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Reply [IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]
For the Greater Good [Alfa x Shisi]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:28 pm
AIM Log Between Felyn & Krysin
Ipentshisi & Mchanga'Alfajiri

Mchanga'Alfajiri had once again gotten the itch to remove herself from her territory and travel about the rougelands. After a recent excursion to the jungle, Alfa had decided to stay as far away from it as she could manage. Never again would she step foot in the jungle, simply because the jungle life was not for her.Whenever she got the urge to return home, she was sure that she could chase whichever feline tried to lay claim upon it away. Alfa was no pushover, and her compact body had not a bit of excess fat upon it and was composed completely of rock hard muscles. She was definitely built to endure, but after enduring unfamiliar places, she decided to stick to the more familiar. She loved the grassland area, and simply loved the open space (perhaps she had become a little bit claustrophobic after her experience in the jungle).

The forest that surrounded and protected the Kusini land intimated her, so that when she saw them in the distance she decided to avoid them. She only came so far that she could make out the brown and green of leaves and bark. With a snort she shook her head at the sight and turned to walk along parallel to the forest. Perhaps she could spy some prey and fill a stomach that was currently running nearly on empty. It had been a while since Alfa had a proper and large meal, and though she had found a few snacks during her journey... she was still left with a lingering feeling of hunger. At least no one was around to hear her stomach growl embarrasingly. Alfa knew she would find something eventually. She was a skilled hunter, and her success rate, while not quite perfect, was pretty good. Some creature would become unfortunate soon enough.

Ipentshisi was yet again making her way out into the land beyond the Kusini lands. She was leaving soon, going out into the world to make her first mark upon history and to begin accomplishing the purpose to which she felt she was intended. However, to leap out without some form of surveilance made her almost positive that she would fail. She had been coming out, making small baby-steps. Going a little farther past the boundaries of her home land each time. Soon it would be time to reach the point of no return - but at least Ainra would be coming with her for that.

Breaking free of the foliage with a grace only held by those born to a land where such navigation was required regularly. She flickered her tail, a lioness old enough to make her way in the world, though her journey was still only beginning. Her cyan eyes shifted around the lands she had now seen various times, and though the grasses were a golden color, the larger form sticking out over them was more than obvious to her eyes.

She brought herself up straighter, eye narrowed slightly. The other did not radiate an ease that the first leopardess had - not in the slightest. She would stand her ground, but as young as she was, she was not sure she could win a fight against a fully matured leopardess. Should any threat rise, she'd simply slip back into her forest home.

Alfa was given due reasons to pause in her travel, because she was not an unobservant creature and the presence of another would not go unnoticed. An ear flicked back slightly, yellow eyes scanning over the grasslands to a form of a peachy colour. Alfa had passed many other felines many times in her life, and most of the time she chose to ignore them and go on her way. But, she was curious and bored, and those two together were deadly components. Alfa didn't want to just move on and spend the rest of her day searching for food. She wanted some decent conversation, and if she got irritated by the other she could always leave. Even from the distance that separated she could tell that the lioness was small and young. It would be no trouble to get away if she really needed to. But, she did not assume there would be trouble. The other looked... peaceful enough, if not a little cautious.

So, discarding her natural leopard caution, she turned in the other direction, beginning to make a slow and steady approach to Ipentshisi. It wasn't an aggressive approach, really, because she didn't want to put the creature on guard any more than she already was. She took her time, and when they were close enough to talk... but not nearly close enough to touch, she stopped, yellow eyes cooling observing the long lioness. "What brings such a young thing as yourself away from your family?" She asked casually, unaware that there was a pride nearby. Alfa just considered it rare to see young lionesses on their own. She expected it of young lions, but lionesses? No. They were always sticking around with their family, even if it was just themself and their mother.

Leopards were different, and Alfa had even begun to forget what her parents looked like. She had separated from them and started off on her own as soon as she was old enough to, simply because she could not stand being dependent on them. Alfa did not want to put her life in the paws of others, and so she had been supporting herself through the years. She definitely treasured her solitude, but on rare occassions such as this, she became lonely enough to need some sort of conversation. If she didn't get it, it was no big deal to her. She could go elsewhere easily.

Shisi noted the slow approach of the other, and that small form of caution made her decide that she was most likely in no form of danger. Slowly, she relaxed herself into a sitting position, tossing her head lightly to send the crimson fluff of mane atop her skull flopping away from her face. It was nice to be able to relax instead of remaining rigid, and the ability to do so was quite welcome. However, she didn't lose all forms of weariness. She was still slightly tense, though it'd likely not show unless one was looking carefully for it.

