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[GUIDE] Auras

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:38 am
What is an Aura

An aura is an extension of the physical human body. It is the corona discharge we emanate as a field of light and colours. This corona is as excitable, reactionary and alive as we are. If we change drastically, it changes drastically. If we are rooted and balanced, the aura reflects this balance in its shape and colours. The origins of the aura are rooted in mystery; no one can prove why it is exists or from where it comes.

It is still a measurable force. Some individuals are born with the ability to see the aura. These people are known as initiatives, or psychics. In the modern age we have tools to measure this electromagnetic light.

And it is still a mysterious force. It’s meaning is not as straightforward as, for instance, the actions of the beating heart or gesturing hand. The way we perceive the aura’s meaning changes along with our cultural, religious and philosophical beliefs.

So the aura can be thought of as a connection between what we can see and what we cannot. It is a force that exists in both the spirit and reality.


Human civilisation has been aware of the aura for thousands of years. Although the auras vary in description, mystics and psychics have incorporated the aura into their spiritual and medicinal practices. Eastern Indian, Chinese, Jewish and Christian mystics have documented these energies that vibrate through all physical matter. You may be familiar with some of the paintings of Jesus and Mary from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period, where they are depicted with a white corona surrounding their heads or entire bodies. White denotes intense power or spirituality, so the image still works today. There are many other written and pictorial evidences of the historical belief in auras, too many to delve into here.

As early as 1890, there have been attempts at photographing the aura. Nicola Tesla produced the first Aura photograph by immersing himself in high voltage. Dangerous, but it did reveal in photographic evidence a white halo of energy surrounding his body.

Dr. Walter J. Kilner, "looked" at an aura through glasses filled with dicyanin dye in 1911. With these glasses he could view a vaporous cloud around his subjects. These clouds of energy existed in ultraviolet light. These glasses were not very popular, however, as the dye was very toxic if it made contact with the skin. In 1917 Dr. Kilner took the first full body aura photo.

In the 1930s two Soviet scientists revolutionised modern aura imaging by charging the photographic plate with high voltage, low amperage energy. Anything coming in contact with the plate; i.e. fingertips, leaves, etc. would reveal a colourfully energetic corona around an object. This technique was more discerning in the energies it picked up, so people could glean more meaning from these mysterious "auras." After the brother scientists, this photography is now immortalised as "Kirlian" photography.

Now, the industry is blown wide open. In the late sixties, like many Americans, Guy Coggins was experimenting with the art of yoga. Fascinated by the energies experienced yogis mastered, he decided to build a machine that would measure the energy from people’s hands. In 1970 he formed Aura Imaging based on this product.


After much experimentation Coggins invented a camera that safely and accurately measures the differing emanations of energy from the body. Acupuncture points in your hand correspond to regions of the body, and a tiny computer in the camera translates these points onto the photographic plate. What results is a colourful and varied corona of visible light we can actually use in personal interpretations. This type of photography can be more unique than your astrological chart, as unique as your fingerprint. In the past few years Coggins has been perfecting the transition of the Aura Camera into the world of computers. With the added precision and mobility of the computer age, we can now view the aura real time on a computer screen. The computer can even determine the energies corresponding to the seven chakras. This gives the modern soul-searcher nine different sources of energy, plus infinite variations of colour.

Now called Aura Imaging, Coggins’ company produces cameras and computer systems used around the world. The company’s goal is to empower people with the knowledge that there is more to you than you know. You really are more than just "too solid flesh," we are beings of light as well. Coggins and Aura Imaging are dedicated to educating people on this concept. If everyone were aware of the splendour and beauty of their own auras, they would not be afraid of the transition of death. Death is only a shedding of this body to free the soul, and its aura, into the next realm.


Ever stand around listening to the radio? Did you ever notice that if you move around the radio, you can affect the quality of your reception? Auras are still around, only now they can react with our environment. In today’s digital age with radios and cellular phones, it is more important than ever to be aware of one’s aura. Experiment with some of this yourself.

New developments may make the process of aura divination seem a little daunting, but the divination process is still rooted in thousands of years of divinators before us. We are merely on the modern end of millions of gurus and mystics, shaman and fortune-tellers. You just no longer need to be a clairvoyant to see the aura. And in the information age we live in, you can arm yourself with knowledge, be it from books, initiatives, yourself or friends.

Arm yourself with knowledge. Introduce yourself to the concepts of physics in light and colour, as well as interpretations of auric energy and colour used by mystics from the far past until today. These truths should hold true even as the technology of today surpasses itself.

AURAS OF LIGHT It is very rare that we see the colours of light. Most colours we see are from objects-- the green grass, the grey rock, etc. Our whole approach toward colour is through pigment, our whole instinct towards the meaning of colour is from what we see around us. This is not wrong; far from it, for our instincts teach us more about the world and ourselves than our intellect at times. It is safe to say that the light an object reflects has more affect on us than the light it absorbs, and we reach our intuitive sense about colour from what it reflects. We absorb what it reflects. But it is important to view colour intellectually so we can really be in tune with what we see.

We usually see colours as PIGMENT, while our aura’s colours are made of LIGHT. That red apple isn’t really red. It is, it absorbs, every colour of light except red. It is the nature of the apple’s skin to bounce off any wavelengths of light in the range of 625 nanometres. If we could mix the red apple with the green grass, we’d end up with the colour brown. But if we mix red and green light, we get yellow. It’s easy to get frustrated here, thinking the whole world has gone backwards, but it’s really very intuitive. Beings and energies of light TRANSCEND, while beings and energies of the physical DESCEND or STAGNATE.

