There are many scams and frauds going on Gaia, it’s sad but true. With bots, and hacking tools how can one stay safe? Well you started off in the right place, this guild is dedicated to credible contests held by very credible users. However, even though we will monitor our forums and this guild closely it is always important for you to know some simple facts to make you more aware and possibly help you avoid a scam. Below are some tips and facts about this forum and Gaia, read them over! They just might save your pixilated butt.

.o1: Gaia Mods, Crew, Vices and the Captain here will NEVER ask you for your Gaia password or any other information related to your Gaia account such as your secret question, etc. Never tell that information to ANYONE EVEN A FRIEND!

.o2: Never accept random trades from people you don’t know.

.03: Beware fake Gaia home pages! Some links most popularly ones titled : “Secret to Gaian Riches” will take you to a page where the user claims you must enter your information for various reasons like your browser ate your cookies or some stupid thing. NEVER ENTER YOUR PASSWORD ON THOSE SITES THEY ONLY LOOK LIKE GAIA!

.o4: When using a computer other than your own never choose options to save your password and always remember to log out!!

.o5: Fake mod PM’s are scams! Do not reply them report them immediately! Mods never ask you for that information remember that!

.o6: Follow your gut! If you read a forum and the contest seems impossible to win, or “suspicious” do not enter it it is likely a scam!

.o7: Double check trades always! Perfect example of this is when I was told I could buy chickie slippers for a couple mil....the user entered in two chickie ties which in a trade which resembled slippers. DO NOT RUSH TRADES ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK!

.o8: A lot of people loan items, to close very good friends. Unless you trust someone completely NEVER LOAN YOUR ITEMS PEOPLE MAY JUST TAKE OFF WITH THEM!

.o9: Do not have the same password on Gaia as everywhere else you log into, it might be hard remembering but it makes it easier for people to hack into your accounts! Also, make passwords which you can remember but are not easy to guess include letters and numbers, use caps and less full words.

.1o: If something sounds too good to be true it usually is! If someone offers you something like the example I gave of chickie slippers for next to nothing, or something like that do not listen.

Here are some more helpful links about avoiding scams and not getting hacked:

♥ Avoid Getting Hacked ♥
gaia Online Safety Tips