"Family?" she asked with a rather melidous voice, though it was followed with a soft mirthless chuckle. "I've really not go much of a family I can speak of. Many siblings scattered to the wind, most older, and a mother who scarce had the ability to feed us." She smirked, the corner of her innocent little mug curling up. She was not truly that family oriented - she actually really only felt close to Ainra and she was not so sure that was out of her need for family, but more a need of companionship of any sort. It helped that they had grown up together though, of course. "As such, I truly can't say that I am away from my family, but more that I have come away from my homeland."

She dipped her head however, receeding to the original question. "But I am out here, watching the land, for I am.. going to leave soon. I figure it's best to know at least part of the land I will be travelling through before I dive in head first." It was followed by a small roll of her shoulders, a gentle shrug.

Alfa was relieved to see the other's caution melt away, and as Shisi sat down, she did as well. Her tail curled around her legs, the tip of it twitching slightly (as if she still had the need to continue moving). The look she gave Shisi was a friendly one, one that was definitely harmless. She was trying to prove to the other that she was not out to give her any harm. Alfa was hoping that her only intention, to have conversation, was clear. Alfa would not have approached Shisi otherwise, because when there was one lion, there was usually more. Alfa was fine if it was one versus one, but when it was one versus twenty... well, she tended to like to avoid those situations.

Alfa didn't truly feel any pity for the lioness and her obvious lack of family, because Alfa herself didn't have a family at all. She did not even look to her mother and father as parents, and besides, she had not seen them ever since she first set out on her own. That had been... years ago. "It is sad that a lioness would give birth to cubs when she cannot provide for them. Wait, no, I think it's rather stupid. I don't have children because I cannot bring myself to take care of them." Alfa had already begun to like the young lioness, simply because they had a similar position in life. "I can say the same as well, but it is unusual for leopards to band together, and I personally am not one who would favor such actions." Alfa likely would have been driven insane if she was in a large leopard family group.

When Shisi next spoke, Alfa couldn't help smile cooly. "I left my parents around your age, as soon as I could hunt and kill regularly. I think it is good for one's health to set out on their own as soon as possible. But, is that not a regular habit for you lions?" She tilted her head curiously, figuring that her knowledge on lions was a bit incomplete. Not that she cared, really. What did lions matter to her? They didn't, unless they were trying to push her around.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:30 pm
Ipenshisi certainly felt a bit more at ease now that they had settled into conversation. The last reamining bit of unease that had tensed her form melted away, leaving her in a casual relaxed state. Thumping her tail against the ground and allowing it to writhe in a rather snake-like fashion, she let her attention fall onto the leopardess without any worry lingering in the depths.

"Perhaps, but it seems that she has perhaps had more than just my own litter when she could not care for it. I wonder if it has less to do with her decision as it did with someone else's." She shrugged lightly, though she would give no information on her own opinions of who her father was. She was sure he was a god and had begotten she, if not her siblings also, for them to bring justice on a cruel world. She would fufill his wishes, and bring Ainra along - she was afraid her brother was a lost cause. All in all, her mother should have been proud of this burden she had born. "I hope to have children myself, actually, for I need them. I will be ready to raise them, and perfectly capable." Although, the replacement of 'want cubs' with 'need cubs' was certainly strange. She said it casually though, and it was easy to miss.

"I feel that I will be alright without my mother - I began hunting earlier than most would because I had need of finding larger meals than she could bring down for us," she shrugged again, lightly, as if it didn't matter. She had done her duty in Shisi's mind, and for that she thanked her. "But no, females at least typically stay in the lands their mother bore them. Some leave, as I will with my sister, but many stay and continue on the prides."

Alfa was pleased that Shishi was becoming more relaxed in her presence, simply because it wasn't terribly fun to talk to someone who was so nervous and cautious in one's presence. Alfa had no ill intentions, so there was no reason for Shishi to even be concerned. It was only a hindrance to the flow of conversation, so when Shishi began to relax she smiled encouragingly at her. The lioness wasn't that much younger than herself, but Alfa had lived life on her own for a long while. So while their age might've been something they had slightly in common along with their current positions in life, their different lifestyles still made for interesting conversation.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust of the idea that a mother would have cubs and not take good care of them, and also at the idea that it was not her idea to have children. "It might've been, but even if that was the case, she still should have done her best to raise her own children. Just because it was someone else's choice does not mean that she can shirk on her duty as a mother." Alfa really wasn't an opinionated leopardess, so when she began to speak her personal opinion it came as a little bit of a shock to her. Quite honestly, she hadn't expected to have any semi-strong feelings about a subject. She was used to being aloof and rather... relaxed. Alfa almost missed the change of words, but the word 'need' sounded so peculiar that it did not manage to get past her without an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "I have no doubt that you would be a good mother, perhaps when you're older. But, why would you need cubs? I see that there is a purpose to having children, but their are other lionesses out there to have them if you prefer not to." Alfa was definitely curious, and she wasn't the kind of leopardess to try and hide it.