Light colours are primary: red, blue and green; secondary: yellow, cyan, magenta. Pigment colours are primary: red, yellow and blue; secondary: orange, green and purple. The colours we see in a rainbow are the spectrum of light that is visible to us. We can only see colours from red to purple whether they are pigments or light. These make up the traditional colour wheel and our long-lost friend from grade school: Roy G. Biv. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

As we begin our journey into aura colour interpretation, we have to think of these colours as existing on the transcendental plane. Aura colours are light. Moreover, they are the lights we emanate above the visible spectrum, not reflect in the visible. In the visible spectrum we all reflect only black to albino white, not including the modern colour of hair dyes. These colours are our pigments. Black skin contains the pigments of red, blue, green, etc. but black light is the total absence of colour. White skin has little or no pigmentation. White light is the marriage of all the colours, a harmony of variation; it is red, blue, green and magenta. Remember what a prism does. It splits white light into the colours of the rainbow.

When we interpret and make sense of these emanations of energy from our body, these seeming invisible (to our eye) vibrations keep in mind that the colour is light and not pigment. Really see and interpret it as your own mysterious set of colours, which exist in the transcendental plane. They are of colour that we can intuit, but they are still of unknown true origin and of huge import. They shine the light of who we are. Trust your intuition and arm yourself with knowledge.


This auric energy of ours not only travels outside the visible spectrum it also MOVES as it flows. We spoke of vibrations, and now we will speak of waves. Electrical energy, the kind that travels through copper wires, goes basically in the shortest line possible. It always travels from high electrical potential to low electrical potential. Like a river, it goes to ground. Light energy travels in photons. Photons are smaller than electrons, and like the sea, they travel in waves.

A wave, whether of the sea or of photons, has a few measurements and terms we’ll need to know to understand them better. There are peaks at the top of each wave and troughs at the bottom. The distance between two peaks is known as the wavelength, which is measured in angstroms. The frequency of a wave determines the amount of energy a wave has. This, in turn, is a function of the period, which is the time it takes for a photon to travel from peak to peak.

When interpreting colours of your aura, it is helpful to keep in mind the range of excitable energy that each colour has. Colours close to red have a longer wavelength and a lower amount of energy. Colours closer to magenta and violet have a shorter wavelength and a higher amount of energy, or higher frequency.

To help you understand this concept of frequency better, think of some sort of wave you can really feel. Think of sound waves. The lowest bass sound your eardrums are capable of hearing has a wavelength of over fifty feet! You need to be in a room large enough to fit it before you can hear it. One of the greatest ironies in consumerism is a bass booster for automobiles; the person in the drivers seat can’t hear those bass sounds, but the person walking on the street sure can. You certainly don’t need to hear these sounds to feel them though. How do you feel when a "boomer" drives past you? How do you feel when you sing bass notes? Try it. Where does it lie? It should be resonating in your chest. Now sing a high-pitched, or high frequency note. Where does that lie? It should be in your head and sinuses.

Remember, none of this is written to be the bible. It is for your benefit only, to take what you believe fits, what resonates with you. You may find that your heart aches with joy at an opera singer’s high C and your overall auric colour is the high frequency violet or white. This doesn’t mean if your friend cries at "O Holy Night" his auric colour should be red or orange. Coincidence could just be coincidence. Trust your intuition.


Even though photons always travel in waves, the waves themselves can be affected by forces outside themselves (which could be coming from inside or outside you). For example, the human body acts like a battery, and has its own electromagnetic field. Anyone who has seen the blockbuster movie The Matrix knows this. The electromagnetic fields act on energy much like a regular magnet acts on iron filings. Your bioelectric field can shape energy. This is why we have such an affect on radio waves when standing near an antenna. This is why we can shock ourselves when touching metal.

We are charged. We suck in energy and emanate it. Our auras and chakras have such distinct and interesting shapes because of our bioelectric field. Our auras are shaped. We shape them. Aren’t we all trying to ascend to a place where we understand how and why our energies are shaped the way they are? Aura imaging and interpretation is the key.


You’ve had a lot to think about already. You probably feel like you’re back in physics class. Two more things, and then we’ll get on with the nitty-gritty tools.

Colour interpretation can be quantified, but it is also based upon the quality of the colour. We qualify colour by its hue, saturation and intensity. Yellow can be marigold or sunshine yellow. Think of the Crayola colours and how many yellows they have. How blonde is that blonde? Whether she’s golden, platinum or dirty determines how saturated the blonde colour is. Intensity is whether its dark or it blinds you.

Complementing colours, when placed side-by-side, affect the others perceived intensity. Purple combined with yellow enhances both the purple and the yellow.


Why do we sob, low and deep, when we’re mourning? Why do we scream high-pitched when we’re frustrated? Why do we tingle all over when we’re joyful? Why do we get a headache just from laughing too hard?

There are many answers to these questions, but one explanation is that our emotions are energetic. They are of energy. We reflect in energy what we reflect in us. Sometimes it’s visible or audible. For example, when I’m angry I whine and move away from the person making me angry. None of us always expresses our energies out loud, though. We haven’t since we were babies. Sometimes that energy is held inside to be expressed other ways. It never goes away until we release it. It’s still there in our bodies somewhere. We’re actively thinking about it. It’s expressed in the tightness in the throat, or in the spasms of the hand. But the aura camera can capture it all.

Don’t worry about discovery too much. You don’t have to wear your heart on your sleeve, or you aura photo, either. Remember, however, that we should be proud of who we are. If you are not proud of your aura photograph, you’ll need to work to become proud. The aura is a blessed reality of ourselves, a mirror to our secret world. It is a place of wonder.

