...of designing and streamlining my Beyblade OC, Kei, and this is the result. Then there was creating her other outfits and detailing, shown here.

And then of course, there's her Beyblade and bitbeast. The Beyblade is a custom model Kei called Gogyou (another term for 'flame' or 'blaze'), and her bitbeast is a fox named Akayu who controls - what else? - fire.

Kei is only 17 in the design sheets, but she's really 24 years old. You ask 'why'? Well...

Here's your answer.

How is this relationship different? It's plausible, with Kai not going... horribly OOC like in other fanfics. Yeah, he'd be out-of-character to propose to someone, let alone even admit he liked that person, but I've proven that it can happen, with the phoenix wielder still reasonably in-character. How'd I prove it? By interacting with a real-life Kai Hiwatari, of course - you'll see why it's Kai from this quote from our first conversation:

Kei: So...I'm apologizing for Kana since she can't herself. Not at the moment, at least.
J: Look, kid, just tell her we'll meet next week.
Kei: Fine. And don't call me 'kid'; I have a name, you know.
J: Whatever. Now this conversation't over; leave me alone.

A few minutes later, J himself starts the conversatioon, and he's a bit more cordial. We ended up friends, and everyone knows that that's the first step for any relationship.

And yes, Kei H.'s personality is based on my own.