"I'm sure you'll do well without her, at least at your age. You're just old enough to begin living life on your own, and hunting is something that gets easier with time. You begin to realize over a year or two just how stupid prey animals are." She chuckled throatily at the thought, remembering the rare occassion or two when an animal had blindly walked underneath the tree she was sleeping in, making it easy for her to catch them. "Ah, I knew that it was peculiar for female lionesses to leave the pride they were born in. But, I see no problem with it. If leopards ever formed a pride, I would likely not even be tempted into joining it. I prefer life on my own."

Ipentshisi could not help but let a wry smirk curl her maw. She had no problems with opinions, though she was quickly becoming aware that when one did not witness a situation, the opinions could be somewhat different than one would expect. "I don't believe she shirked any duties of her own choice, personally," she said, tilting her head, a sparkle in her eyes matching that amused smirk, "she isn't quite physically capable of doing it. She did, at least, choose a pride in which to birth us. We grew up with help from an older sister, though it was by no means what you might expect to be a normal sort of cubhood." Again, she shrugged, tossing the matter aside. As far as she was concerned, her mother had done the job to the best of her capabilities. That was that, and her mind wouldn't be changed, though she knew that she would be able to provide for her own cubs much more easily.

Ipentshisi's eyes widened slightly, a soft gasp on her maw. "Did I say need? Oh, well," she trailed off, as if she were thinking for a moment, then offered a smile as she continued once more, "need as in.. want strongly. I truly want cubs, to raise as my own, to start my own family. I need a family, and I will have none left but my sister shortly." Oh, there was no flaw in her little act, not in the slightest, but act it was.

"I never truly felt like I much belonged in the pride, myself. I want to explore, to see the world, so I'm leaving." Which was mostly the truth. She did want to explore - but she also couldn't do her job very well while being cooped up in the pride.

Alfa still did not have a high impression of Shishi's mother, and likely the only way it could be changed was if Alfa saw the lioness herself. "If she became pregnant by her own want for cubs, than I do believe that she shirked her duties. Otherwise, I might be able to sympathize, though it would lead me to ask how such a lioness has survived in this kind of world." She shrugged her shoulders, and personally was rather glad that Shishi was taking no personal insult for the sake of her mother. Alfa was merely speaking what she believed, and it would only lower her opinion of the young lioness if she became offended by her words. "At least she managed a few small things that make her... a semi-decent mother." Alfa was being somewhat careful with her words, because truly she did not want to upset the lioness and ruin a perfectly fine conversation. Perhaps it really had been too long since she had sensible conversation with another creature.

Alfa certainly did not see any flaw, because she believed the words that came out of Shisi's mouth. Really, she had no reason to believe that the lioness was lying to her. There was no reason for such a silly action, and it was far more easier to believe that Shisi wanted cubs strongly. "Ah, I understand. You still are a pridal lion, and I can understand that you have a need for family. I am glad that I am without such a need. I don't really think I want cubs, not any time soon."

Alfa nodded her head slowly, once again finding herself smiling at the lioness. "I am glad to see someone who follows their own wants and takes the initiative to make their lives their own. Sometimes lions disgust me by staying in the pride they were born in... merely because it is expected of them. I hope you find your adventures entertaining."

"Indeed," Shisi said softly as she studied Alfa with slightly narrowed eyes, measuring her, taking in the motions and the facial expressions. She certainly was a worthy character, with strong opinions that Shisi could agree with. She was sure this wasn't going to be very common in the world since, well, it wasn't very common even where she was. She often found herself at odds with others. Perhaps Alfa would be different - it never hurt to try at least.

"I do, indeed, plan to make my life my own. I have some very interesting plans I must follow through with and I'm afraid that a pride will hinder more than help," she said softly, tail curling slowly behind her, then unfurling. She realized the conversation had set itself up to allow her to talk precisely about what she wanted to. "But what I plan for myself, for my sister, and for my future offspring will take others besides myself and them."