That said, we can now move on to the hard core of aura interpretation. What does what mean where, right? It’s time to switch from physics to anatomy.


The real nitty-gritty tools you’ll need to interpret your own aura.


Right side, picture’s left: This is the person’s masculine energy. It is their expressive and active side, how one projects oneself to the world. It is more straightforward and physical, less emotional. Colours on this side may have to do with physical changes, memories or goals. It is the energy that is moving out. The recent or far past.

Left side, picture’s right: This is the person’s feminine side. This is their passive and receptive side. This side is the emotional and imaginative side. This side is indicative of what a person is projecting into the future. It is the energy that is moving in. The person may not be aware of it yet though.

Centre, above the head: This is the energy of the moment, usually in the colours that the person traditionally reflects. The closer the colours are, the more intensely they are thinking about or experiencing them. If there is a band of colour stretching like an arc over the top of the photo, this is indicative of a grand fear or goal.

Auras that expand out: indicate spiritual expansion, expressiveness, extroversion, social activity, desire for connection, gregariousness, positive outlook, sense of adventure.

Auras closer in: indicate inward focus, sensitivity, desire for solitude, meditation, peace, tranquillity, or rest. This could mean a need to express or move out.


The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit CAKRAM, which means, "wheel." Chakras are supposedly the anchors of our spirit, kind of like the ancient "houses of the soul.

" There are seven major centres of energy and several minor ones in the hands and feet. They are said to spin like vortexes and emanate colour.

Some systems of belief say you are aligned when your chakras all spin clockwise, and some say they should all spin like wheels of a gear system, in alternating directions.

We cannot "prove" that chakras exist, and in general the Western world is not very accepting of them. They are intuitive, like colour meaning, and reside in the plane of the spiritual as well as the physical. It should not surprise you that something so intuitive to the psyche and soul be so elusive to the intellect.

Nonetheless, modern aura imaging tools can detect the presence of these energy vortexes and translate their frequencies into colour and direction of spin. In the Coggins’ camera Polaroid photograph, only the heart and throat chakras can be visible. In the new WinAura and Interactive computer programs, it is possible to see all of the chakras along with the overall aura. If you believe strongly in the importance of chakras, you should seek this technology out.

Here are descriptions of the different chakras, from the top to the bottom.

Crown: Experience. The colour seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It’s the colour that would best describe you.

Third eye: Celestial. The colour of the third eye reflects your spiritual state. Your insights, celestial dreams and spirit guides also affect this chakra.

Throat: Communication. The colour on the throat is traditionally energy actively being expressed or held back. It could be a sore throat or a song.

Heart: Empathy. The colour of your heart is usually the force coming into your being.

Solar Plexus: The colour of the solar plexus is usually the centre vibration of your being. It is the most common centre for suppressed desires and feelings.

Sex: The energy coming from the sex area is what sparks all creative and social impulses. It emanates sexual desires, but also feelings of love.

Root: The colour of the root area is generally the energy of the physical plane and the person’s common reality. This is where all impulses for emotions begin, and it lies just below your belly button.


Red is the colour of the womb, the passion that begins life, red is the colour of fire.

Orange is the spark before the flame burns red. It brings the bounty of harvest time. Before the moon or sunsets or rises it lords over the horizon huge, orange.

Yellow is a colour almost brighter in mood than white, and it can bring a smile to your life. "How rowdy," people say, "to paint your house yellow!" It is the colour of life energy, for the sun begets all things.

Green is in the growing grass, the reaching vines. It changes light into energy. It thrives on the hard earth, nose to the grindstone, soft loam and moss. It is the chosen colour of money.

Blue, the colour of the deep sea. The clear sky, a tear in the moonlight. Vango was obsessed with blue, energy and power and loss bled into canvas.

Purple, Violet, rare. When seen in nature, it draws awe and mystery. Violet is powerful, and was once the domain of only royalty.

White is blinding truth of light. It is pure in pigment and light, like absence of sin and the joining of powers. It is the coveted ivory, the awaited buffalo, the liquid eye, the moon.

Lavender is clouds in deep space, flowers in the fairies’ glen.

Pink is the colour of sweet innocent babes, and the secret places in both man and woman. Pink is, the nose of a soft kitten, the rose of a shy admirer, the blush of a maiden.

Turquoise, the Indian precious. It marries itself perfectly with silver, that cool, wise metal. Some say it has powers over the body.


Ultraviolet: This colour may mean one of several things: you may be experiencing a time of stress, illness, or most likely are being inspired by startling and profound visions. You have ‘genius,’ meaning you are able now to think thoughts that have never been thought. Your psychic abilities are phenomenal. You may shock people with your incredible insights and clairvoyant abilities. You are truly a child of the new age." You may wish to channel what you see into a new and unique art form or some amazing new invention, or who knows? Your highest goal is to manifest into the world what you see in your mind’s eye.

Violet: You are the fairy or leprechaun person of the colour spectrum. "Magickal" would best describe your life and your way of operating the world at this point. You would rather talk about miracles, magic, and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow rather than anything ordinary or mundane. You would rather focus on the ethereal and the sublime. The beautiful world of the imagination is where you are safest and happiest You create a magickal environment to live in. Your psychic abilities are also strong and fine-tuned now.

Light Violet: At the present time you may be experiencing a profoundly magickal spiritual awakening. White, an actual mix of all the colours of the rainbow spectrum, represents intense prana while violet symbolises vision and clairvoyance. This mix of these two shades indicates that you are going through a supercharged, magickally synchronistic healing period. The energy of those around you may be instantaneously raised just by your mere presence.

