MATERIAL! Basically don't post links to download music/MP3s that's licensed. Now then if you're posting an audio file of you playing or an original piece you composed, by all means please do (we like that), but do not post links to download music that's been licensed.

4. Any questions, concerns, and comments you can either post in the Administration Sticky
This can be about why a thread was locked. If you created a new banner. If you just hate the rules. If you want to know upcoming features for guilds. If you have any questions about Gaia in general- I get this a lot- like how to signatures and what are guilds. Don't worry I'll answer any question to my best ability. PLEASE DO NOT PM ME.

5. Submitting banners.
We have extended rules on submitting your own Band Nerd Guild banners under own banner section. Please see the RULES AND BANNERS ((READ ME!!)) Announcement in the main guild forum.

On a last side note- you get warned three times before we ban you from the guild. (Unless you do something to really piss us off.)