She leaned forward slightly, one eyebrow lifting as she tilted her head to study the other more carefully. "Tell me, what are your opinions on justice? Do you believe wrong doers truly get what they deserve in this world?"


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:33 pm
Alfa took notice of the fact that Shisi was suddenly scrutinizing her, taking measure of her. It left her a bit puzzled, because she simply had no idea why the lioness would be scrutinizing her now after they had already begun conversing. Alfa had already taken her measure of the young lioness, and found the other's company acceptable. So why was Shisi observing her so closely after they had conversed some? Curiously she tilted her head to the side, a small, subtle movement, but it let Shisi know that she knew the other was observing her closely.

Shisi certainly had Alfa hooked, because once again she was curious with how the young lioness was speaking. It hinted towards something... and that something she wanted desperately to know. "What is this plan of yours that will take you far from the environment you were raised in?" She shifted slightly, her limbs becoming stiff with lack of movement. Her body had lost the feel of relaxing in one spot for too long, because she had been on the move for a while now.

The conversation seemed to become more intimate as the question of justice was posed to her, and it quite honestly took her by surprise. Still, she replied truthfully, yellow eyes carefully observing the other. "I don't believe that every wrong doer in this world gets what they deserve. Justice isn't dealt out to everyone for everything they've done wrong, not from what I've experienced."

The fact that the leopardess was willing to show her that she was aware of what Shisi was doing was enough to make her smirk and relax back upon her haunches. She was observant, she was clever, and that was enough to make Shisi even more confident in her decision to bring this up with her. Not everyone was worthwhile enough to speak about this to, but she felt she'd not regret it with this other.

"Then you and I are of a similar opinion," she intoned, eyes cool and mouth set with just a glimpse of a smirk, "and I feel that I will be able to speak freely with you of this." She brought herself up in a rather statuesque stance, curling her tail around her forelegs. "I believe there are some of us meant to do the gods' bidding in this world, and I feel strongly that I one of these. I'm looking for others to join me in my mission and would be gretly pleased if you would entertain me in listening to what I have to say." Confident that she would listen, Shisi moved on to answer the question the other had originally asked.

"My plans for this world are simple: I plan to be a figure of justice. The gods can not possibly punish all the sinners of this world alone, and I wish to be a vessel through which those sinners meet the justice gods would pursue for them. I want to punish those that would harm, those that are cruel, those that have malicious intentions to the innocent." She paused, nodding slowly as if to confirm what she was saying to herself. This was the first time she had voiced her opinions to another, her plans, and she wished to say it properly. "I want, with the aid of my sister, to create a loyal following that would aid me in this. I feel that the world, sadly, is becoming too kind a place for sinners and wrong doers and it may breed worse in the next generations if there is no one to oppose this foulness."

Something was definitely up, that much Alfa could tell from the way Shisi smirked as if she had come to a conclusion from her observations. Alfa just had no idea what conclusion Shisi had came to, and it was nagging her that she didn't know. Alfa liked to be knowledgeable, even on the tiniest of things, because when someone stupid came around it was always good to be smarter than them. At some point she was going to get impatient with being left in the dark, and so it was probably best that Shisi explain what her intentions were soon.

Finally, though, Alfa could sense that Shisi was coming to the great beginning of an explination that would entitle why Alfa had just been so closely scrutinized. Instead of speaking when she could have, though, she listened intensely to the lioness' words. It seemed... unreal, for her to believe that they had been chosen by gods to do their bidding. Alfa barely believed in gods to begin with, but something about the lioness' words struck home. Alfa would most definitely entertain her, and wait to see what else she had to say. "I would be glad to listen to what you have to say."

What Shisi said was something that she had expected. She had figured the conversation would turn here, with Shisi's earlier questions of justice. But, Alfa was a more realistic lioness, and rarely got herself mixed up in any others business. On top of that, she was a loner, and had never been the type for large groups. "I do consent that there is wrong in this world, and that someone needs to do something about it. But... you? Me? We are young still, female, and how can we bring justice to those who are stronger than us? I want to know how all of this will be accomplished. It's a beautiful idea, but I need to see... how it will work out." Alfa wasn't going to just go along with this because Shisi was a nice, young lioness.

A slow smirk curled her maw at the questions - oh, but they were good ones! It warmed her heart vaguely to see someone who questioned her so strongly instead of just blindly accepting what she had to say. Sometimes there was glory in being able to fool the blind, but to draw strong minds and hearts to her was beautiful by its own right.