Lavender: You sparkle and glow with a mysterious inner light. Not only are you magickal, elfin/fairy- like creature, seemingly of another world, you are also a natural, clear conduit for spiritual Reiki energy. In your present, balanced state you channel pure, divine white light and help others with just your mere presence. You have a need for quiet, harmony, and peace in your life, allowing plenty of time for reflection, and meditation. Your primary focus in life at this point is spiritual. Much of the time, everyday matters hold little importance compared with your spiritual and meditative activities.

Blue/White "Peace. Loving, and Balancing" best describe your focus in life now. You are natural, clear conduit for spiritual balancing energy for others as well as yourself. This light coloured blue energy indicates you are in a regenerative, restful phase. If you do not work in the energy-balancing arts, you may find yourself gently encouraging and nurturing others with just your mere presence. Presently, your highest goals are to achieve complete inner peace and to develop your relationship with the Creator.

Light blue: Spiritual, sensitive, peace, loving and balancing best describe your focus in life now. This light-coloured blue indicates that you are in a regenerative phase, but, at the same time, you are channelling the divine white light, which indicates you are acting as a clear, spiritual conduit for others as well as yourself. If you do not work in helping others, you may find yourself gently encouraging and nurturing others with just your mere presence.

Blue: At this point in time, you are experiencing deep inner peace and tranquillity in your life. Above all, you want to create harmony and ease in your environment. You may be on vacation or just experiencing a "time out" to relax and gather your energies. If you meditate, you may be able to easily access blissful states of consciousness. Your spirituality, rest, and peace are your main focus now.

Aquamarine: You have a compassionate, sensitive, yet practical nature. You are a natural teacher, counsellor, health-care worker, and parent. You know how to help, encourage and nurture others with equal amounts of firmness and affection. Presently, you may find yourself In a "balancing" phase, needing time to be alone, rest, and recuperate. Self-healing and nurturing is essential for people who are constantly giving to others.

Green: "Hard at work" would best describe you now. You have serious goals, and you live your life in an organised, deliberate, and economical fashion. You are ambitious and desire prestige, notoriety, and power. You are also full of compassion and can be just as generous as you are demanding. You may be an excellent teacher, counsellor, or business owner. You are full of gentle strength.

Yellow/green: Compassion, idealism, balancing, and teaching mixed with a sense of joy would best describe your present focus in life. You have serious goals and ideals and have natural compassion towards all of humanity, yet you wish to enjoy yourself while you work. You have a bright and quick intellect always curious for new ideas. You may be a voracious reader; gobbling up every book you can get your hands on when you encounter a new subject interesting to you.

Green/yellow: Compassion and idealism mixed with a sense of fun would best describe your present attitude toward life. You have serious goals and ideals and have a natural compassion towards all of humanity, yet you wish to enjoy yourself while you work. Just because you’re serious about accomplishing something doesn’t mean you live your life seriously. You’re fun to be around, and you inspire others with your happy, hopeful attitude.

Yellow: Joy and happiness surround you now. Your excitement is contagious, life is your playground, and you make everything fun. Even the most tedious of household tasks becomes a game when you do them because you infuse everything with a sense of fun. At heart you are a happy, laughing child. You also have a bright and curious intellect hungry for new and exciting ideas.

Gold: Prosperity is yours now just for the asking. Luck, abundance, and joy surround you. You inspire others with your warm, optimistic, and happy attitude. Your goodwill toward everyone you encounter triggers a chain reaction of love, acceptance, and friendship. Your whole being radiates like sunshine, and others look up to you to lift their spirits.

Golden orange: Joy and creativity are what you wish to focus on at this point in time. Friendship, socialising, having fun, and being yourself are present goals most important to you now. You make your work and chores a pleasure and strive to enjoy every moment. You have a great sense of humour and laugh easily. Your life is a fun, creative project.

Orange: You can’t help expressing yourself creatively! You are an artist at heart and march to the beat of a different drummer. Right now, you are feeling powerful. You have energy, enthusiasm, confidence, and will to accomplish anything you desire. This is a time to "go for it." If you have any original ideas or creative projects in mind, you need to begin them now! Orange is also the colour of originality and independence.

Red/orange: Right now you are driven to express yourself! You want to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You now have confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you are. "Creative" and "dynamic" would best describe you. You are a lively and entertaining companion and usually find yourself the centre of attention in most social situations. You may be an inspired entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with an original product. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charisma and originality.

Orange/red: At this point in time, you are driven to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You have the confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you are. "Creative" and "dynamic" would best describe you now. You may be an inspired entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with an original product. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charisma and originality.

Red: At this time, you are experiencing a time of challenge with an action-packed schedule, barely leaving you time to breathe, let alone sleep. You have a lot to do, and you have the energy and power to move mountains at this point in you life. You may find yourself acting as a dynamic leader or find yourself in the limelight or the centre of attention. You are definitely being noticed. You have so much energy you sometimes don’t know what to do with it. You may exhaust the people around you with your incredible enthusiasm.

Infrared: You may be experiencing one of several things: you may be feeling stressed, unbalanced or most likely you are experiencing a time of intense activity, feeling powerful emotions to the extreme. You may be feeling so ambitious and full of energy that you may even forget to sleep. Your entire being is a volcano of passionate life force energy exploding in many directions. Your social life and career thrill and inspire you at the present time. With a band of this colour arching above your head near the top of the photo, you aspire to have many exciting, adventurous, and passionate experiences.


