Another day, another... what?

Nili frowned as he sat on the beach, his long, elegant tail flickering from side to side as he pondered this. He wasn't really entirely sure how the saying went, and really, he pondered, did it even matter?

The water lapped at his feet as he lowered his head somewhat, watching it with idle gaze. The royal cubs had reached a growth spur, but out of the two brothers, it was clear that Nili had inherited his mother's petite, elegant frame, while Tau had inherited his father's bulk. Indeed, even Nili's growing mane was silky and beautiful, much more adept for a girl that a boy, one would think, but tell truth, the male wasn't bothered. Not at all. He was rather happy, in fact, that he looked as elegant as he did. The flowers that adorned his form and the lovely sea shell collar that hung around his neck only accentuated the delicate look.

Should he take a swim? Or should he go rest in the flower fields? Or should he perhaps, sun bathe on the rocks by the shore? Decisions, decisions, he though idly as he looked out to sea with a languid, emotionaless gaze.
Miakis: Miakis paused once more to run her tongue over her paw. Her father insisted that she carry herself with pride. That included a clean coat, a proper posture, and a proud step. Though...easier said than done. She took few steps before something else caught her attention. A butterfly here, a grasshopper there. Most 'dignified' creatures could get from point A to point B in good time. She normally took twice as long.

Today her distraction took the form of a princeling. He was far mroe interesting than a grasshopper. A good challenge for her. He was larger... It'd be fun.

Young as she was, she was far from a huntress. So, her approach would be announced by aggrivated grunts, rustling beach grass, and the occassional thud of her paws against the ground as she caught herself from stumbling over her own paws in a youngling's attempt to prowl.

Nili As it was however, amusingly enough, said princeling was much too drowned in his own thought, and his ears were not particularly attentive of his surroundings. The roaring water of the waves around him was much more interesting, and besides, he wasn't particularly used to being stalked by... well, anything really. Out of his sibbling, Nili was the only one pompous enough he sniffed at others if they so dared to touch him.

Of course, he had a soft spot too (quite a few, some of with included girls, weaker beings, and children); alas those that didn't get close to him usualy waved him off as a brat. It took a bit of time and effort to get past his wall.

All in all, it was clear that short of being pounced by the cub, the prince was not about to notice her, much too ocupied in deciding how to spend his lazy day.
Miakis: Miakis paused just a few yards off. From there it was out in the open. It was up to a sprint to take her prey down. If Nili looked back, he'd see a tan rump waving around with her tail from the grass.

She growled and launched herself out with a comical squeek, an attempt at a roar. "YOU'RE MINE!"
Nili Decisions... .decisions.

His mind was still rather ocupied in it's own little world and so when the pounce came, he was caught rather much off guard. So much so, that as soon as her body impacted against his, it sent them both tumbling into the very shallow water.

Soon enough he found himself on the floor with a very squirmy, very excitable tan.... thing on him. With the water lapping at his mane. He cringed inwardly (oh good god his MANE would be all SALTY and .... tangled and ....) he gave an internal sob at the notion however, his expression remain schooled into mild shock, "Indeed?" he said, half confused as to WHY anyone would want to pounce him.

After a moment he blinked again and looked to the side, "Uhm," he paused, then cleared his throat, "Kindly get off? This is not a particularly dignified position to be in. And it's indecent," a second pause, "Also, I am no one's property, as far as I know."
Miakis: Miakis had began nibbling at his ear. It wouldn't hurt but it might be a bit annoying. She slowly let go of the prince's ear and sat herself up. Her bum still resting on the older lion's back.

"It was just something I made up? Do you like it. It's what I should roar when I'm hunting right?" She smirked and slowly moved off him. Afterall, there was another wave coming their way.
Nili Oh good GOD, was she drooling on his ear?

Nili actualy winced this time, not bothering to take the time to hide his cringe from the outside world. He could almost hear the muses laughing at his distress; he pushed the notion away away though as he waited for her to get off.

After all, he was a prince, and could not go about being a brute like his brother; this meant he could not go about pushing little girls around. Even if said little girls decidedly DESERVED this, he pondered as he looked at her.

