Gaian name: Lillyana wild
Character name: Lillyana WildChild
Race: Wudlyn, wood elf
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Wepons: ((you are allowed as many wepons as you wont but be resanable)) Two twin bladed katanas, eflin eched, Ten daggers hidden some where on her person.and a bag of herbs and posions
Powers: ((nothing godly but be creative, if you say green energy what is that)) (cute side note, but i fot one for you!)) Life energy, she can use the energy from every lifing thing, every tiem she uses some other energy she uses abit of her own wihtit,. if she uses to much ti will kill her.
Bio: ((I ask for all of you to have a bio. Tell us where you came from, your backround)) when she was six, she watched her mother and her father and her brother be slaughtered at the hands of vampiric beasts, she wondered the streets stilling and cheating to life till she was ten, when an assasin came and took her in to life with his daughter, When she was 13 she watched him die at the hands of the assassins guild punks, she and her sister where raped many times till she got the stright to kill them all, sence then she has been wondering around looking for nothing but at the same time looking for a lace to belong.
Personality: ((this too is a must)) daring wild harsh yet still warm and kind, her mood chances wiht the passing of the moon.and the kiss of the wind.
Apperence: ((get one if you can))