"Why not you and I? Sure, we are young, perhaps weaker than others, but in a group we have power." She flickered her tail, a purr on her words as she spoke, "the cubs I plan will be special, in a way. I plan to find a god, for with god's blood comes certain qualities. This will give us an advantage in finding these wrong doers." She paused, watching her for a moment, taking in the effect her words had upon the other.

"I wish my sister, at least, to birth a litter. Hopefully, from her will come sons, and that.. will be the strength in our numbers. It may take a while, sure, but it will be worth it in the end. Sins of others have hit too close to my home to let this continue. My mother, sadly, has suffered through many - and others, I know. I feel strongly about this and I would be very appreciative if you would give me your aid." She paused, a smile on her maw, "I could use another strong mind besides my own."

Alfa once again wasn't the kind of leopardess that would be led blindly along without being well informed of what she was doing. Alfa had a life that could be spent relaxing in the trees, a life of easiness and solitude. If she was even thinking about giving that up, it had to be for a good reason. Alfa's life was fine the way it was, and she wasn't going to risk screwing it up because some young lioness filled with desire and dreams wanted her to.

This was a high ambition that the young lioness was showing to her, an ambition great enough that it naturally made Alfa cautious. It would take some convincing, but at least she was not turning away from the idea. "So you're saying that it will take time for us to reach the strength needed to do what you plan to do. But, if the cause is right, then no amount of time should matter." She nodded her head as Shisi spoke about having offspring with a god. It was a good idea... but what god would get with a mere mortal and produce offspring? It seemed... like a shocking idea, radical idea. Alfa wasn't quite sure what she thought about that.

Silence followed after Shisi had finished speaking, and it looked as if Alfa was considering this, weighing the pros and cons in her mind. "You have my aid, but if I begin to feel as if this is a lost cause, I will go on my own way. I will not give myself completely over to this if I have doubts that it will work. I'm not saying this to be rude. I'm being frank and truthful, for I would not dream of leading you to believe that I will be your loyalest follower. I have doubts, and until they are gone... I'll join you, but for how long I do not know." It was the best Alfa could do, and it was the most Shisi would receive until Alfa had guarantees that this would work.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:36 pm
Shisi's smile curled wider and she offered her a slow nod, tail lashing slowly behind her as she realized that she had hooked the leopardess with at least a strong enough tie to bond her for the time being. She did not expect her to commit to her blindly, not this female at least, but something was certainly better than nothing at all.

"I would expect nothing less of you," she said finally, nodding in agreement with the words she said. "I do not expect you to follow me blindly, not without knowing how this will work or how successful we will be in the time to come, but having your word for the moment is enough for me to feel confident that my cause will grow with your aid."

With a soft sigh, she pushed herself up to her feet, taking the time to glance at the sun as it hung low in the sky. "My sister and I will be leaving come morning. Meet us here?" She turned her eyes back to her, waiting for her answer.

"I am glad that you understand my reasoning behind this partial loyalty to your cause." If Shishi had put up any sort of arguement, the loyalty that she had managed to obtain from Alfa would have been immediately lost. Alfa was not joining to play games with Shisi. Once joining this cause, she expected results. She did not expect them immediately, but in the long run she expected to deal justice to those who had somehow managed to escape.

"I will be here," she assured the other in soft, loyal words. As Shisi rose to her feet, she did as well, resisting the urge to stretch and release the tension in her muscles. She glanced away into the distance, spotting a tree that would make a good home for the night. Alfa would not go far, and when Shisi showed up in the morning, she would be there, silent and waiting to start a quest that may very well last until the end of her days. Part of her was unsure of such a commitment, but up until now her life had been meaningless. She hunted and she lived, but that was it. It had no purpose, it had no direction... not until now. Perhaps that was why she had been so willing to join Shisi... because she needed something in her life, needed to believe that she was living for the greater good of the world.

"Good bye, and good night, Ipentshisi." The tan coloured leopardess turned around, and with a slight inclination of the head she headed off into the distance, towards that lovely tree she had spotted earlier.

Shisi would have liked to say that giving at least one soul purpose in this world was enough for her, but it was not. She did not expect loyalty to the end, undying loyalty, but she expected others to see her way of thinking and to join for her their own reasons. They need not follow her, but the cause, and she expected that. She did not do this for them, but for those out there that were victims to cruelty. Alfa was strong of mind, strong of heart, and she was an ideal ingridient to this.

"I understand fully, and I can promise you that I will show you the results you seek." She dipped her head, her smile fading in her seriousness as she began to turn away. Glancing once back over her shoulder, she called back a gentle "goodnight yourself, Alfa," and then disappeared into the trees. She had a few things left to settle - and then it would begin.


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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