He stood as the wave crashed over his striped feet, a sour expression on his face, "I don't know," he told her tartly, "I think yelling that at prey might hint them that you are coming; the only reason you 'got me' was because I was very much so in la la land," a pause as his brows knitted, "And I am not prey."
Miakis: "It's a game. You pretend to be something else." She splashed him with the back of her paw and laughed as the wave rolled over her chest and shoulders. "It's called having fun. If you're off in la-la land all the time you waste a whole day."

She sat up and placed her paws up on his shoulder and started licking at his mane. Afterall, she'd ruffled it up. "Play's a healthy part of our development you know. That's what they say.... you'll never develop if you sit around. Whatever that means."
Nili "Pretend?" The mere thought caused him to primly arch a delicate brow; why would he EVER wish to be anything other than himself? He was, after all, rather the perfectly beautiful individual, as far as he was concerned. The notion was, needless to say, confusing, "Why?" despite the nature of the question it was actualy innocent.

Ergh. Instantly he decided that remaining within the water with her would be hazardous for his person, and he mildly stepped out, shaking himself with pride after she'd splashed him.

As he sat down, he actualy, amusingly enough, lowered his head, giving her better access to his mane so she could clean it. A slow blink was offered as he relaxed down; this was much better, he though giddily. Clean, clean, clean, his mind chanted, and he had to snap out of la la land again when she spoke, "Oh?" he blinked mildly, "My parents have told me to listen to the muses."

Which was.... true. But they'd also told him to play. Play was SO messy though....
Miakis: "Well yeah, you pretend. You can understand what it's like to be something else." She explanned in a matter-of-factual tone, even shaking her head a bit. "I'm sure the muses would be flattered. We're trying to be like them anyway aren't we? There's no harm in immitating so we can do just that."

She gave another lick to the top of his head and dropped down beside him. "Why don't you try it? Pretend you''re...." She looked around a bit. "Hm... one of those!" She pointed her paw out.

Nearby, a small bird was running accross the sand, his long, thin negs moving at an almost comical rate.
Nili His brows creased with confusion as he peered at her out the corner of his blue hued eyes. Again, he simply could not under WHY, or the purpose of such a thing when, as far as he was concerned, any given individual would probably give their right limbs to be Nili. At least, that's what he belived. His father had told him lions were imperfect muses, but as far as he was concerned, he was rather perfect, as far as er... imperfect beings went.

"I will imitate a flower then," this, he could do. All he had to do was sit and look pretty. Instantly he aimed a smirk down at the petite female, giving himself a mental pat on the back for such a BRILLIANT idea.
Miakis: "Flowers don't grow in the ocean." She started stepping back and turned herself. The tip of her tail slapped playfully against the prince's side as she climbed back onto the dry land and started shaking herself out. "How about this- You pick what I act like if you pretend to be what I pick out for you. It'll be a game!"

She looked over a shoulder and narrowed her eyes on him. " can't do it."
Nili "Of course not," he frowned at her then, almost if trying to convey what a DUMB notion that was, "They grow in the jungle," he sniffed stiffly as he motioned towards the trees just beyond the beach, "And they grow rather peacefuly, might I add."

Another cringe from the boy as he took a step away, watching her shake herself off. Like a wet dog, he thought idly, and the thought was amusing enough to bring back forth that insuferable smirk of his as he sat down.

After a moment's pause he took her idea into concideration, narrowing his eyes at the bait. He willed himself not to take it, not to take the bait. Taking bait was beneath him! It was dumb! It was- "Deal," inwardly, he cringed and sighed, but after all... he was only young, "Though I very much doubt you have the mental strength and concentration to sit still for more than a minute," a pause, a minute was too generous, "Or even two seconds."
Miakis: "Oh yeah?" So it was a challenge. The female couldn't help but smirk and correct her posture. Both brows raised upwards.

He might have been the prince, but that didn't make him perfect. "Fine. You be the bird. What do I get to be? I'll pretend better and longer, you'll see."

