User Image
Last Updated: February 2nd, 2008

This is just a little place to thank special people who have helped out this forum, everyone from banner makers to donators, helpers to people who just make this forum a whole lot friendlier. Without help every now and then this forum would not stay alive, and we couldn’t keep giving to you all, and lets face it-that would make us all sad! T.T So here’s to you, and your wonderful selves; THANK YOU FOR BEING SO SUPER FANTASTIC!

User Image Thank you to Sandraakjuh and her <3 Stickerz! For making our forum banners, they brighten up the forum and make us purdy! Thank you so much!

User Image Thank you to Bladed Theory, my good friend and trusted helper person! You always look out for things when I am away, without you I’d be lost.

User Image Thank you to our noble Captain and leader Your Conscience; For inviting me to this lovely guild and allowing me to create the MC. YOU ROCK! [

User Image Special thanks to Omni Moderator Aquafire, and her Monthly Collectable FAQ & Listing for providing me with some helpful information for our own MC FAQ & Gallery!

User Image Thank you to The Santa Claus, and his List of Charities for providing us with a list of places where hard working questers can find a place to rest their tired bones and get help on their quests so they can reach their dreams!

User Image Special thank you to Omni Moderator Umaeril, for her Charity/Quests Rules & Guidelines and helpful information for newbie’s, questers, donators, charities and alike! Your radical!

User ImageSpecial thanks to Stonewaltz, and her Banner Shop, for making our biggest head banner which is fully animated. n___n Seriously people, wicked banner maker here, go buy from her!!