1. The guild is subject to the GaiaOnline TOS and the Rules and Guidelines ~ Please be familiar with those rules.

2. Please keep signatures less than 500 pixels in both width and height, and a size of less than 100k. Failure to comply with this rule can and will get you reported to a GaiaOnline moderator. This is not just a guild rule, it is also a GaiaOnline rule and can be found in the Rules and Guidelines section.

3. Do not post links directly to any form of Adult (PG-13 or Above) Content without giving full warning before hand. Normally such links would not be allowed on GaiaOnline but since this is a Guild we have a little more leeway. The Following quote is from a GaiaOnline Moderator in regards to a post containing a link to questionable Adult Content.
As [this is] a guild, not an open forum, and as there is a warning, I think it's fair. Ultimately it's up to a guild moderator.

This means that while such links may be permitted, the Moderators still have the final say and if they discuss it and feel that your post is not suitable, it may still be edited or deleted.

4. Do not engage in extensively sexual roleplay or "cybering". Discussion of sex is fine as long as it is kept on the level and is a discussion and not blatantly pornographic.

5. Please mind the use of vulgar language. This is a generally PG-13 guild, however, we expect our members to keep others in mind and not post words that may be seen as blatantly offensive. Just try to keep vulgar language to a minimum and behave maturely. Sometimes a good vulgarity is called for, but this is more the exception than the rule.

6. Please respect the other members. You are bound to come across a discussion or topic in the guild that you disagree with at some point. Please show the maturity to walk away and go to another thread. Polite debate of a topic is fine, but verbally attacking another user will get you warned or banned from the guild. Keep flaming to a minimum!

7. Keep an open mind. Prejudice, racism, and bigotry of a minority, subculture, or group are not allowed. Do not make posts or otherwise display content that "bashes" a group of people. This type of behavior is unacceptable and will get you banned from this guild. Trolling = banning.

8. Art Theft is not tolerated in this Guild. Because there is a lot of gray-area on this matter, here is a brief run down of what can be considered Art Theft and how you can avoid, unwittingly, making this mistake:
A. If you know you're stealing someone's art and attempting to post it as your own, you do so at your own risk. You will be banned for this.
B. Editing an existing picture using a program such as Paint Shop Pro and then taking credit for the image is Art Theft. As a general rule the practice of editing a picture is frowned upon unless you are given permission by the artist. Even so, you must still give the original artist proper credit for the image.
C. Simply resizing or light cropping of a picture is okay, as long as proper credit is given.
D. Copying, Tracing, or using a picture for Reference are where the gray areas of Art Theft come into play. If you Copy, Trace, or use another artist's picture for Reference, you may take credit for the drawing itself but you must also give credit to the original artist whose image you based your drawing on. Failure to do so is Art Theft. While this may be a great way to practice and learn to draw, you must always keep in mind that the image you're drawing is not entirely yours.

teh rules were scavanged from many many guilds ~ why author when you can edit? =^_~=

above all, play nice, and do not bite! (unless asked) wink


9. Upon return from attendance of any con, one MUST post pictures from said con. Failure to do so will result in a penalty, to be decided upon by the general membership of the Guild. twisted
All of you Guildies better remember that Ayanami owns you, but that Reiyoko has ultimate control over EVERYBODY!