Wouldn’t it be exciting to tell at a first glance when meeting an attractive stranger what kind of lover, husband, or friend he may be? Is this handsome hunk a caring, honest, compassionate, potential family man? Could he be monogamous? Or is this cutie giving you the eye of a philandering rock ‘n roller, bedding down a different woman every night?

Appearances, when meeting someone for the first time, are usually deceiving. Unless we are familiar with a person’s background, it usually takes quite a while to honestly know someone.

On the other hand, one’s aura tells all. The aura, a field of energy that surrounds people and other living things does not lie or conceal. The beautiful colours in one’s auric field reveal a person’s true nature.

By taking thousands of photos, and asking many questions, I have found that the six basic colours seen in the aura correspond to six basic personality types, with each having a distinctive social and sexual style. Now, if you know what colour his aura is, you’ll know what to expect from him! Do you want to be with a lusty, animalistic red? Or would you rather be with a supportive and sensitive blue? Here are the six basic colours along with their general descriptions. Please not that these descriptions do not always apply, but are generalities, or like tendencies. Life is always full of surprises, and anyone is capable of just about anything.

RED: Reds love sex. For them it’s a hearty, wanton, playful, and joyful physical release. Reds don’t necessarily need to be in love to enjoy sex, since the sheer physical pleasure is the most important thing. They are passionate lovers and are not afraid to fully experience their sexuality, and turn their fantasies into reality! Red signifies high energy, physical and emotional drive. If you want to have an exciting fling with a partner who takes control, choose red.

ORANGE: Oranges need space. If you’re consumed in your career or need a lot of time to yourself, choose an orange. An orange is fun when he’s around, and also loves adventurous, high-energy sex like a red, but an orange will not be too demanding. Oranges are usually extremely independent, often athletic, and frequently need to take off on some high adventure to test the limits of their physical and mental strength. And orange might ask you to go sky diving or bungee jumping. Don’t expect monogamy from this one either. Oranges relish the thrill of seduction

YELLOW: Yellows love to sit around and discuss, theorise and analyse. You’ll often find them sitting in bohemian cafes, huddled around steaming espresso debating how to solve the problems of the world. To them, life is one great mental riddle, or crossword puzzle, which can be ultimately solved in a logical and systematic manner. Innately curious, a yellow is always asking questions. Like Mr. Spock on Star Trek, their approach to life is primarily mental and cerebral. A yellow would probably rather discuss your political views on a first date than ravish your body. If you are turned on by intelligence, quick wit, and an optimistic attitude about life, go with Mr. Yellow.

GREEN: Marry a green. Greens come from the heart and their generosity and compassion know no limits. They are innately caring and tend to want to heal the world. Greens are often doctors, teachers, therapists, and social workers. They want to serve, and make the world a better place to live in. Greens make tender, loyal, caring lovers, as much concerned with your pleasure as with theirs. They tend to love children and animals, enjoy domesticity and family life. Greens are also ambitious and strive to reach the top of their field. Not only kind, this man is usually well off financially, too.

BLUE: Blues are sensitive. They have great depth of feeling and crave intimacy and meaningful communication. They are often thoughtful and introspective. Not usually materialistic, a rich spiritual, contemplative and creative life is more important to them than monetary wealth. Above all, blues wish to be in loving, supportive relationships to which they can generously give and reveal themselves. With blues, love and sex go hand in hand. If you want to be with somebody who is true and emotionally there for you, choose a blue.

PURPLE: Expect the unexpected with a purple! These fascinating non-conformists live in the wonderful, wild worlds of their unlimited imaginations. Often purples would rather daydream and fantasise about sex, and play with erotic images in their heads rather than actually do it. Fantasy, role-playing and fetishism are not out of the question for a purple. Purples, who tend toward passivity, usually enjoy physical intimacy only after they feel safe and trusting with a caring partner. If you want to take the lead in a relationship and explore the kinky side, then purple may be for you.


1. How does it work?

This is a biofeedback apparatus. Our Aura Imaging units produce an electronic interpretation of what we believe the Aura would look like. It does not photograph the actual Aura. There’s nothing that exists which can do this. The camera actually moves through two processes. It takes about 8-10 seconds to take an aura portrait. In the first 2 seconds the Polaroid camera snaps the portrait. In the remaining 6-8 seconds the biofeedback apparatus measures the electrical potential along meridian points of the palm of the hand, then converts that information to an electrical frequency and displays this as colour’s and patterns which are shown directly over the portrait, to show the Aura. The aura photos are brighter than the aura seen by psychics, because we amplify the signal.

2.Is it accurate?

We have corroboration from many psychics. We have developed the camera so the colours seen by psychics who see and read auras match. Usually the colours psychic see are less vivid. They may see more pastel-like colours. We have amplified the colours a bit so we have clear differentiation between the various frequencies of biofeedback inputs.

3.Can I us it for diagnosis?

No. Our aura Imaging technology is not a medical device. It is designed to be used for interpreting the level of spiritual energy. It is useful for documentation, and "before" and "after" photos to show the spiritual energy differences as a result of certain spiritual energy balancing practices or product used, meditation, etc.

4.Who decided what the colours mean?

Guy Coggins, the inventor of the biofeedback Aura Imaging, based his colour interpretations on different electrical measurements. Each colour has its corresponding electrical frequency, which can be measured. Coggins also was inspired by extensive research and writing by Dr. Max Luscher who has done the most scientific studies on colour preference and personality. He was famous for his best selling book The Luscher Color Test. He was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and was very popular during the late 1960s.  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:41 am
Before looking for your aura you need to know what you're looking for, or its like looking for a needle in a haystack. The Aura is actually an energy field that surrounds your physical body. All living creatures have this energy field. Some are wide spread, others are not. It really depends on the person or thing.

