Alright, as you have noticed..I have specific rules for specific forums and specific threads.

Here in general chat you will obey the following and obey them well, because I do not take kindly to people to disrespect the rules of my guild, especially concidering it is quite new and in need of more updates and members.

Now then...I shall type these rules out, you shall read them, obey them, and start your forums all you wish so you may meet your fellow members and talk to them about anything you wish.

The Main Rules Are:

Number One: Keep swearing to a minimum, I dont mind some words such as a** or anything but certain words should be at a low profile...

Number Two: DO NOT INSULT ANYONE, Respect is a MUST in my guild and if you cannot respect someone, then you cannot respect me. If you cannot respect me, you cannot be near me, there for, you will be kicked out of the guild.

Number Three: Only post Naruto based discussion here that wouldnt fit in the "Anime Manga" discussion, Like if you have a silly question about naruto, or want to talk about the latest games and products. Anything off topic on Naruto goes to the chatterbox!