Hey everyone~!

I thought it might help us get to know each other a little better also if we really did talk about things like real friends. I know that Gaia is generally a good community for nice and caring individuals who are open to other people's emotions and offering advice.

Since Ar Tonelico also has many themes involving Lyner trying to solve the reyvatiel's insecurities and help them develop into the best they can be, through out the game, I think it would be appropriate to have a section like this.

I promise that I'll answer ALL posts here, and try to help you work things out, but others are also welcome to give their input.

If you don't feel comfortable posting yourself, feel free to e-mail me: reyvatiel_misha@hotmail.com You don't even have to tell me your gaia user name.

Rules for people replying:

I'm sure this goes without saying, but please when you reply to people, be sensitive of their personal feelings. I will definitely be moderating this section heavily. If any problems show up, I will probably PM you to see if we can work it out. Who knows, maybe if you were mean to a poster you also have things that you'd like to talk about? I'm always available to talk, it's not spamming my PMs if you seriously need a friend. You're a member of this guild so I'd like to say that we're all friends.


Disclaimer: Please be advised that we (the members of the guild) are only people. While we can't solve all your problems, but we can help with being supportive or giving advice.