The aura is three dimensional, and extends out from your body, so you may see more then one colour at a time. The healthier you are, physically and spiritually, the more vibrant your energy will be, the further the aura will extend out, and the better you will feel. Don't expect to see something right away; it takes practice, practice, practice and a few good guinea pigs. Some people never see colours and are only able to feel the aura. If you find that you don't know if what you're feeling is your aura, then move your hands towards and away from your body. You should feel a difference - if not, go slower and move your hands further. The difference may feel like heat, or simply a slight resistance. Take the time to try this.


1. The first is the Intuitive Manner, which is the method of seeing your aura with your minds' eye. The visualisation is within you. If you close your eyes you can visualise what your own energy field may look and feel like.

2. The second is the Objective Manner, which is the method of seeing your aura with your physical eye. Yes, that means you open your eyes and look at yourself in a mirror and see energy surrounding you. (no negative self talk aloud in this exercise)

There are tools you can use to help you find where your aura is, though tools will require practice and familiarity. Dowsing rods are an extension of your eyes, providing visual clues that you can recognise more easily. They can be made with a willow branch or other traditional wood. You can take a limb that has a fork in it (with the tree's permission) and hold it loosely in your hands. Feel the vibration of the limb while circling around your body. You should be able to feel a difference in the vibrations moving the rod in and out around you.

A pendulum interacts with a particular energy field. You can use a necklace, a crystal, or almost anything that hangs from a string. Place the pendulum in your right hand and circle your body. Feel the difference in your vibrations and see how the pendulum swings.

If you look in a mirror, light a candle and close your eyes slightly and look at your outer self to see if you see any colours. Colours closest to the physical body usually reflect physical conditions, while outer colours reflect emotional, mental and spiritual energies. The clearer and more pastel the colours the better.

Muddier and thicker colours reflect imbalances, or over activity. Dark colours and bright ones indicate high energy levels.

There is often more than one colour in the aura. Remember that when you look at someone else's aura you are looking through your own. So keeping that in mind, you will need to know what colour your aura is before deciding what colour someone else's could be.  



PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:43 am
Seeing Auras

All colours have a uniquely coloured aura of their own that are of a completely different colour. These auras, given off by colours, are denser and far easier to see than any other aura. Using this as a basis, I have designed a simple, graduated training method that has most people seeing an aura the first time they try it.

The auric colours you will see building up from coloured objects are similar in appearance to the after images generated by staring at a brightly coloured shape and then quickly looking at a neutral coloured wall. The similarity in the colours, rather than contradicting the validity of the auric colours of colour, confirms them. Why would they be any different?

You can, in the early stages of learning to see auras, cause an after image that is still seen when you look away. This is caused by staring too hard, and for too long, resulting in colour depletion of the rods and cones in the eyes. With practise, much less effort is needed and no after images are seen, only the aura.

The way the aura builds up is totally unlike the way an after image appears. If, while an aura is building up, you shift focus slightly, or blink, it disappears instantly. An after image does not.

Your are not born with this ability but learn it.


The human aura is an energy field that reflects the subtle life energies within the body. These energies make us what we are and in turn are affected by our surroundings and life style. The aura reflects our health, mental activity and emotional state. It also shows disease - often long before the onset of symptoms.

Close to the skin is the etheric aura. It is seen as a pale, narrow band that outlines the body, usually no more than half an inch wide. It looks like pale smoke clinging to the body. This is the visible part of the etheric body in its contracted state. During sleep the etheric body expands greatly and opens to absorb and store cosmic energy. The etheric is better named the vitality sheath or energy body. After sleep it contracts, forming a dense sheath around the body close to the skin.

The main aura is banded around the body - strata like. Imagine a person with thick, coloured hoops of light dropped over them and you get the idea. These colours emanate from the chakras. Basic energy is drawn up from the planet through the feet and fed into the chakras; much like a plant does with water. Each chakra is a transformer that generates energy of a different type and colour. The strength of each chakra depends on the person's nature and life style. Together these chakras generate the dominant hue of the aura.

The main aura is photo-sensitive; it reacts and expands in light. The aura's chakra system can be likened to a tree. Energy/nutrient is drawn up through the feet/roots and fed through the body/trunk to the chakras/leaves.

Many experts suggest people can be classed by the basic hue, or the dominant colour, of their aura. For example, Blue means a highly spiritual person, trustworthy, honest. Orange means an emotional type of person etc... I have found this to be misleading. The aura is a complex and changeable engine and cannot be judged so simply.

The aura is sensitive to colour. It reacts to the colours of clothing and to that of its surroundings. This accounts for our natural likes and dislikes when it comes to choosing the colours that surround us.

The effect of colour on the emotions is well known and they are widely used in hospitals and institutions to calm agitated people and put them at ease. Pink is the most frequently used colour for this. It is the emotional colour of love and happiness. Watch a mother's aura when she first looks into the eyes of her new baby, and falls head over heels in love. At that special, happy moment, you will see this most lovely of auras in all its glory.

There is a whole science devoted to the use of colours. This is called Colour Healing or Colour Therapy.

It is impossible to get a clear view of the aura through clothing. The auric colours of the clothes react with the person's aura, causing interference that blocks and changes it. For example: A Blue shirt will flood the natural aura with Yellow. Even neutral coloured clothing will block and dim the aura making it difficult to see.


This shows up in the aura in many different ways, sometimes weeks before any physical symptoms. An ear infection, for example, will show up as a shadow over the side of the head before any symptoms appear. This shadow will gradually change into a murky, khaki Green. As the infection takes hold, it will become shot through with Red and Orange flecks. Khaki and murky Green with Red and Orange flecks, is commonly seen with any infection.