Nili "You get to be," a pause as he looked up to the sky a moment, trying to figure out the thing that would stay most still, "A rock," he told her deliberately, that annoying half smirk still tugging at his maw as he looked her down.

"Let us begin then," he dictated as he fluffed himself out, reminiscent of the way birds fluffed out their feathers and then jumped away from her, skittering giddly in circles around her, almost elegant despite the way he was jumping about.
Nili ((it's fine XD hopefuly he's not breaking your brain too bad))

Miakis: "Fine!" She countered and promptly set her haunches down in the sand. It was a chance to challange a boy, and win! Not only a boy but a princeling. She smirked a bit, but reminded herself rocks didn't smile. They were serious. They sat there.

The female's expression hardened and eyes set forward. Now and then, they'd drift to the side, then forward once more as she corrected herself once more. Her father would be proud...she could see it now.
Nili Of course, a challenga (as a boy) was not something he could let down. In fact, when it came down to it, Nili was so full of pride he was ready to take on the silly challange. And win. It was not often that he.... did.... things, per say, however, when he did do them, he was used to doing them WELL.

So thus how the male jumped and twirled in the air in a less than dignified away for a prince to do, alas, anyone watching HAD to admit there was a nice, graceful hint in his pace, which made him look light, almost like a bird in question. Which was... not entirely a compliment for a boy. Not that he cared.

Swiftly, he changed his direction and jumped on her, flopping down on her form; birds were, after all, allowed to sit on rocks, and there was nothing the rock could do. Then, he procedeed to sing, and though he had a naturaly charming voice, he made sure to sound particularly annoying as he sang songed right in her ear.
Miakis: She watched him, twitching as she struggled to maintain her rock-like stillness and serious. A snerk eventually escaped. As graceful as it was, as beautiful as it was- she had done something no one else had managed to do yet. She was getting him to play.

The final straw was him sitting on her. It seemed a little bird had enough power to crumble the rock and send it on her belly in roaring laughter. She'd lost, but it was more rewarding than a victory in her opinion.
Nili The insuferable smirk was back as he raised his head in a dignified manner; much too dignified for someone that had been, seconds ago, twirling in the air in a less than manly (and much less than PRINCE like) way. Ha, he though mentaly, then paused, wondering if he'd get more sattisfaction of voicing out his thriumph.

"Ha," he said rather stiffly as he remain over her form, then noticed that indeed, it DID give him quite a bit of sattisfaction to voice his triumph.
Miakis: "See? That was great fun huh? And no one but me saw. I won't tell." She smirked and squirmed a little bit from under him.

"It's your turn to get off me. Unless you wanna pretend you're a bird and I'm a branch this time. Though....that's still no fun for me."
Nili He actualy entertained the notion of remaining on her just to see what she'd do, and made a show of looking up to the sky to ponder this over, "It is of no matter whether you tell or not; regardless, they won't believe you, so I've got that much in my favour," he drawled before he suddenly had an idea and slowly, deliberately, leaned in to nibble at her ear.

Payback's a b***h, he thought idly as he made sure to drool her aud, then he slowly turned and got off, "I think that is enough pretending, as besides, I very much rather be myself," he said this as if there could be no other way.
Miakis: "Ewwww!" She rolled onto her back then flipped over to sit herself up. "Ew ew ew! Boys are so gross..." Her maw wrinkled up as began licking at one of her paws to drag it over her ear over and over again.

"Well you should pretend more. It's good for you. You get to see how it's like to be a muse if you do it enough."
Nili "Yes well, might I remind you that you did that to me too?" he drawled as he sat on the ground and brushed imaginary dust off his lovely white pelt, "My muse likes to sit and look pretty, very much like myself, thank you very much," he informed her tartly with a slow smirk; it was clear enough what his muse was, even though tell truth, he had not yet told anyone, aside her. Not even his parents, though he figured they had already figured it out for themselves, givent he amount of time he spent staring at flowers and placing them on his pelt.

"You should probably pretend to be a rock more often," he teased back, "Lord knows the world needs it's peace and quiet at times, too."