When a person is dying the aura changes dramatically. I have observed the auras of people with terminal cancer in the weeks prior to death. First the aura fades and weakens, and then, a week or so before death it expands, changing into a beautiful pale Blue shot through with Silver sparks.


The most common reason people fail to see the aura when they first try is simply the way they go about it. The human aura is not a good training ground for beginners.

This is what usually happens: Your volunteer sits and waits, for a long time, while you strain for a glimpse of their aura. You are trying to relax and concentrate and master a tricky visual technique, all at the same time. You subconsciously worry about what they are thinking of you. Are they getting bored or impatient? Do they think you foolish, a failure, or both? This kind of pressure causes tension that effectively negates the relaxed state needed to see the aura. Trying to get results under this kind of pressure, as a beginner, is next to impossible.

The human aura is brighter around the head area for two reasons:

1. Clothing blocks the aura.

2. The head area is usually bare and is where the YELLOW of intellect is most active. This yellow varies in intensity according to the degree of mental activity.


To see the aura you have to be able to relax and concentrate, at the same time, and there is a trick to focusing the eyes in a special way.

1. You need soft light to train in, not dim, but good soft light. No harsh light shining or reflecting in your eyes! Get a book and cover it in Blue or Red paper. Stand it upright on a table several feet from you. Experiment with the distance until you find what is best for you. Make sure you have a plain neutral background. If the wall colour is wrong, hang a sheet of neutral coloured paper or cloth as a backdrop.

Note: The auras of the colours Blue and Red are the brightest and easiest to see. Blue has a Yellow aura and Red has a Green aura. The brightness and tone of the aura varies with the shade and tone of the colour used, so use bright primary colours.

2. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. When you are calm, look at the book. Focus your eyes on nothing, a little to the side and past it. Gently hold and get used to that focus but don't strain your eyes or tense your eyes or forehead. Concentrate! You need a gentle, steady un-focus, similar to day-dreaming.

Note: When you need to blink, do so, or it will cause your eyes to tense and water. Blink normally and quickly without changing focus, and do not become preoccupied with it. It may cause the aura to disappear for a second, but it will reappear quickly if you stay relaxed and hold your focus.

After a while you will see a pale narrow aura coming from the book. Hold the focus, don't look AT it, soon a bright Yellow or Green aura will start building up from the object. Don't change focus or look directly at it or the aura will disappear.

There is a reason for this strange un-focus. Your outer field of vision is many times more sensitive than the focused area is. Have you ever seen a movement, out of the corner of your eye, only to turn and see nothing there? What you may have seen is an aura building up from something and your outer field of vision has detected it.

3. Once you have completed the first step, gather several books and cover them, each with a different coloured paper. Study these one at a time and write down the auric colour for it. Next try using two at a time, and watch how the auric colours affect each other.

4. Get a pot plant or some flowers and study it. The aura you will see emanates from the living plant and also from the colours of the petals. The Orange hue comes from the green of the stems and leaves. You will also see a more distinct etheric and a shimmering optical effect around them. This shimmering is the energy field or living aura of the plant.

5. For the next step use an animal, dog or cat etc, if you have one. Try and observe them when they are resting.

6. Observe your own aura. This can be done both inside and outside in the sun. Hold your arm out and study it against the sky or clouds. Alternatively, lie down and look at your legs. Make sure the skin is bare when you do this, and remember grass will give off an Orange hue.

7. When you feel proficient enough, try it with a human subject. Just remember not to try too hard. Do it exactly the same as in the original exercise. Get your volunteer to remove some of their clothing and study the bare skin area against a neutral background.

On a human subject, again, the first thing you will see is the etheric aura, like pale smoke clinging to the skin. Next you will see the shimmering optical effect in the air extending from several inches to a couple of feet deep, depending on the strength of their aura. Keep trying and the aura's colour will build up, and out from, the etheric. It will first appear as a narrow band of colour next to the etheric. This will expand slowly, if you hold your focus, until it is several inches or more thick.

8. The brightness of a person's aura has a lot to do with how they feel. If they feel happy and full of life their aura is stronger, larger and brighter. Try playing their favourite music, this will help to energise their aura and make it easier to see.

9. Try it on your volunteer outside. Make sure the sun is behind you and use clouds as a backdrop.

Note: The basic auras of colours are as follows:

· Blue = Yellow aura

· Red = Green aura

· Green =Orange aura

· Yellow = Pale Blue aura

· Orange = Pale Green aura

· Violet =Pale Gold aura

· Indigo =Gold aura

· Pink = Iridescent Green

These colours will vary slightly according to the shade and tone of the colours you use.

It takes practise to see the human aura, so don't be disappointed if you fail, or see very little, the first few times you try. If you managed to see the auric colours of the books, you CAN learn to see the human aura. Using this training method stimulates the forehead chakra, which is responsible for this ability. With use, it will grow in strength, and become progressively easier to do.

I have taught many people to see the aura using this method. The fast results build confidence and keep interest high. This ensures enough work and effort is put in to get the desired results... seeing the human aura.


Have a friend lie or sit in front of a white or black background, preferably naked (skyclad), the lighting should be very dim, so that shadows dance upon the walls or scenery, and colours are not absorbed by the presence of light.

They should remain perfectly still, unmoving and undisturbed. While they do this, you or the member of the circle should centre and enter a light form of trance, be open to astral energies around the area.

- Let your eyes relax, your thoughts fade, loosen your muscles and be open to what you will try to perceive. See the person on the still form of your subject, and try to see or to feel any energy they may give off. Is there a glare around them, a slight line of blurred or foggy colour, lighter or darker than those surrounding them; is there a wave like heat being given off. Concentrate and trust in what you see. Look closely into any bright spots, which may appear as light or just dim variations within the astral body (or aura), the changes or patterns may be subtle at first but with practice and time you will begin to perceive these colours more easily.

Colours of the auras can mean many different things, an emotion, a character, a quality of the person who exudes them, note how you feel; does it attract you, unease you; are you comfortable around the person, does the sight offer you any changes within yourself, take turns letting each person try to view and each person be viewed - find which ones are bright, easiest to perceive, or seen by the most. Also see which ones hold brighter variations of the same colour, and try to find out why there is the similarity.

Once this has been practiced and used effectively, try these exercises to further advance uses of the astral mind and body......

Under usual circumstances we are surrounded by the aura on all sides, it extends just beyond the mortal flesh and is bonded to the physical body. Blindfold one person, and let another walk to within about three feet of the person, see if they can tell when you are near, try to feel it change in the surrounding air, or in your own inner feelings to tell when they have entered the perimeter of the aura, change and try it yourself.

Take a pendulum, and hold it over your hand- (a pendulum may be anything upon a string, preferably lightweight, which is free to move or swing in any direction.)

Try to move energy through your arm and out of the hand, move the pendulum to within about three inches of your fingers, and see if you might raise enough power to cause the pendulum to tilt or swing when it touches the outer layers of your aura. Use the pendulum to check others, to find where the perimeter of the aura lies, tell them to meditate on expanding the aura, and see if it moves earlier than before, or if the movement is less subtle.

Sit facing each other, legs crossed, knees touching, eyes transfixed upon the person before you - each person should use their hand to "feel" where the aura is strongest or the weakest, if a person is ill then there may be a location where it seems the aura has no colour, or may even hold more colour than other parts of the body, the colour in this case is the feel you get from being in contact with the other persons astral form.

Now sit in the same way, still facing, yet in different rooms, with a wall between you, or farther away than before.

One should be the "sender" and the other the "receiver", the sender should try to visualise one of four elements:

FOR EARTH- the sender might visualise a dark cave about them, might feel the weight of the world literally on their shoulders, cool, moist, shadowed, centred.

FOR WATER- deep flowing silk of the sea, drifting them into their own thoughts, cool, moist, healing and emotional.

FOR FIRE- exploding rifts of a volcano, filling the spirit with passion and light, warm, dry, and active.

FOR AIR- the passing clouds, of a bird in flight, carried swiftly upon the four winds, warm, dry, imaginative and vivacious.

The receiver should try to feel which one of these is being exuded by their partner, feel the change in temperature, or the shifting patterns of thought as you contemplate to answer, feel the emotional qualities it offers you and compare what you think with the other, notice any keys which may lead to your decision.


Red - Often seen in Athletes and in young children. Denotes an inner vitality and is usually indicative of good health. These people enjoy lots of social interaction and have a very strong sex drive. Dark reds can indicate touchy tempers, and paler reds have more in common with Pink. Example: Dancers

Orange - Very outgoing, but often have knee jerk reactions to stimuli, both positive and negative. Generally healthy, but can indicate a need to reduce stress. Darker indicates someone living under extreme pressure, an overly aggressive personality, or too much time in the public eye. Example: Politicians

Yellow - Colour of the intellect. Teachers and serious students. Deep yellow bordering on orange indicates someone who uses his intellect to hurt and cheat others.

Green - a loving and trusting nature. People who prefer their home life to any other and around happy parents. Also artists. Lighter green can mean an inflated ego, and deeper to deceitful nature of a con artist. Nature lovers too.

Blue - Natural healer and often seen around herbalists and good doctors. Extremely concerned for the welfare of others and often in jobs and activities that aids others. Paler means deeply spiritual or musically gifted and blue shafts of light rising from the heads of creative people.

Indigo - Highly clairvoyant, gifted in magick and often spiritual. If lower on body, indicates need to change ones outlook on life.

Violet - Rarely seen. The type we'd all like to be. Profound understanding of spiritual matters, empathic.

White - Rare too. Idealistic, dreamy, disconnected.

Pink - romantic nature, at peace with themselves, strong sense of justice.

Olive - Encased in his own negative emotions, petulant often, always searching for gold instead of enjoying the now.

Aquamarine - Sedentary, a little lazy, too much time meditating.

Peach - Rare. Lots of compassion and understanding.

Lavender - Lead a double life, dishonesty, not usually malicious.

Blue-Green - Dreamy person, emotional, thinker rather than a doer.

Turquoise - Less common shade. Deeply analytical, insightful, good counsellors.

Red-Violet - Highly driven toward goals with often conflicts with ethics. Stress related.

Beige - Indicates mediocrity and slow intellect. Not mean bad.

Green-Brown - Often a person afraid of life can become obsessive in a dangerous way.

Brown - Obsessive-compulsive in a miserable or frightening situation. Usually has given up trying to fight their problem and has slipped into a depression that requires medical intervention. In small patches can mean an illness beginning in that region.

Silver - Indicates a person interested in spiritual attainment. Though they often only get it in superficial doses. Also the colour of wisdom and often around elderly persons.

Gold - Very negative in an aura. If localised it indicates a serious illness in that part of the body, otherwise it means a negative personality. One who is violent, dangerous and best avoided.

Black - Rare also. An evil, sick mind devoid of human warmth. Seen in sociopathic people or localised in life threatening illness areas.

All information above found at www.ozwicca.com you can find more information on auras there.  
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